Meitar Law Offices
Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity and Inclusion are key pillars and values in Meitar’s firm culture.
We are a living example of a diverse society, with employees from different sectors, cultures and places in Israel and around the world. We are convinced that diversity and inclusion in community and employment are drivers of innovation and creativity, as well as a pleasant working environment. We develop and grow thanks to our human diversity and believe that teams that contain diverse employees and different views are the basis for a productive and successful workplace, where employees are empowered, creative, and able to solve problems and give the best of themselves at work.
In the last years, we have decided to make another leap in diversity and inclusion in the organization. For this purpose, we have made efforts to actively recruit and retain diverse employees in terms of race, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability and geographic/cultural background.
Community Involvement
Meitar | Law Offices has a long tradition of community involvement, assistance to underprivileged populations and provision of legal advice to dozens of voluntary associations and non-profit organizations operating in Israel. The firm focuses on pro bono activity in fields changing and improving Israeli society and advancing and reinforcing future generations. Therefore, we provide pro bono legal services to associations and organizations operating in fields we consider significant to Israeli society and its advancement, such as organizations for the promotion of education, excellence, sports and road safety and entities providing assistance to students, immigrants, persons with disabilities and disadvantaged populations in Israel.
Meitar has implemented a number of initiatives to support and encourage our diversity and inclusion efforts, including through our long tradition of community involvement and of using legal expertise to serve disadvantaged members of society.
As examples of our activities:
- Annual stipends for law students of Ethiopian heritage, which we established 20 years ago in honour of the firm’s founding partner, Zvi Meitar. Lawyers in our firm also provide mentoring to such law students.
- Providing pro bono legal services to “Or Yarok”, the Association for Safer Driving in Israel.
- Tutoring children from disadvantaged backgrounds in Tel Aviv’s Jaffa neighbourhood by volunteers from the firm’s legal team, as part of the “Educating for Excellence” organization.
- Participation in mentoring program of the Ma’ase Center Association, which is active in assisting young people from the socio-geographic periphery to fulfil their potential. Among its other activities, the Association offers its academic graduates a mentoring program by leading mentors from the Israeli economy in a range of professions, including lawyers of our firm.
- Our firm engaged in cooperation with Helpi, an interactive digital platform operated by a non-profit association which matches between people and various volunteering activities. Our employees are encouraged to participate in various activities offered by Helpi during their working hours.
- Our firm provides pro bono legal services to Muzot, High School of the Arts, which operates in Old Jaffa and provides a unique learning environment for youth at risk. In addition, our employees are encouraged to personally volunteer in various activities operated by the school.
- Providing pro bono legal services to Sunrise Association, which holds unique summer day camps and in-hospital programs for children with cancer. In addition, our employees participated in the Association’s “Sunrise Corona Style Race” fundraising marathon.
- Our firm provides pro bono legal services to MAX, an innovative educational program assisting high school tech projects in reaching their full potential and becoming valuable products. Many of the products are aimed at helping people with disabilities.
- Our firm supports the non-profit organization “Hetz Umatara” which operates educational cycling programs for youth at risk.
During the challenging times of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have emphasised community involvement, and members of our staff have taken part in various volunteering activities, such as distribution of food and medication, providing assistance to the elderly, and more. In recognition of our efforts, our firm was granted the “Corona Crown” awarded by the Harvard Club of Israel and the Israeli alumni clubs of the world’s leading universities. The award was bestowed on organizations and companies that have demonstrated special corporate responsibility, concern for employees and contribution to the community during the Coronavirus crisis.
Environmental Responsibility
As Israel’s leading international law firm, we have invested a great deal of effort over the years to reduce our carbon footprint and become a green firm, among other things by properly managing the firm’s waste recycling and its energy, paper and water consumption.
In view of the urgency of dealing with global warming and climate change, we have recently stepped up our efforts to protect the environment, and we continue to implement environmentally friendly practices.