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Antitrust law at E+H bolstered by new lawyer

The E+H antitrust team welcomes Felix Frommelt as an attorney who will fortify the practice!

Dr. Felix Frommelt, LL.M (33) joined the Vienna office of E+H as an independent lawyer and substitute on 20 October 2021 and is a member of the antitrust practice group. His main areas of practice are merger control, cartels, and other restraints of competition before the Austrian antitrust authorities and the European Commission. His further areas of expertise include investment control, EU state aid law, and general European law and public law.

Felix Frommelt studied law at the University of Vienna (Dr. iur.) and at the University of Stockholm (Environmental Law, LL.M.). He gained international experience while studying abroad, e.g. at the European University Institute in Florence, as well as through internships at the Delegation of the European Union and the Permanent Mission of Austria to the United Nations in New York and Geneva. He worked as a university assistant at the Institute for Constitutional and Administrative Law at the University of Vienna, and as an associate in another prestigious commercial law firm in Vienna, prior to joining E+H.

"With Felix Frommelt, we have gained a colleague who is very experienced in both antitrust law and public law. Especially in cases where these two areas of law overlap, we will be able to further expand our expertise. We are very pleased to continue the growth of the firm with Felix Frommelt," said Dieter Thalhammer, Partner and Practice Group Leader of Antitrust Law at E+H.