Traple Konarski Podrecki & Partners

News and developments

Changes in food labelling

A ruling of the Supreme Administrative Court confirmed that the use of peel-off labels is, in principle, allowed and that there is no obligation to include all mandatory information on one top layer of the label [1].
08 July 2024

Valid reasons for not using trademarks

Trademarks may be cancelled if not used in a timely manner. However, there are exceptions. A trademark protection right can be retained despite even if the trademark in question is not used if there are compelling reasons to do so.
08 July 2024

Deregulation act – changes for entrepreneurs

The Ministry of Economic Development and Technology has presented a draft law on amending certain laws to deregulate economic and administrative law and to improve the rules for drafting economic law (“Deregulation Act”).
08 July 2024

How to implement the nis 2 directive? Brief overview of required policies

The deadline for the implementation of NIS 2 Directive (17 October 2024) is just over six months away. It is therefore a good idea to start preparations now, including verify whether the organisation has policies and procedures in place to ensure compliance with the new regulation. 
03 June 2024

Exclusion of a foreign contractor from the proceedings

On 15 September, 2023, a judgment was issued by the District Court in Warsaw – Public Procurement Court (case no. XXIII Zs 60/23), which is of significant importance for foreign contractors applying for public procurement contracts in Poland.
03 January 2024
Data Protection

Data act: new obligations on data access

On 9 November, 2023, the European Parliament adopted a compromise text for the proposal for the Data Act[1]. The new regulation is yet to be officially adopted by the Council of the European Union, but the contents of the future EU regulation are now known.
03 January 2024

Consumer law: ai is reviewing your contract templates online right now

At the end of September, the CJEU delivered a ruling stating that where the wording of a provision in a consumer agreement template is equivalent to that of a clause listed as an abusive clause in the register of abusive clauses, this is by itself grounds for invalidation of that provision.
03 January 2024

Less is more? Brief remarks on fraud in court

Fraud might be expected to occur in a bank rather than in a court and the average business enterprise will rarely suspect that it could fall victim to fraud in court. This mistake could cost them dearly.
26 September 2023
civil law

Abusive clauses in it contracts in public tenders

While the subject of IT contracts is mainly dealt with in the laws that broadly make up civil law, there are major restrictions on the parties’ freedom to formulate the wording of an IT contract in the case of public tenders.
05 July 2023

Forthcoming changes regarding online advertising

The EU Digital Services Act (DSA) came into effect on 16 November, 2022. While some provisions in the DSA have already taken effect, it will apply in full from 17 February, 2024.
05 July 2023

When a business party applies for a trademark in bad faith

Applying for a trademark that is identical to or resembles (with respect to a key element of distinctive character) marks held by a different business undertaking once a business relationship has ended is application made in bad faith.
05 July 2023
Data Protection

Dpa decisions imposing administrative fines annulled

Two of the most severe fines ever imposed by the President of the Personal Data Protection Office (DPA) for violations of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) have been overturned in court proceedings.
05 July 2023

The bill on a deposit refund scheme will be considered by the sejm

Following criticism of the last proposal made by the Ministry of Climate and Environment for the bill, a new proposal was posted on the government website on 13 April 2023, substantially incorporating the suggestions made by the market with regard to the previous version. On 6 June, the Council of Ministers approved the draft and decided to submit it to the Sejm to be read and passed.
05 July 2023
criminal procedure

An unwilling (?) witness in a criminal case

An encounter with a criminal procedure can be stressful and you do not have to be a suspect to tremble at the mere sight of a summons to an interview.
05 July 2023