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Imtinan  Alrwemed

Imtinan Alrwemed

Work Department

Consultation Department


As an Attorney, Ms. Alrwemed specializes in providing advice to a number of our clients in the areas of labor law, investment law, corporate law, banking law, commercial law and civil law.


Ms. Alrwemed holds an LL.B. from School of Law of the University of Tripoli, and is a member of the Libyan Bar Association, currently working as part of our Consultation & Litigation Departments as well as our Intellectual Property Department, providing advice to some of our clients in the areas of labor law, investment law, corporate law, banking law, commercial law and civil law.

Internship in '' Tumi law firm '' for 3 months – 2017 One year training in the legal department of Assaray trade and investment bank ( ATIB) -  2019-2020. A competitor in the ICC moot court competition in Nuremburg -2018 Participated in a moot court in the faculty of law – Tripoli University -2018


Arabic & English


A member of the Libyan Bar Association.


Irish leaving certificate (ILC) ISM school. LLB, school of law, Tripoli University (Tripoli, Libya)


Ability to work under stress. Ability to work as a part of a team. Excellent communication skills.


Related Practice Area

Corporate Law Civil Law Investment Law Labor Law Commercial Law Banking Law
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