avocado rechtsanwälte

Tim Langmaack
- Phone+49 [0] 221 390710
- Emailt.langmaack@avocado.de
- Profilewww.avocado.de
Work Department
Practice areas: Public Commercial Law, European Law, EU State Aid Law, Restructuring, Privatizations.
Counsel Public Commercial Law; Corporate & Tax.
Following his legal training in Berlin and the admission to the Bar in 1998 he joined the EU Law Department of the German Government Agency responsible for the restructuring of the entire East German industry (former "Treuhandanstalt") after the German reunification. During this time he also completed a Masters Programme in European and International Law and received his doctorate with a thesis on EU state aid law. Within the EU Law Department Tim extensively gave advice on the restructuring of east German industrial state combines using government subsidies. On behalf of the German Ministry of Finance, he also practiced as an EU state aid law advisor to the competition authorities and national courts of the new Member States prior to their accession to the EU.
Before joining avocado rechtsanwälte in May 2008 Tim worked for the European Commissions Directorate General for Competition in Brussels as a case officer. Tim benefits from extensive practical experience in European competition law. He advises German and international investors on site-selection, project planning, state aid notification procedures and the implementation of investment- or restructuring projects vis-à-vis private and public banks, the national public administration, the German government and the services of the European Commission. Tim also is "Senior Advisor state aid" of Invest in Germany GmbH, the foreign direct investment agency of the German Government.
German, English.
Tim studied Law at the University of Hamburg.