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Michael Gayger

Michael Gayger

Work Department

Public commercial law


Partner / Attorney at law Public commercial law, State aid law, Anti-Trust law, European law, Product law, Waste management law


Before joining avocado rechtsanwälte in 2021, Michael worked as a lawyer for an in international law firm in Cologne in the Public Commercial / Regulatory department for several years. Michael’s work focuses on the infrastructure, transport and environmental sector. Michael advises on matters of public funding and state aid as well as on all administrative law and regulatory matters, including antitrust and compliance. Furthermore, Michael is regularly active in product law advice, including (environmental) product compliance, product admissions and product recalls.

Michael regularly represents German and international companies as well as public bodies in court litigation and administrative procedures, both on German and on European level. Moreover, Michael is a lecturer for European state aid law at Bucerius Law School in Hamburg and regularly invited as a speaker on current regulatory topics. Michael has also published numerous papers in his field of practice.


German, English


Michael studied law at Bucerius Law School in Hamburg and at Columbia University in New York/USA. During his legal education, Michael worked for the Directorate-General for Competition at the EU Commission in Brussels/Belgium, for an institute promoting the rule of law in Bangkok/Thailand and for international law firms in Hamburg and Düsseldorf. In 2015, Michael received a doctoral degree in law from Bucerius Law School in Hamburg for a thesis assessing the impact of the European state aid rules on the financing of infrastructures.