
Philippe Ney

Philippe Ney

KLEYR GRASSO, Luxembourg

Work Department

Employment and social law


Partner - Employment and social law


Philippe Ney is specialised in employment and social law. He advises on all aspects of employment law (litigation and advisory (collective bargaining agreements, issues with staff delegation and joint works council, immigration, labour law questions in relation with restructurings, etc.)).

He also advises clients on data protection matters (audits, GDPR related questions and compliance work, etc.).

He is a lecturer in employment law at the Luxembourg House of Training and is a regular speaker at seminars and training sessions (public and in-house) for both employment law and data protection.


English, French, German and Luxembourgish


Luxembourg Bar Association Employment Law Specialists Association (E.L.S.A.), Luxembourg


Maîtrise en Droit des affaires, University of Strasbourg L.L.M. (Droit international), University of Glasgow


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