
Franz-Rudolf Groß

Work Department

Energy LawAntitrust Law


Franz-Rudolf Groß has specialised in German and European antitrust law from the start of his professional career as a lawyer. He regularly carries out merger control proceedings before the European Commission and the German Federal Cartel Office and coordinates international notification obligations. He advises companies from all industries on how to organise their supply relationships in compliance with antitrust law, on their cooperation with competitors and other contractual partners, and on abuse-of-dominance cases. Another focus of his work is defending companies in official antitrust fine proceedings and against subsequent claims for damages under civil law.

Franz-Rudolf Groß conducts internal antitrust seminars for companies, advises on the drafting of antitrust compliance programmes and is a frequent lecturer on current antitrust law issues. He has particular industry expertise in the area of energy. Franz-Rudolf Groß has advised various energy providers and system operators on the antitrust law aspects of diverse projects and has co-authored the energy law practice manual "Grundriss zum Energierecht".