Stavropoulos & Partners
At Stavropoulos and Partners we are committed to the creation of a culture that acknowledges the contribution of talented people from all backgrounds and with differing views and experiences. We aim to foster an open and supportive environment in which individual differences are respected and valued, and everyone has the opportunity to excel and feel part of a team. We are committed to principles of equality and diversity and we believe that a diverse team of strong professionals from different backgrounds, with a high degree of expertise and experience, irrespective of gender, race, religion, partner status, is crucial to provide excellent legal services. We ensure that we keep up to date with best practices in the field and we implement programmes that are promoting equality, diversity and inclusion.
At Stavropoulos and Partners we encourage transparency and team work and we follow an open door policy. There is a clear procedure regarding assignment of responsibilities as well as supervision mechanisms. We are receptive to new ideas and we encourage our associates to take initiatives and be proactive. We put special emphasis on continuous training and we encourage rotation. We often welcome law students to our offices and we provide short-term internships.