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Sayenko Kharenko helps a global top-tier gaming company Yolo Group enter Ukrainian market

Sayenko Kharenko acted as a ‘one-stop shop’ legal advisor to the global top-tier gaming company Yolo Group in connection to its entering Ukrainian market.

Sayenko Kharenko team provided the client with a full-scope support. The firm’s support included, inter alia, applying for and obtaining a B2B services licence from the Commission for the Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries in Ukraine (drafting and filing required documentation, communicating with the governmental authorities and supervising the application process at all stages), tax and legal advisory on structuring the client’s operational (business) model in Ukraine and ensuring the client’s business activities comply with the local Ukrainian labour, corporate and tax law.

Sayenko Kharenko also regularly advises the client on regulatory and general legal matters.

Sayenko Kharenko team was led by partner Alina Plyushch supported primarily by senior associate Roman Drozhanskyi and associates Anastasiia Yermolenko, Nadiia Radchenko; counsel Iryna Bakina and senior associate Olga Kyriusha advised on labour law; counsel Oleg Klymchuk and associate Ivan Chopyk advised on IP; senior associate Anton Kerimov-Varanytskyi and associate Kateryna Mytsykova advised on tax. Corporate and M&A partner Oleksandr Nikolaichyk provided strategic advice in connection with the project.

December 2021, Ukraine

Content supplied by Sayenko Kharenko