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As a certified specialist in employment law, Achim Braner represents domestic and foreign companies in and out of court in all matters pertaining to individual and collective employment law. In particular, he advises his clients on all aspects of employment and service contract law, on labour relations in the workplace, and in connection with the transformation and restructuring of companies. Achim Braner regularly assists companies in negotiating reconciliation-of-interests agreements and social compensation plans. In addition, he represents management board members and managing directors.
Achim Pütz has a wealth of experience in providing German and international clients with legal advice on traditional and alternative investment funds, specialising in the development, documentation and distribution of structured financial products and packaging solutions. He advises regulated and non-regulated institutional investors on their investments in complex alternative investment structures, in particular, hedge and commodity funds, real estate and infrastructure funds, as well as debt and private equity funds.
As a German lawyer and real estate economist (ebs), Achim Meier, coordinator of the Real Estate & Infrastructure sector at Luther, specialises in private sector building law, real estate law and public procurement law. His clients include university clinics, hospitals, building companies and institutional builders. Achim Meier is a proven expert when it comes to providing legal advice during the construction process of complex building, infrastructure and structural engineering and plant construction projects. He provides project development advice and also advises on matters pertaining to architectural and engineering law and on how to structure national and international public contract award procedures (e.g. PPP projects). Furthermore, he represents his clients in judicial and extra-judicial disputes. A particular focus of his work is providing strategic advice, defending and enforcing supplementary claims, and developing claim management strategies.
As a lawyer and certified specialist in IT law, Adrian Freidank advises national and international clients on all matters pertaining to IT, copyright and data protection law. In addition to traditional IT law such as IT outsourcing, IT projects, e-commerce, IT contracts and data protection, his specialist areas particularly include advising on invitations to tender for IT contracts, including drawing up and negotiating the necessary contracts on the basis of the German Supplementary Terms of Contract for the Procurement of IT Supplies/Services (EVB-IT). Another area of interest is property technology (PropTech) and the use of block chain technology for offline applications. He lectures and publishes on IT and data protection law issues, in particular on digitalisation in public administration and on contract law as it relates to the German Supplementary Terms of Contract for the Procurement of IT Supplies/Services (EVB-IT).
Dr Alexander Mönnig provides comprehensive legal advice to domestic and foreign insurance companies as well as insurance intermediaries in all areas of insurance supervision law and insurance contract law, including product design and the development of distribution channels, and also in the field of insurance intermediary law. Further insurance law services are, in particular, the judicial and extrajudicial representation of insurers, policyholders and insured persons in insurance disputes as well as the analysis of the insurance aspects within legal due diligences. In the field of corporate law Dr Alexander Mönnig specializes in the ongoing advice of managing directors and management board members as well as in the legal support for the establishment, restructuring and acquisition of companies. Dr Alexander Mönnig has special expertise in the areas of life insurance, creditor insurance / payment protection, and insurances for accidental damage and warranty extension (e.g. for electronic devices), together with related products. In addition, he regularly renders advice in case of disputes in the field of D&O / E&O.
Dr André Große Vorholt specialises in corporate criminal and criminal tax law, liability law and compliance. He represents companies and individuals in preliminary investigations concerning criminal and administrative offences. Furthermore, he advises companies on recovery issues (enforcement of claims for damages) and, within the scope of M&A transactions, on identifying risks under corporate criminal law. Dr Große Vorholt also advises companies within the scope of prevention on the introduction and implementation of efficient compliance structures. Dr Große Vorholt acts as legal confidant and ombudsman for some of his clients.
Andreas Kloyer advises national and international investors (private equity companies and strategic investors) on mergers and acquisitions (M&A), banking and capital markets, and on the structuring of complex national and international investments. Furthermore, Andreas Kloyer has broad expertise in advising family-run businesses and entrepreneurial families. His very active international practice focuses on Private Equity and investments in the financial industry, the automotive, the technology and the mobility sectors.
Andreas Tüxen provides advice on general company law (corporations and partnerships) and represents clients in (legal) disputes between shareholders or partners. Andreas Tüxen specialises in advising on the sale and purchase of companies and shares in companies, the incorporation of companies and the reorganisation of companies and groups. Another focus of his work is providing legal advice to business founders and investors with regard to financing and their joining and leaving a company. In addition to recording deeds for private persons, Andreas Tüxen in his capacity as a civillaw notary is primarily engaged in drafting contracts and in officially recording share purchase agreements, real estate transactions and property and apartment purchase agreements, the formation and restructuring of companies (especially by way of a merger, division, or change of legal form), and company agreements.
Dr Andreas Blunk provides expert advice in M&A for both buyers and sellers. Besides domestic transactions, he specialises in cross-border projects. As a civil-law notary, Andreas Blunk deals with contract drafting and the official recording of share purchase agreements, real property transactions, the formation and restructuring of companies, and deeds for private persons.
Andreas Mally specialises in private construction, architectural, civil engineering and property development law. He primarily advises on plant construction projects (power stations, waste treatment plants, and starch production plants, amongst other things) and building construction projects (residential and commercial properties), but also on civil engineering and infrastructure projects and real estate transactions. In these areas, his advisory services particularly include carrying out the preliminary structuring of the project, assisting with feasibility and planning competitions, organising and advising on invitations to tender, drafting and negotiating contracts, and providing advice during construction. Andreas Mally is a member of the Association of German Construction Law Lawyers (arge Baurecht) organised by the German Lawyers’ Association (Deutscher Anwaltverein) and a frequent lecturer at seminars dealing with construction/architectural and civil engineering law, for example, with regard to the German Code of Architects’ and Engineers’ Fees (HOAI). His clients include public and private property developers/institutional investors, as well as architects, engineers and building companies.
Dr Andreas Knaul heads Luther’s Ukraine Desk. He focuses his legal practice on regional coordination services for Central Asia (in particular, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan) and the Caucasus (Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia).
Andreas Meyer-Landrut has decades of experience as a corporate lawyer. He primarily advises industrial companies on an ongoing basis on matters pertaining to corporate law, in particular with regard to corporate and capital markets compliance, corporate governance, and matters related to corporate group and co-determination law. This includes, for example, corporate actions, measures under the German Company Transformation Act, structural decisions, and mergers and acquisitions.
Anne Wegner specialises in German and European antitrust and distribution law, including disputes in these areas of law. She primarily advises on matters pertaining to vertical agreements, antitrust damages, compliance, cartel proceedings, merger control, joint ventures, and abuse of market dominance. Anne Wegner has many years of experience in representing her clients in these areas vis-à-vis cartel authorities and in court and arbitration proceedings, as well as in drafting and negotiating contracts. She is particularly experienced in issues regarding the automotive industry, logistics, the building materials industry and the distribution of chemicals.
Dr Annekatrin Veit specialises in all employment, tax, social security, commercial and accounting law aspects of occupational pension schemes. She has extensive experience in assisting with negotiations and with risk analyses in the context of mergers and acquisitions, in harmonising pension schemes and in advising on how to organise the release from liability in liquidations or business successions. She supports clients in all tax matters that involve dealing with tax authorities and tax courts. She also advises on matters regarding statutory and contractual insolvency insurance and provides representation in occupational pension disputes.
Anneleen Hofkens is a Counsel and a member of the Corporate/M&A practice of Luther’s Luxembourg office. She focuses on a wide range of corporate law matters, including mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures as well as corporate structuring and restructuring.
As a lawyer, Dr Arnd Becker primarily advises family-owned business on all matters pertaining to corporate law, and as a notary, he provides legal services to them in the same area. The focus of his work is on transaction advice, as well as on providing advice and legal services during national and international restructurings. Another focus of his work is representing clients in conflicts, in particular, in judicial and extra-judicial shareholder and D&O liability disputes. As a notary, Arnd Becker additionally renders legal services to businesspeople and businesses, but also to private persons, in the areas of real estate, inheritance and family law, in particular within the context of business and property succession. Arnd Becker heads the specialist area “Succession Advice/Family Businesses”.
Dr Arndt Begemann provides legal counsel and notary assistance to medium-sized businesses, large groups and financial investors on all issues pertaining to corporate law. He specialises in the support of national and international restructuring and in assistance during corporate acquisitions and joint ventures.
Providing restructuring and reorganisation advice to companies Assisting companies during debtor-in-possession management Drafting and verifying the plausibility of business continuation concepts and liquidity plans Examining whether debtors are obliged to make a request to open insolvency proceedings and developing insolvency scenarios as a basis for negotiations with banks and other major creditors Defending claims against directors and claims arising from the contestation of transactions carried out by the debtor prior to the opening of insolvency proceedings Advising shareholders and creditors on possible ways to secure assets and protect against risks in the event of a business crisis on the part of a third party
Dr Astrid Schnabel advises national and international companies on matters pertaining to individual and collective employment law and other, related areas of law. One of her focus areas is works constitution law, in particular in connection with the works council’s co-determination rights when it comes to restructurings and staff adjustments, the introduction of IT systems and health and safety at work. Another focus area is advising on the transfer of businesses, on acquisitions and the cross-border deployment of staff. Astrid Schnabel also represents companies in court and before conciliation committees.
Aurélien Latouche is a Partner of the Corporate/M&A practice and heads the Real Estate practice at Luther's Luxembourg office. He focuses on corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, restructuring and insolvency, and real estate. Aurélien has gained extensive experience assisting local and international clients in corporate and debt restructuring, debt and equity financing, and structuring various types of real estate transactions. His real estate experience includes advising investors, developers, and owners on acquisitions, financings, sale and lease back transactions, leasing, property management issues, among others.
The focus of Axel Braun's work is on cross-border projects, corporate reorganisations and other collective law procedures (company bargaining agreements, social compensation plans, etc.). He is the author and/or editor of various reputated publication and regularly speaker or panelist to various organisations.
Dr Mühl specialises in providing corporate and corporate-related tax law advice. He advises domestic and foreign companies as well as groups of companies who operate internationally in all matters relating to commercial and corporate law, paying special attention to tax matters. His work includes, in particular, advising companies and groups on national and international restructurings and also providing advice on the sale and purchase of companies (M&A). Another focus of his work lies on litigation, in particular in the field of corporate law disputes. In addition, he supports and advises high-end medium-sized businesses and business owners on succession planning.
Dr Barbara Schmidt provides advice on real estate law, especially to public authorities and their commercial enterprises. In addition to her ongoing advisory work, this includes providing support with comprehensive real estate projects, including tender-related mergers or restructuring. She advises on transactions, especially in the real estate area, as well as on legal issues relating to liability and compensation, and insurance law.
Dr Bela Jansen has more than 15 years’ experience advising German and international clients on regulatory and (investment) tax issues in relation to asset management and in connection with all types of fund investments. He advises providers and institutional investors on the creation, structuring or restructuring of regulated and non-regulated investment funds and other investment products (securities, real property, certificates, bonds, NPLs, private equity, hedge funds, derivative instruments, open-ended and closed-end funds). He further specialises in advising on the structuring and implementation of pension assets and pension liabilities.
Dr Benjamin Hub focuses on corporate law/M&A, insolvency law and litigation. One focus of his work is legal advice on the national and international sale and acquisition of companies, participations in companies and assets (including distressed transactions), including legal structuring, due diligence reviews and contract negotiations as well as post-acquisition integration issues. Benjamin Hub is particularly active in the maritime and transport industry. In the area of restructuring and insolvency law, Benjamin Hub advises creditors and debtors on restructuring issues and questions of insolvency applications. He also focuses on advising on shareholder disputes and manager liability issues, including representation in court. He is visiting lecturer for private business law at University of Europe.
Benjamin Schwenker specialises in distribution law, in particular in distribution antitrust law. In addition, Benjamin Schwenker also provides legal advice during legal proceedings as well as in the drafting of agreements, in particular with regard to distribution agreements.
Bernhard Burkert advises on all matters pertaining to public real estate and building law, in particular, construction planning law and building regulations. The range of his advisory services additionally includes all relevant ancillary areas, such as building-related immission-control law and monument protection, road and environmental law issues. The focus of his services is on providing assistance with complex land development plan procedures, the approval of building projects, and representation in administrative court proceedings. Furthermore, Bernhard Burkert advises on real-estate transactions in the context of public-law due diligence reviews.
Bob Scharfe is a Partner and heads the Banking, Finance and Capital Markets practice at Luther’s Luxembourg office. He advises banks, multi-national corporations, and private equity firms on a wide range of banking and financing matters, capital markets, structured finance, securitisation and insolvency law aspects, and structuring private equity investments through Luxembourg. He also has solid experience in general corporate law.
Dr Borbála Dux-Wenzel primarily deals with civil class actions, large individual proceedings, and international arbitration proceedings. This includes representing clients in court and managing class actions in the areas of product liability, antitrust damages, capital investment and insurance law, as well as providing advice and representation in matters regarding manager liability and internal recourse. Conducting post-M&A proceedings, both on the part of the claimant and on the part of the defendant, is another important part of Borbála Dux-Wenzel’s work.
Dr Boris Ober advises insolvency administrators, companies and investors on all matters of out-of-court and insolvency restructuring, including in the context of group insolvencies and cross-border insolvency proceedings. He represents nationally and internationally operating companies in asserting and enforcing their rights prior to or during a contractual partner’s insolvency. Boris Ober has special expertise in the preparation of insolvency plans in debtor-in-possession and protective shield proceedings.
Caroline Ackermann provides contracting authorities and companies across Germany with tailor-made, solution-oriented advice with regard to procurement procedures at national and EU level (in particular, procedures according to the German Public Procurement Ordinance) and also represents her clients in procurement review procedures. Having previously been head of a procurement office of the City of Munich for several years, Caroline Ackermann has a particular understanding of contracting authorities’ needs, and of their internal structures and processes. Caroline Ackermann’s advisory services in the field of public procurement law are defined by her specialisation in the following key areas: IT procurement: Caroline Ackermann effectively supports and advises her clients across all stages of IT procurement, from the procurement of customised software solutions and cloud services to IT outsourcing projects. Award of planning and construction contracts: Caroline Ackermann advises her clients comprehensively when it comes to procuring architectural and engineering services and, in particular, general contractor and total contractor services. Catering industry: With a particular focus on the food & beverages sector, Caroline Ackermann helps her clients optimise the process of procuring catering services whilst complying with all legal requirements. Police forces and authorities and administrations with safety- and security-related tasks: Drawing on her experience in the police and safety and security sector, Caroline Ackermann advises public authorities in procurement procedures regarding relevant products and services and ensures an efficient and legally compliant procurement process. Outsourced procurement office: Where necessary, Caroline Ackermann carries out entire (EU-wide or national) procurement procedures on behalf of rural districts, towns, municipalities and other contracting authorities. This helps ease the burden on existing procurement offices and optimise procurement procedures. Publicly funded measures: Caroline Ackermann advises paying authorities when applying for, and receiving, state grants and public funding, for example, for school construction projects. Caroline Ackermann is based in Luther’s Munich office, from where she advises clients across Germany. Advising in German and English, she is also well prepared to deal with matters with an international dimension. Caroline Ackermann trains contracting authorities and companies in seminars and practice-oriented workshops tailored specifically to these clients’ issues and requirements, attaching great importance to catering to the participants’ individual needs. The goal is to not only explain public procurement law in a comprehensible manner but to vividly illustrate it by talking about her own experiences and telling anecdotes, thereby ensuring that all participants enjoy learning.
Carsten A. Senze provides legal advice to IT operators and IT companies in all issues concerning the drafting and negotiation of complex IT agreements, outsourcing projects, and in the areas of IT litigation and IT compliance. He also specialises in data protection law, telecommunications law (regulatory & commercial), as well as legal questions regarding e-commerce, intellectual property rights, and competition law, including legal representation. He also holds periodic lectures on these topics.
Carsten Beisheim mainly provides corporate and M&A advice. He specialises in group restructurings as well as domestic and cross-border M&A transactions. He also advises on certain aspects of energy law, in particular the unbundling of energy network operators, and on complex public sector outsourcing and procurement projects. He focusses above all on the energy sector and the public sector.
As a lawyer and a civil-law notary, Dr Cédric Müller advises and provides legal services, respectively, to national and international groups of companies, financial investors, medium-sized companies and public sector companies in all matters pertaining to corporate law. The focus of his advice is on national and international restructurings and on corporate acquisitions and joint ventures.
Prof. Zanner advises principals on the compilation of application and purchasing conditions, acts as an advisor during complex construction projects when it comes to developing performance-based tendering concepts and drafting contracts and also upon conclusion of the contract when it comes to enforcing and defending changes. Furthermore, he advises principals during the negotiation of contracts, as well as during construction on all issues arising during the implementation of the construction project. He prepares expert opinions on complex building law issues and has many years of experience in working with, and heading, legal project teams. Prof. Zanner additionally works as a conciliator and as an arbitrator.
Dr Christian Horn advises German and international companies on complex domestic and cross-border M&A transactions and joint ventures. His advisory services additionally cover the areas of corporate law, corporate restructurings and business succession. Christian Horn has a wealth of experience in various industries, in particular, regulated and technology-oriented sectors. As a notary, Dr Christian Horn focuses on corporate law and M&A as well as real estate transactions.
Christian Kuß advises national and international clients on legal issues pertaining to IT, copyright and data protection law. He specialises in drafting and negotiating IT contracts, including licensing, IT outsourcing and IT project agreements as well as service level agreements. Another focus area is data protection law, where his advisory services especially include examining the permissibility of future data processing activities and examining and assessing the internal organisation of data protection.
Christian Dworschak specialises in issues concerning individual and collective employment law. He regularly assists his clients in employment law matters during acquisitions and corporate re-structuring, leading negotiations to balance the interests of both parties and to design social compensation plans. He also deals with all matters involving employee co-determination, drafting contracts in accordance with employment law, and changes/termination of employment and/or service provision agreements. He provides both judicial and extrajudicial representation. Christian Dworschak is a regular speaker on topics concerning employment law at various events.
Prof. Dr Christian Burholt is an antitrust partner in Luther’s Berlin office and co-head of the Health Care & Life Science industry group. He has more than 20 years of experience representing German and international clients in antitrust, abuse of market dominance and merger control cases and in leniency procedures, in Germany, the EU and worldwide. He further advises on antitrust compliance issues and carries out internal company investigations. Prof. Christian Burholt also advises on investment control under German foreign trade law (FDI) and on questions of EU state aid law (in particular FSR). He has comprehensive knowledge and many years of experience in the area of health law (pharmaceuticals/MedTech/health care/life science). Christian Burholt is a regular lecturer and author on topics regarding antitrust and merger control law, often in relation to health care and life science.
Christian Brauns advises on matters pertaining to corporate law (in particular, shareholder disputes), as well as on real estate and inheritance law. His clients include domestically and internationally operating companies, listed groups, as well as partnerships, family-owned businesses and entrepreneurs. Christian Brauns also represents his clients in judicial and arbitration proceedings.
Christiane Kühn offers consulting services in international commercial law, in particular on issues of distribution law. Another focus of her work is international insolvency law, where she mainly advises creditors. The combination of both areas of law enables her to always look at her clients' commercial relationships with a special focus on securing and enforcing their claims and to advise accordingly. She also has many years of litigation experience and regularly publishes on current topics from the above-mentioned areas, in particular on insolvency avoidance law. Her clients include companies in the plant and mechanical engineering sector (e.g. from the packaging industry) as well as energy companies, e.g. when it comes to questions concerning the sale of photovoltaic systems. Christiane Kühn is an accredited and tested Incoterms® 2020 trainer, certificate number DE/2019-0105. She holds workshops on this topic and also offers a workshop for creditors.
Christiane Frye's main focus is on real estate commercial law. In particular in the field of building and architects law as well as facility management, she supports clients both in the drafting and review of contracts and in the enforcement and defence of claims. In addition, she advises clients on construction and project-related matters.
Dr Christoph von Burgsdorff specialises in negotiating and drafting commercial and distribution agreements, commercial leases, sales contracts, general terms and conditions and service agreements. Furthermore, he represents the interests of large and medium-sized companies in national and international litigation and arbitration proceedings, especially in accordance with the DIS, ICC and LCIA Rules, as well as in ad-hoc proceedings. Christoph von Burgsdorff has more than 20 years’ experience providing strategic conflict advice and conflict management services. His main industry focus is Health Care & Life Science, the textile industry, logistics and plant construction, and Maritime & Shipping. His clients include medium-sized and large companies, as well as the public sector. Christoph von Burgsdorff regularly publishes papers and articles on current international trade topics and gives lectures on current contract and liability law issues at events organised by industry associations. Christoph von Burgsdorff is an International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) certified trainer of the Incoterms® 2020 rules, having passed the ICC examination.
Christoph Schauenburg’s practice focuses on advising lenders, borrowers and private equity investors on all aspects of banking and finance transactions. This includes the structuring, negotiation and documentation of syndicated loans, acquisition, project and real estate financings, as well as securitizations and other receivables’ financings. Furthermore, he advises on all aspects of corporate bonds as well as non-performing loans and financial restructurings.
Claudia Baur specialises in all issues relating to commercial law, in particular with regard to the national and international purchase and distribution of goods and services. The main focus of her advice is purchase and supply agreements, general terms and conditions (both for B2B and B2C), distribution agreements and ancillary agreements of all kinds, e.g. quality assurance agreements and logistics agreements. In addition to drafting contracts, Claudia Baur also deals with dispute resolution both in and out of court. Claudia Baur’s industry focus is primarily on the automotive supply industry, the textile industry and mechanical and plant engineering and construction.
Cornelia Yzer advises domestic and foreign companies on mergers and acquisitions and on regulatory issues, making them benefit from her many years of experience in industry and in government positions. A particular industry focus is life science and the digital economic. At Luther, Cornelia Yzer coordinates the Health Care & Life Science sector and the practice group Digital Health. Furthermore, Cornelia Yzer advises her clients on all aspects of research funding.
Cosima Flock’s advisory services cover all areas of energy law and of German and European antitrust law (merger control, abuse of market power and administrative fine proceedings).
Dr Daniel Krauspenhaar is a Partner and a member of the Investment Management Group at Luther’s Luxembourg office. He advises domestic, international, and particularly German speaking clients on investment fund related matters. His advice ranges from the corporate and regulatory aspects of fund structuring and set up to the distribution and ongoing operations of regulated and unregulated vehicles. Daniel has also experience in handling financial transactions and regulatory banking matters.
Dr Daniel Schubmann advises on national and international mergers and acquisitions, both on behalf of the seller and the purchaser, and also on privatisations and structuring in the healthcare/public sector.
Daniel Latta advises credit institutions on matters pertaining to bank contract law, in particular in the areas of consumer credit law, payment transactions and the drafting of general terms and conditions typically used by such institutions. Over the years, he has also gained a wealth of experience as a lead trial lawyer in state courts, where he especially represents his clients in disputes relating to corporate, banking and financial law.
The focus of Daniel Naumann’s work is corporate and commercial law. In addition, he also advises on public procurement law. Further areas of interest are private-sector building law and the law governing lawyers’ liability.
Daniel Zintl provides assistance in issues pertaining to individual and collective employment law especially in the areas of logistics and the supplier industry. His specialises in corporate restructuring, corporate constitution law, collective bargaining law, the composition of employment, service, and consultation contracts, as well as legal proceedings concerning asset disputes and resolutions. Daniel Zintl is also a lecturer at the Medical School Hamburg, speaker at various employment law events and author of scientific publications.
Daniela Salm advises clients on all matters pertaining to German and European antitrust law. This includes, without limitation, advising on antitrust fine, antitrust damages, merger control and abuse-of-dominance proceedings in Germany and abroad, advising on how to structure distribution systems, as well as on forms of cooperation among competitors and on licence agreements. She also provides preventive (compliance) advice. Another important part of her work regards advising on how to lawfully structure subsidies under EU state aid law. Furthermore, Daniela Salm advises on all matters relating to German commercial and distribution law.
Denis Ullrich specialises in advising on the sale and purchase of companies and shares in companies (M&A), the incorporation of companies and the reorganisation of companies and groups. His work also includes restructuring and crisis transactions. His clients include medium-sized companies, international groups and strategic investors from various branches as well as private equity companies and entrepreneurs within the framework of succession planning. Furthermore, Denis Ullrich advises shareholders, management board members, managing directors, supervisory boards and advisory councils on all matters pertaining to corporate law.
Dietmar Heise advises large corporations and medium-sized businesses on all matters pertaining to employment law and he also advises corporate bodies and executives on contractual issues. He specialises in advising on employment law aspects in restructurings (transfers of undertaking, negotiating reconciliation plans, social plans and company bargaining agreements), other issues under works constitution law and also matters related to collective bargaining and industrial action law as well as all matters concerning board members, managing directors and senior executives. Another focus of his work is assisting with the employment law aspects of agile projects and advising on temporary employment issues, including differentiating between temporary employment and third-party work on the basis of service contracts or contracts for work and labour. In matters relating to the right of co-determination, Dietmar Heise has advised several works council and supervisory board elections, which included dealing with how to cancel or contest them. His industry focus is retail and wholesale trade as well as the automotive, mechanical engineering and logistics industries.
Doreen König focuses on advising companies, investors and banks in all areas of private Real Estate Law, mainly in the context of Real Estate transactions and developments as well as the conclusion of lease agreements.
Dr Eberhard Vetter specialises in advising publicly listed companies on all matters pertaining to stock corporation and capital markets law, in particular, in preparing and supporting general meetings, providing advice on actions to set aside, advising management and supervisory board members on corporate governance and compliance issues, and rendering advice with regard to D&O liability. Another focus of his advisory services is insurance supervision law. Dr Eberhard Vetter can draw on his own experiences as a supervisory board member and has made a name for himself through numerous publications on stock corporation and capital markets law topics.
Dr Eckart Petzold is Licensed Specialist for Corporate Law (Fachanwalt für Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht) and Head of Luther’s Italian Desk. He assists domestic and foreign investors in their Corporate and M&A activities in Germany and worldwide, particularly in connection with cross-border transactions with a focus on international joint ventures and commercial agreements, negotiating in German, English, Italian (sworn translator) and French.
Ekkehard Hübel provides advice on all environmental law issues. One area of focus of his work is advising electricity cost-intensive companies on how to take advantage of the special equalisation scheme in the German Renewable Energy Act (EEG). This includes the limitations of the renewable energy surcharge for independent parts of companies. Further areas of focus are climate protection law (emissions trading, energy and electricity tax law), pollution control law, water law and "environmental compliance". Providing advice on legal issues relating to future technologies such as unmanned aviation systems and, in particular, drones is also part of his range of services.
Elisabeth Lepique mainly provides corporate and tax law advice to public authorities and publicly owned companies and also drafts budgetary and pricing provisions for public sector contracts. Furthermore, she has vast experience in advising on corporate transactions and municipal reorganisation and participation projects. She focuses on providing advice relating to public facilities and the provision of public services, developing and implementing corporate concepts, and achieving an optimal economic solution for companies with a public participation.
Data Protection Law / IP and Copyright Law/ Commercial & Distribution Law, Product Liability/Product Compliance / IT Law
Eric Sublon is the Managing Partner and the Head of the Corporate/M&A practice at Luther's Luxembourg office. He advises a wide range of international clients on mergers, take-overs and acquisitions, joint ventures, reorganisations, corporate financing & debt structuring, venture capital, private equity investments and management buyouts.
Euryale Didillon is Counsel and a member of the Corporate/M&A practice at Luther's Luxembourg office. She focuses on advising local and international clients on mergers and acquisitions, financings and refinancings, buyouts, and structuring and implementing management packages. She also advises on contractual and data protection regulatory issues.
Eva Rütz advises on all matters pertaining to individual and collective employment law, including international issues, with a particular emphasis on corporate restructuring and transaction advice and on advising companies from the health care industry on matters at the interface between employment law and medical law. In the area of medical law, she specialises in advising the various health care providers (hospitals, university hospitals, statutory health insurance physicians/medical care centres, pharmacists) on the economic aspects of medical law. Eva Rütz heads the working group "Stationäre und ambulante Leistungserbringer" ("Inpatient and Outpatient Service Providers") together with Dr. Hendrik Bernd Sehy.
Felix Schill advises domestic and foreign investment management companies, asset managers and institutional investors on the (investment) tax aspects of the creation, structuring and restructuring of regulated and non-regulated investment funds, bringing to bear in particular his expertise on (investment) tax implications in the fields of corporate/M&A, real estate and renewable energy sources. Felix Schill further advises on the structuring of and on the due diligence review and tax contract  negotiations regarding domestic and cross-border share deals and asset deals. He also has extensive additional expertise in warranty and indemnity (W&I) insurance and bespoke tax liability insurance.
Dr Florian Schulz advises on Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), corporate law, maritime business law and investment fund law. His M&A services especially include carrying out due diligence reviews, providing assistance during the transaction process, and drafting and negotiating contracts, including joint venture agreements. In the area of corporate law, he particularly advises on national and international restructurings and reorganisations. Dr Florian Schulz further advises on investment funds, including, inter alia, shipping, real estate, container and renewable energy funds. He has conducted over 200 lawsuits in his areas of expertise, in particular, post-M&A proceedings, proceedings regarding disputes among shareholders, and proceedings in relation to banking and capital markets law. He regularly lectures on commercial and corporate law issues. He is visiting lecturer at the University of Europe for Applied Sciences for Commercial and Corporate Law. His clients include investors, issuing houses, banks, shipping companies, investment companies, port operators and trading houses.
Florian Schwuchow specialises in advising national and international clients on matters relating to real estate law. In addition to advising on all aspects of commercial tenancy law, his services include providing legal advice during real estate transactions. Furthermore, he advises on legal issues that arise in connection with the ongoing asset management performed by real estate companies and supports clients in judicial and extrajudicial disputes.
Frank Gutsche has been advising for many years with a focus on real estate and corporate transactions and corporate law. The latter includes in particular advice on the formation of joint ventures (corporate and distribution law aspects) in Germany and abroad. His clients include companies from the real estate and industrial sectors with a focus on the automotive and mechanical engineering industries as well as commercial enterprises and companies from the financial and service sectors. A large number of his clients are foreign investors who invest in real estate and shareholdings in Germany or who start or expand their business activities in Germany by founding or acquiring companies.
Dr Frank Seidel primarily provides tax structuring advice to German and foreign companies. This includes developing tax structures for the acquisition and sale of companies, carrying out due diligence reviews, assisting with group restructurings, and advising on large-scale real estate transactions. He also acts as an advisor to non-profit organisations.
Franz-Rudolf Groß has specialised in German and European antitrust law from the start of his professional career as a lawyer. He regularly carries out merger control proceedings before the European Commission and the German Federal Cartel Office and coordinates international notification obligations. He advises companies from all industries on how to organise their supply relationships in compliance with antitrust law, on their cooperation with competitors and other contractual partners, and on abuse-of-dominance cases. Another focus of his work is defending companies in official antitrust fine proceedings and against subsequent claims for damages under civil law. Franz-Rudolf Groß conducts internal antitrust seminars for companies, advises on the drafting of antitrust compliance programmes and is a frequent lecturer on current antitrust law issues. He has particular industry expertise in the area of energy. Franz-Rudolf Groß has advised various energy providers and system operators on the antitrust law aspects of diverse projects and has co-authored the energy law practice manual "Grundriss zum Energierecht".
Dr Geert Johann Seelig is partner in the Service Line IP/IT. He has more than 20 years’ experience on advising national and international clients in all matters relating to intellectual property covering the development of filing strategies as well as litigation, including cross-border litigation and IP-related issues in the context of acquisitions.
Gerd Stuhlmacher is a Regulatory and Energy Lawyer based in Munich and heading the Munich energy team. He is highly regarded for his knowledge in all aspects of German and European energy law, including international trading of electricity, gas and LNG. Besides the structuring of all types of commodity transactions including infrastructure investments, he focuses on compliance with regulatory requirements of the energy market. Gerd Stuhlmacher also has first-hand experience in price adjustment disputes, corporate reorganisations and M&A transactions in the energy sector. He advises German and international energy companies as well as investors, energy traders and exchanges.
Dr Kapteina specialises in matters pertaining to public construction and planning law and any related issues that need to be resolved, including immission control. A further specialist area is advising project developers and municipalities on the laws relating to listed buildings and the laws relating to the protection of the countryside. His clients include well-known and dedicated project development companies as well as cities and municipalities, industrial companies and commercial enterprises, clinics, large-scale retail traders and landowners.
Dr Gernot-Rüdiger Engel specialises in national, European and international climate protection law (climate protection laws, climate actions, Supply Chain Sourcing Obligations Act, emissions trading and German Renewable Energy Act (EEG)), environmental law with all its aspects (immission control law, water and waste law), information access law (German Freedom of Information Act (IFG), German Environmental Information Act (UIG) and transparency laws) and “environmental compliance”. His advice is solution-oriented, entrepreneurial and future-oriented. The latter is also the reason why he advises on all legal issues relating to the use of hydrogen. His services further cover the future topic of drones and he also sits on the relevant advisory board of the Federal Ministry of Transport. He has been instructed to act on behalf of listed companies as well as owner-managed and medium-sized companies from the chemical industry, energy supply, wood-based materials industry, ceramic industry, paper, cardboard and board industry, thermal waste treatment plants and numerous associations. In the Corona-crisis, he protects the production and the supply chains of his national and international clients and their strategic industries against closure orders under infection control law. Dr Gernot-Rüdiger Engel regularly publishes on current topics and gives lectures on current environmental law issues. He is also a lecturer on environmental and energy law (Berlin School of Economics and Law).
Dr Wecker is frequently involved in M&A transactions, joint ventures and venture capital investments. With regard to stock corporation and capital market law the main responsibilities of Dr Wecker include guidance and assistance during corporate equity transactions, ongoing advice of members of the management and supervisory board and preparation and support of general shareholders' meetings.
Grégory Maricle is a member of the Insurance/Reinsurance practice of Luther’s Luxembourg office. He focuses on insurance and financial matters at a national (Luxembourg) and international level (France, Belgium) for institutional, corporate and private clients. He has more than 10 years of experience in advising insurance companies, corporate and private clients in insurance law, construction law and law of personal injury compensation. He also has an experience of litigation on these matters.
Dr Guido Jansen specialises in energy and antitrust law. In the area of energy law, he advises German and international utilities and network operators on all matters relating to the regulation of network access and network access fees, on unbundling provisions, and on how to draft contracts and represents them in abuse of dominance proceedings before regulatory authorities and in court. His activities pertaining to antitrust law include merger control proceedings, antitrust fine proceedings and abuse of dominance proceedings, as well as advising on joint ventures and on how to design distribution systems in compliance with antitrust law.
Guido Dornieden specializes in litigation and arbitration, primarily those involving general economic law, product liability and distribution law. One of his main practice areas is advising German and foreign businesses within the automotive industry and the mechanical engineering sector – on the structuring of supply and distribution systems, the handling of crises due to safety critical product defects and on the enforcement of claims within the supply chain. Furthermore, he frequently represents clients in trials concerning attorney liability and D&O claims the latter in a team with colleagues specialised in corporate law.
Guido Wenzel advises business owners and managers on a vast variety of corporate and commercial law issues. A significant amount of his advisory work concerns classic shareholder disputes and transaction advice. He additionally provides advice on inheritance law issues. In the area of commercial law, he primarily advises his clients on matters pertaining to national and international distribution law. Guido Wenzel is an experienced litigator and advises both medium-sized “hidden champions” and start-up companies. He represents the German Federal Government in legal disputes about export credit guarantees (so-called “Hermes guarantees”) and handles numerous court cases on behalf of a large northern German bank.
Gunnar Müller-Henneberg primarily advises diverse stakeholders when companies are facing an economic crises. This includes advising the company’s management on existing obligations under corporate and insolvency law, advising shareholders and creditors on how to secure assets and hedge against risks, as well as asserting and defending claims arising from such situations. He covers the entire range of advisory services from crisis prevention up to and including providing advice when a company is unable or on the brink of becoming unable to meet its financial obligations or is over-indebted and also during insolvency proceedings. Gunnar Müller-Henneberg’s clients include well-known family offices, who appoint him to handle the “problems” in their investment portfolios.
Hans-Christian Ackermann focusses on advising companies on all aspects of individual and collective employment law, particularly within the context of acquisitions, restructurings and outsourcing transactions, as well as with regard to company pension schemes. This includes conducting negotiations with works councils and trade unions. He further advises board members, managing directors and executive employees. In addition, Hans-Christian Ackermann lectures regularly on employment law topics at diverse seminars, conferences and training events on national and international level.
With over 20 years of experience in the area of M&A, Prof Dr Hans-Georg Hahn is appropriately qualified to cover a broad range of legal advisory services. An important part of his work is providing comprehensive advice to corporate clients and medium-sized family businesses with regard to national and international acquisitions and sales of businesses, advising on MBOs and MBIs, as well as carrying out complex due diligence reviews. As an advisor to the public sector, he structures complex competitive bidding procedures and assists with privatisations and the formation of strategic partnerships. In new/start-up companies, Hans-Georg Hahn sits on various advisory boards, provides assistance with financing rounds, and negotiates shareholder and investment agreements. In summary, Hans-Georg Hahn’s main areas of activity include corporate law (law governing German limited liability companies, stock corporations and groups of companies), corporate disputes, and disputes in connection with acquisitions and their tax aspects.
Dr Helmut Janssen specialises in European and German antitrust law. His advisory services include, in particular, providing preventive advice (e.g. on compliance systems) and defending his clients against antitrust infringement allegations, assisting with foreign and domestic merger control proceedings, reviewing and structuring distribution systems and cooperation agreements between competitors. Helmut Janssen also advises on a wide range of public grant cases (EU state aid law). A further area of expertise is international trade law (WTO and EU anti-subsidy/antidumping law). Helmut Janssen has 20 years of experience dealing with EU institutions. Furthermore, he has authored a reference textbook on antitrust law (5th edition 2015) and numerous specialist and academic publications on antitrust and state aid law. He is a member of the antitrust sections of the International Bar Association, the American Bar Association and of the leading German antitrust and state aid associations. Court-approved antitrust mediator Dr Helmut Janssen is an antitrust mediator approved by the competent German Court of Appeal. As a mediator, he specialises in the out-of-court settlement of claims arising under antitrust law, e.g. for damages, supply and injunctive relief. A procedure before an antitrust mediator offers several advantages. An agreement concluded by the parties in front of a court-approved mediator has the same effect as a state court judgment. Antitrust mediators Rules of procedure
Dr Hendrik Bernd Sehy advises mostly companies that operate in the health care market on all issues pertaining to corporate and medical law, as well as during transaction processes and restructurings. He primarily advises service providers, such as hospitals, medical care centres, large medical practices, and rehab and nursing care providers, inter alia on regulatory and financing issues, and he further advises the public sector on structural measures in the health care industry. Hendrik Sehy also provides advice to start-ups and well-established manufacturers of medical products, for example, when they launch new products or with regard to reimbursement issues. Hendrik Sehy additionally focuses on advising the public sector (inter alia, German states, municipalities and medical associations) on structural measures (in particular in the hospital market) or other regulatory issues relating to the health care industry and on providing support during arbitration proceedings pertaining to social law. Together with Dr Eva Rütz, Dr Hendrik Sehy heads the working group "In-patient and out-patient service providers", which is part of Luther’s Health Care & Life Science industry group.
Henner-M. Puppel mainly advises businesses and the public sector on the overall structuring and implementation of project developments and complex construction projects. This includes realising PPPs as well as public acquisition plans (including third-party advance financing for construction projects and the sale of property with building concessions) and any queries relating to public procurement and contractual law that may arise in this regard. He also provides advice during the construction process, for example, controlling the execution of the construction project, drafting contracts, and dealing with negotiations relating to the construction of the plant (power plants, renewable energy as well as industrial plants).
Dr Henning Holz specialises in providing legal advice to contracting authorities or bidders during public tenders, complex procurement projects or structured tendering procedures. He advises public procurement authorities on matters including drafting tenders, evaluating bids and dealing with enquiries and objections made by bidders. Furthermore, Dr Holz advises and represents contracting authorities or bidders in public procurement review procedures. He also advises contracting authorities and private beneficiaries of subsidies on how to comply with procurement rules in connection with subsidies and deal with EU subsidies. Another focus of his work is providing expert opinions on issues relating to procurement and environmental law. Dr Holz also carries out due diligences from an environmental law perspective in corporate transactions.
Henning Brockhaus has many years of experience advising German and international asset management clients on investment law and regulatory issues. He advises providers on how to structure, set up and distribute regulated domestic and foreign funds and other investment products, as well as advising institutional investors (including investors regulated under insurance supervisory or banking supervisory law) on the acquisition of such investment products. His services further include providing his clients with ongoing assistance with their day-to-day business by supporting their legal departments on an “extended workbench” basis.
At Luther, Prof. Dr Herbert Willems is responsible for public law issues. The range of his advisory services is determined above all by the areas in which he has an academic interest and which he dealt with as a judge at the Higher Administrative Court of Münster over a period of more than 30 years. This includes, inter alia, municipal law, university law, the law governing other public-law corporations, notably the associations, the professional law of the liberal professions, in particular, physicians, dentists, veterinaries, chemists and psychotherapists, procedural law, the legal relations of the German civil service, and constitutional law, including electoral law and state organisation law.
Dr Holger Stappert has always focussed on antitrust law in his work as a lawyer, providing advice to clients during high-profile merger control, abuse of dominance and antitrust fine proceedings at German and European levels. He has for many years provided antitrust compliance advice and carried out internal investigations. As a result of further specialisation, Holger Stappert also has extensive knowledge and many years of experience in all areas of energy law and energy contract law and coordinates the Energy sector at Luther. He is an experienced advisor when it comes to providing transaction advice and representing clients before antitrust and regulatory authorities, in state courts and in arbitration proceedings.
Imke Glücks' areas of expertise in inheritance law include drafting last wills and testaments, contracts of inheritance, planning business successions, and inheritance disputes. She specializes in the field of family law with experience in the drafting of prenuptial agreements, business succession planning, family disputes during separation or divorce, as well as the drafting of separation and divorce settlements. Based in Essen, Ms Glücks is also responsible for notarial acts.
Ingo Erberich provides advice on drafting contracts, especially for the purchase of real estate, and commercial tenancies, as well as construction contracts. His work also includes real estate transactions and the respective due diligence reviews. He also specialises in litigation for commercial tenancy rights and private construction law. His clients mainly consist of foreign real estate investors, project developers, sports facilities operators, insurance agencies, retail businesses, industrial companies and companies from the construction industry.
Ingo Wegerich has many years of experience in the field of capital markets law. He comprehensively advises banks and issuers on capital markets and derivatives transactions (securitised derivatives and OTC derivatives), including related regulatory law issues. He specialises in the preparation of various kinds of debt issuances programmes (inter alia, EMTN, covered bond programmes, structured notes programmes), amongst other things, and advises on the issue (and refinancing) of bonds, including the listing and the follow-up obligations, as well as on transactions regarding registered bonds and bonded loans. With regard to the impending changes to various regulations at the European level, he advises market participants on the implementation of MiFID II, EMIR, PRIIPs, the Market Abuse Regulation and the Capital Markets Union.
Iris Glönkler primarily advises medium-sized and large construction firms on all matters pertaining to building and architectural law, providing legal services as varied as drawing up contracts, providing assistance during construction and enforcing claims for wages or claims for defects in court. Having litigated numerous construction cases, she has a thorough understanding of technical matters, which enables her to provide solution-oriented advice.
Jens-Uwe Heuer-James advises on all issues pertaining to commercial law. He specialises in drafting and negotiating complex contracts, such as plant engineering agreements, as well as claim management. Another focus of his work is advising on product liability and product safety, particularly on special topics such as CE conformity evaluation and technical documentation. His clients are final manufacturers and suppliers from the engineering and electrical engineering sectors, and the consumer goods sector.
Jens Bock mainly advises in the areas of Real Estate and Corporate Law and has worked for domestic and foreign investors and project developers, among others.
Jens Röhrbein has more than 20 years’ experience with tax law, of which over 11 years have been spent in consulting.  His tax advisory services are addressed to internationally operating, listed companies as well as to family-owned companies. The range of Jens Röhrbein's advisory services includes not only assistance with the acquisition, sale and reorganisation of companies but also inheritance and gift tax law, as well as ongoing advice on tax law issues.
Jens Kaiser is an expert in advising foreign real estate investors and developers while entering the German market, with a strong industry focus on logistics. His clients include companies with group structures in the United States, the United Kingdom, Spain and Italy, among others. He also advises public and private developers in Germany, as well as large and medium-sized construction companies and planning offices. His particular areas of expertise are the monitoring of disrupted construction processes as well as the drafting and negotiation of complex construction and architectural contracts, in particular involving general contractors. Jens Kaiser is an experienced litigator in construction matters and in particular for residential property developers.
Jeremy Da Silva Reis is a Senior Associate and a member of the Corporate/M&A practice of Luther’s Luxembourg office. He advises major multinational groups and private equity investors on both domestic and international transactions (mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, private equity), group restructuring or reorganisation and corporate governance issues. Jeremy focuses on Luxembourg corporate and contract law and has extensive experience in the field of national and cross-border mergers and acquisitions and structuring investments through Luxembourg companies, in share deals or assets deals​. He has been seconded several times to the legal practice group of the Luxembourg offices of one of the world’s largest global investment firms.
Jette Gustafsson advises her clients on international business law, with an emphasis on maritime trade law, general transport law (rail, land and air transport, as well as multimodal transport), and forwarding and logistics law. In addition to drafting and negotiating contracts, she also represents her clients in legal disputes before national courts and arbitral tribunals. Her legal practice further focuses on advising on all aspects of digitalisation in shipping.
Dr Joachim Reichenberger is Counsel and a member of the Investment Management Group in Luther's Munich office. He has many years’ experience advising on cross-border designs. In addition to high-net-worth individuals (including many well-known professional athletes), he also advises renowned businesses. He further advises diverse capital investment companies on (investment) tax issues in the context of transactions, and occupational pension providers on multiple restructurings. One of his special focus areas is dealing with matters at the interface between (wage) tax law and employment and (occupational) social security law, where he can draw on ten years’ experience working as a civil servant. In addition, he focuses on providing tax and social security law advice when it comes to carrying out socially acceptable staff cuts, in which context he advises companies on the optimisation and subsequent implementation of social compensation plans. Joachim Reichenberger is a lecturer on diverse tax and social security law topics at Dr. Endriss Steuerfachschule and at HAUFE Akademie.
Dr Joachim Heinemann advises listed and non-listed companies in the fields of corporate and capital market law. He also specialises in assistance with Private Equity / M&A transactions, general meetings of shareholders, and legal challenges.
Dr Johannes Becker advises on matters pertaining to corporate law and M&A, with an emphasis on national and international mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures and corporate restructurings. He has particular experience in cross-border transactions. Having advised numerous strategic and institutional investors on investments, financing rounds and exits, Johannes Becker has also gained profound insights in the field of venture capital and private equity.
Johannes Klausch advises start-ups and international companies on how to benefit from the opportunities offered by digitalisation. Working at the interface between IP, data protection and IT law and in close consultation with colleagues from other specialist areas, Johannes Klausch acts as a central contact for founders and investors. He advises his clients on developments in the field of e-commerce and on the licensing of rights, helps clients steer clear of the legal pitfalls of digital business models, and defends corporate values in trademark and competition law disputes. Johannes Klausch is regularly in contact with Luther’s international Best Friends network and our Asian offices and coordinates requests that have an international dimension for medium-sized and international businesses. Johannes Klausch advises on the protection of intellectual property and regularly lectures on the legal opportunities and challenges that come with digitalisation.
Dr Johannes Teichmann advises on national and international commercial and distribution law and distribution antitrust law. He drafts and negotiates sales agency, authorised dealer and franchise agreements and all commercial agreements along the supply chain, such as purchasing and supply, service, manufacturing, logistics and plant construction agreements, as well as advising on the law governing general terms and conditions. Johannes Teichmann helps clients design and restructure distribution systems and provides assistance in implementing the new German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains (“Supply Chain Act”). In addition, he represents his clients in judicial and extra-judicial disputes. Johannes Teichmann is a regular publisher on distribution law issues, in particular on the law governing general terms and conditions, cross-border contracts, and the consequences of the termination of distribution agreements.
Prof. Dr Johannes Beermann’s legal practice focuses on administrative, constitutional, and media law, legislation, banking, capital markets, public finance and public affairs.
Jörg Rodewald’s services include advising on all issues relating to German limited liability company and partnership law (including representing his clients in court), acquisitions and sales of companies, in particular, distressed M&A situations, mediation services in connection with disputes among shareholders/partners, and handling D&O liability issues (prevention and representation in legal disputes).
Dr Alshut advises clients on all matters pertaining to copyright, trademark and competition law as well as IT law. He specialises in IP law, outsourcing, ERP and IT projects, the development and implementation of property right strategies and also advises on licencing, (online) distribution and XaaS models. Furthermore, he is an expert in data protection, IT compliance and gambling law. Dr Alshut is an experienced and successful litigator, especially with regard to interim relief proceedings. He frequently gives lectures on IP and IT law and also holds workshops and practical seminars, both for clients and at the Martin-Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg, Germany.
Jörgen Tielmann is involved in stock corporation and capital market law. He assists both listed and non-listed companies in stock corporation law and capital market law and accompanies them through the M&A process and during transitions on the capital market. His area of expertise includes the entire bandwidth of stock corporation and capital market law. Based in Hamburg, he also specializes in assistance with general meetings of shareholders, legal challenges, and M&A transactions. He has released various publications in handbooks and articles concerning stock corporation law.
Julian Monden is a corporate/M&A and private wealth lawyer who advises in particular on corporate and inheritance law issues. He specialises in planning and implementing complex business successions and structuring private wealth. In addition to advising on the creation of (family-owned) companies of various legal forms and also foundations, Julian Monden concentrates his practice on drafting complex last wills and inheritance contracts and providing civil-law advice on the transfer of assets inter vivos. As a member of Luther’s Corporate/M&A practice group, he additionally specialises in restructurings, acquisitions, joint ventures and transformations, at national level and in a cross-border context, in particular in the automotive industry. In addition to this, Julian Monden regularly advises on general corporate law issues within the context of corporate housekeeping. Furthermore, he also regularly represents high-net-worth individuals and companies in inheritance and corporate disputes, in and out of court.
Dr Jürgen Bremer advises medium-sized companies and the public sector mainly on corporate law and all other legal issues pertaining to corporate law. Another focus of his work is advising on national and international restructurings and reorganisations. Further, Dr Bremer also advises on various national and international company transactions.
The main focus of Jutta Wittler's work is legal counsel, litigation, and arbitral jurisdiction during the construction process, also in the area of plant engineering. She also teaches at seminars organised for the continued training of specialist lawyers, as well as in respect to the Code of Architects' and Engineers' Fees 2009 (HOAI 2009). She is one of the co-authors of the handbooks "Fachanwaltswissen für die Praxis" (Practical Knowledge for Specialist Lawyers), published by C. Heymanns Verlag, 2006, and "Entwickeln/Planen/Bauen" (Developing/Planning/Building), published by Werner Verlag, 2010. Since 2010 she has been the co-author of the NJW essay on private construction law (BGB and VOB/B).
The consulting services of Dr Karl-Christian Stopp focus in particular on business and tax law issues, accounting issues, audits and valuations.
Karsten Köhler advises public-sector companies on matters pertaining to public procurement and contract law in connection with the implementation of complex public procurement projects. He particularly focuses on providing assistance with plant construction projects in the energy industry (e.g. gas turbine and gas engine power plants) and on advising the housing industry on large investments (projects regarding the construction of new buildings, broadband cable projects, public procurement advice).
Katharina Müller advises national and international companies on digital change issues, as well as on the preparation and implementation of restructuring, outsourcing and staff adjustment measures. She has great expertise in all areas of employment law, with a particular focus on providing employment law advice on mass dismissals, negotiating reconciliation of interests agreements, social compensation plans and collective reorganisation agreements and dealing with the employment law aspects of mergers and acquisitions. In addition to this focus area, she also advises on remuneration and employment compliance systems (data security, health and safety at work, managers’ liability, working with subcontractors and suppliers).
Katharina Klenk-Wernitzki advises and represents national and international clients in all matters of civil litigation, arbitration and alternative dispute resolution. Katharina Klenk-Wernitzki specializes in complex national and transnational disputes, international civil procedure law and international enforcement. She has particular expertise in the resolution of German-Chinese disputes. Another focus of Katharina Klenk-Wernitzki's practice is the coordination of mass claims. She has many years of extensive experience in the development of customized legal-tech solutions.
Katja Neumüller advises German and European companies, including start-ups, on their global expansion. She is specialized in advising her clients on national and international M&A transactions covering cross-border acquisitions and company sales, the establishment and disengagement of joint ventures, as well as corporate restructurings for an efficient corporate and capital structure within the group. Her expertise spans to the structuring and coordination of projects, due diligence processes, preparation of contracts and contract negotiations. A main focus is on cross-border transactions in the Asia-Pacific region, especially China and India. In addition, Katja Neumüller advises foreign investors on corporate law matters when entering the German market either by way of an acquisition or an incorporation. In the past, she has also advised foreign investors on IPOs in Germany.
Dr Kay Oelschlägel is a certified specialist in information technology (IT) law. Based on over 20 years of experience working as a lawyer and his extensive expertise, he advises national and international clients on judicial and extrajudicial matters pertaining to IT law, in particular, when drafting and negotiating software licence agreements with large software producers (SAP (S/4 HANA), Microsoft, IBM, Oracle), IT outsourcing contracts, software supply agreements, IT migration projects and also in contract award procedures regarding IT services. Other important areas of work are data protection law (amongst other things, negotiating with supervisory authorities (notification obligations and administrative fine proceedings), protection of employee data, data protection and co-determination, e-health data protection, outsourcing and cloud computing) and advising on digital transformation projects. Additional areas of advice are e-commerce, trademark, copyright and competition law, as well as press law.
Kerstin Belovitzer-Franz advises national and international companies – in particular, logistics companies and companies from the supply industry – on all aspects of individual and collective employment law, as well as on the related economic and strategic issues. She primarily provides on-going legal advice to companies in the areas of individual employment law, collective bargaining and works constitution law. Kerstin Belovitzer-Franz advises on how to draft employment contracts and on the termination of employment contracts and service agreements. This regularly includes representing her clients in labour court disputes. Her work further includes providing employment law advice during M&A transactions and advising on social security law issues.
Kerstin Gröne specialises in the areas of individual employment law and collective employment law, restructuring and litigation. She coordinates projects abroad and liaises with our network law firms and the central personnel department. As a mediator, she conducts structured voluntary proceedings – mediation proceedings – with a view to helping the parties to resolve their conflicts in a constructive manner.
Dr Klaus Schaffner primarily provides assistance in economic law for communes and other public establishments during privatisations/M&A, participation management, in legal project management, controlling/public procurement law, as well as during restructuring and reorganisation.
Klaus Thönißen primarily advises on the restructuring of companies or groups of companies and the transfer of businesses. In addition to advising clients, his area of responsibility also includes providing intensive assistance in negotiations on the reconciliation of interests and social compensation plans with the relevant employee representatives. His clients include numerous family businesses. Not least because of a one-year interim position as Legal Counsel at Ottobock SE & Co. KGaA, he has extensive knowledge of business processes and, therefore, provides comprehensive, strategic advice.
Dr Konrad Adenauer primarily provides corporate law advice to the public sector and public sector companies. Furthermore, he has extensive experience advising on corporate transactions and on municipal reorganisation and investment projects. He focuses on providing structural advice in the area of services for the public, the development and implementation of corporate concepts and the economic optimisation of investment companies of the public sector. In addition to the above, Konrad Adenauer advises on energy company law and on transactions involving plants that produce renewable energy.
Dr Kuuya Josef Chibanguza is frequently recommended as an advisor to national and international clients when it comes to minimising (product) liability risks in the context of digitalisation (Industry 4.0). In a series of events developed by him regarding "Legally sound project management", he regularly holds workshops, in particular on the question of how to minimise risks in purchasing and distribution. Kuuya Josef Chibanguza additionally advises national and international clients on contract, commercial and distribution law. He has special expertise in dispute resolution, in and out of court, including as an advisor in arbitration proceedings. Kuuya Josef Chibanguza is a member of Luther's South Africa / Africa Desk. He is also Director of the Interdisciplinary Institute for Automated Systems (RifaS) in Hanover. In addition, Dr Chibanguza is co-editor of the "Zeitschrift für das Recht der digitalen Wirtschaft" (ZdiW).
Laura-Jane Williams advises national and international real estate investors in connection with the sale and purchase of commercial properties and property portfolios. Furthermore, she advises property investors and asset managers on all matters pertaining to real estate law, in particular in connection with commercial leases and change order management issues.
He specialises in providing real estate advice.  This involves advising on all areas related to building contract and leases (private and commercial) and includes drafting notarial deeds and executing projects. In particular, he advises on property development projects and the division of existing properties.
Marc Peters specialises in assisting listed companies in all areas concerning stock corporation and capital market law, in particular preparing and supporting general meetings and advising members of the management and supervisory boards. Marc Peters also advises domestic and international clients on restructuring and transactions.
Marc Urlichs specialises in national and international corporate acquisitions and in providing general corporate and commercial law advice, including advice on joint ventures and restructuring and transformation law advice. In this area, he also has experience advising on cross-border mergers of limited liability companies according to the European Merger Directive. His clients include both international groups and German medium-sized companies, as well as public companies (e.g. municipal utilities companies).
Dr Marco Arteaga deals with all matters relating to occupational pensions, including tax, commercial, accounting, insolvency, social security and insurance law and all related actuarial, business administration and personnel policy aspects, which may arise when introducing or designing occupational pension schemes. He further deals with all pension-related issues raised by the involved pension providers and the typical financing instruments, such as direct insurance, reinsurance and collective insurance policies, pension funds, municipal, state and church supplementary pension funds and contractual trust arrangements (CTAs).
Marco Jerczynski advises and represents national and international companies, primarily from the industrial, technology and plant construction sectors, in extra-judicial disputes and in proceedings before state or arbitration courts. In addition to general business law, his legal practice focuses on mass civil litigation and construction disputes.
Marco-Marcel Niebuhr primarily advises on tax law issues, with a special emphasis on the tax aspects of transactions, asset restructurings and property successions.
Dr Marcus Backes advises national and international companies and their executive bodies on restructurings, distressed M&A transactions and all issues pertaining to insolvency law. He provides independent advisory services to assist clients in crisis to prevent and, where necessary, defend themselves against directors and officers (D&O) liability claims. Furthermore, he offers a broad range of advisory services both to companies that are in crisis and to investors and creditors. His daily work includes effectively enforcing creditors’ rights and representing creditors and groups of creditors in insolvency proceedings, including representing them on preliminary creditors’ committees. Dr Marcus Backes has published various articles on insolvency law issues and co-authored the insolvency law commentary published by Dr Gerhard Pape, Judge at the German Federal Court of Justice, and Prof Dr Christoph Uhländer.
Dr Maresa Hormes advises on the drafting and implementation of contracts, in particular, sales contracts and contracts for work and services, supply contracts and logistics contracts. An important aspect of her work is advising on existing contracts and representing her clients in judicial and extra-judicial disputes. She additionally deals with export control law issues. Maresa Hormes is a member of Luther’s Italian Desk and and she is also a member of the practice group Logistics.
Marie Romero is a Senior Associate of the Dispute Resolution practice at Luther’s Luxembourg office. Marie focuses on advising local and international clients on civil, commercial, and administrative litigation cases. She has also gained experience in arbitration, tax disputes, and real estate and construction law.
Dr Marilen Hilbert advises family businesses and their shareholders/partners as well as domestic and foreign groups of companies on all matters pertaining to corporate law. She further specialises in mergers and acquisitions, restructurings and reorganisations, the structuring of property and business successions and in providing assistance with shareholder disputes, in and out of court. In addition, her services include advising on employment law issues. Moreover, she also provides personal advice to managing directors, management and supervisory board members.
Marion Lanne is a Senior Associate and a member of the Banking, Finance & Capital Markets practice at Luther’s Luxembourg office. She focuses on a wide range of banking, finance and capital markets matters. She has also gained sound experience in insurance and regulatory matters.
Dr Markus Sengpiel mainly provides assistance to clients specializing in IT, media, and biotechnology. He has worked with a large number of outside legal advisers in providing his clients with assistance during large transactions, many of which have required several different areas of legal expertise. Dr Markus Sengpiel has written numerous publications on internet and consumer protection law. He regularly lectures on internet, media, intellectual property, and competition law.
Dr Martin Kolmhuber leads the team for occupational pension plans within the employment service line. He also specialises in employment law-related issues during corporate restructuring, with an emphasis on post-merger integration and on issues in works constitutions and tariff law. His work in individual employment law especially deals with contract composition and forensic work in the case of contract termination.
Martin Zackor advises international and national investors in the areas of mergers & acquisitions and private equity.
Martin Hüwel has many years' experience advising German and international clients on asset management as well as investment and insurance supervisory law. He advises both providers on structuring, setting up and distributing regulated and non-regulated domestic and foreign funds and other investment products and also institutional investors (including investors regulated under insurance supervisory law or banking supervisory law) on the acquisition of such investment products and on setting up their own investment platforms. A further focus of his work is providing supervisory law advice with regard to banking and financial services that require approval.
Dr Martin Fleckenstein coordinates the Real Estate & Infrastructure sector at Luther. He advises property companies, investors, builders and project developers, companies from the housing industry and their respective associations and also the public sector, including public sector companies, on all matters pertaining to public real estate and building law, in particular, zoning law including all relevant ancillary areas, such as historical monument protection law, road law and environmental law, as well as public, in particular, municipal, business and procurement law. His services include advising on complex planning and permit procedures, the drafting and negotiation of (partly innovative) urban development contracts and neighbourhood agreements, as well as representing his clients in official procedures and administrative court proceedings. In addition, Dr Martin Fleckenstein is consulted as an expert within the context of legislative procedures and with regard to current legal policy issues.
Martina Ziffels advises domestic and international clients on all matters pertaining to individual and collective employment law. An important part of her advisory services is drafting and negotiating contracts, e.g. employment and service contracts and cancellation agreements. In addition, she focuses on organising and providing assistance during restructurings, on works constitution law, and on the employment law aspects of mergers and acquisitions. In employment disputes, Martina Ziffels regularly represents her clients in court.
Marx Dauth primarily advises corporations and their executive bodies on corporate and group law and represents them in and out of court. His focus is on providing ongoing corporate law advice and support in management and supervisory board matters, in particular on corporate governance and compliance issues as well as corporate law disputes. He has been advising a large number of clients from the energy and insurance sectors for many years.
Dr Mathias Mailänder provides advice on all environmental law issues. He specialises in electricity tax and energy tax law, immission control law, greenhouse gas and fuel emissions trading law, public building and planning law and environmental compliance. He successfully conducts model lawsuits for entire industries in close cooperation with the relevant associations. His legal services include representing companies before the German Federal Administrative, Federal Fiscal and Federal Constitutional Courts. Mathias Mailänder is a regularly published author, writing on current topics, and a regular lecturer on current public-law issues. He has authored a practice and compliance guide on electricity and energy tax.
Mathieu Laurent is a Partner of the Corporate/M&A practice and heads the Dispute Resolution practice at Luther's Luxembourg office. Mathieu focuses on private equity transactions, real estate transactions, and corporate acquisitions. He has extensive experience in advising on the structuring of unregulated funds, the performance of corporate due diligence, the negotiation of share purchase agreements, shareholders' agreements, financing agreements (bank facilities, intra-group loans, issuance of bonds, hybrid instruments), security documents, and guarantees. He also specializes in shareholders' disputes, corporate insolvency, group refinancing and restructuring, and IP structures.
Maximilian Dorndorf advises primarily on all matters pertaining to IT and technology (in particular, software projects, R&D projects, protection of know-how, and data protection), as well as on the protection of intellectual property and distribution law (especially competition and trademark law). He is particularly experienced in handling complex (logistics/IT) outsourcing and innovation projects. Maximilian Dorndorf is an experienced and respected advisor in international contract negotiations, in particular in the context of IT and logistics projects. However, he also provides comprehensive litigation advice (e.g., in defending advertising campaigns, or in proceeding against competitors’ campaigns or against trademark and patent infringements). He uses this expertise to comprehensively advise his clients on all matters pertaining to digitalisation and Industry 4.0. At Luther, he coordinates the Mobility & Logistics sector.
Melanie Verstege has many years of experience drafting and negotiating contracts. She specialises in commercial law, advising private-sector companies in particular on the domestic and international purchase and distribution of goods and services, as well as on dispute resolution, in and out of court. Her legal practice further focuses on national and EU-wide procurement procedures, where she advises contracting authorities or bidders on a wide range of issues at the interface between public procurement and contract law during tendering procedures and helps clients enforce or defend against claims following the award of the contract.
Michael Kunkel provides advice on how to draft contracts, in particular, in connection with real estate transactions, including due diligence reviews from a real estate law perspective, project development, commercial leases and construction projects.
Michael Bormann primarily advises on corporate transactions, joint ventures and reorganizations. He additionally provides advice on general corporate law issues, in particular, corporate governance and capital raising and capital maintenance issues. He has great expertise as an advisor in the areas of energy & infrastructure. Beyond that, he advises clients in the areas of automotive & industrial, and food & beverages. His clients include both financial investors as well strategic clients.
Michael Rinke provides employment law advice in connection with all relevant HR issues. His advice also includes advice regardings turnaround and reorganisation.
Dr Michael Rath is a German lawyer, a certified specialist in information technology law and coordinates the Information Tech & Telecommunications sector at Luther. He is also a Certified ISO/IEC 27001 Lead Auditor. The focus of his advisory services is on IT law, data protection law and the protection of intellectual property. Dr Michael Rath also advises on telecommunications law, assists with tenders and IT outsourcing / regulated outsourcing and the implementation of (IT) compliance requirements. He frequently holds seminars on these topics and publishes articles on current IT and data protection law issues.
Dr Michael Ebert advises primarily in the areas of distribution, automotive, and mechanical and plant engineering and construction. His regular work includes providing contract law advice and assisting with commercial disputes. Furthermore, he continuously supports corporate bodies in dealing with questions of corporate law (providing assistance with shareholder meetings, acting as an advisor in conflicts between shareholders and managing directors, providing corporate housekeeping advice) and he also advises on structural measures (formation of new companies, joint ventures).
Michelle Petruzzelli advises on matters relating to information technology and data protection law. A focus of her advisory services is drafting and negotiating IT contracts, as well as advising on data protection law. Another focus of her work is providing advice on matters pertaining to the law of statements, in particular in connection with social media and job application platforms.
Mirjam Weiße represents clients in criminal and fine proceedings in the area of white-collar crime. Her advice also includes advising on all cross-section issues relating to compliance and conducting internal investigations. Mirjam Weiße advises on the establishing and monitoring of compliance management and risk and internal control systems.
Dr Moritz Mentzel advises German and international companies on corporate law issues and M&A projects. At Luther’s Berlin office, he is a contact for start-ups, founders and investors in the context of financing rounds, among other things, as well as for medium-sized companies when it comes to investment projects.
Nadine Ceruti advises companies on all issues regarding individual and collective employment law, special interest in company pension plans. She also conducts due dilignences regarding acquisitions and litigates in the competent courts
Nicole Bittlingmayer has many years of experience advising German and international clients on German investment and regulatory law. She primarily advises on approval, licensing and registration procedures and on distribution authorisation procedures, on structuring, setting up, managing and dissolving open-end and closed-end real estate funds, on structuring and implementing service investment management company models, and on outsourcing issues, as well as on national and international real estate transactions. Her clients include German and international fund management companies, real estate funds, asset managers, custodians, and institutional real estate investors.
Nicole Fröhlich has more than 15 years of experience in national and international tax law. Her main expertise has been achieved in the M&A sector where she has led numerous projects on tax optimised structuring, restructuring and financing of groups. Her transactional experience includes advising on the tax implications surrounding mergers and acquisitions and real estate transactions as well as due diligence.
Nina Stephan provides legal advice to national and international clients within the field of individual and collective employment law. This includes, inter alia, drafting service and employment contracts and negotiating works agreements, providing legal advice concerning restructuring of companies and redundancy as well providing legal advice concerning employee data protection. Another focus of her advisory services is on employment litigation.
Nina Kristin Scheumann specialises primarily in public procurement law, mainly advising contracting authorities and applicants/bidders on public procurement issues within the framework of EU-wide or national public procurement projects. She also has many years of experience advising and supporting contracting authorities or bidders in public procurement review procedures.
Dr Nora Otoo advises primarily on all matters pertaining to public building law. She further provides advice in connection with real estate transactions.
Ofeliia Assa has gained significant experience advising leading German, Australian, European and U.S. asset managers and credit institutions on tax and regulatory matters with special focus on compliance under the Solvency II regulations, CRR/CRD IV and the German Insurance Supervision Act. She advises clients on the structuring and regulation of foreign investment funds, with particular emphasis on alternative investments, including hedge funds, infrastructure and real estate investment funds, private debt funds, securitisations and alternative UCITS. She is highly experienced in risk exposure optimization and regulatory reporting and compliance, advising global asset managers and financial institutions targeting institutional investors regulated in Europe.
Ole-Jochen Melchior advises and represents our clients in all questions of contract and liability law. Litigation before the ordinary courts is a major focus of his work. In addition, he is active for our clients within foreign trade law in export control and embargo law issues.
Dr Oliver Kairies specialises in assisting and coordinating complex, competitive tendering procedures, privatisations, and restructuring projects. He also coordinates national and international corporate transactions as well as assisting investors, sponsors, and athletes in issues concerning sports law. At Luther, Dr Kairies leads the Health Care & Life Science sector.
Oliver Krall provides legal counsel in questions concerning German and international corporate and economic law. He specialises in assistance to national and international companies and corporations during M&A transactions and restructuring. Oliver Krall also supports national and international clients in ongoing issues pertaining to corporate, general trade, and contract law. He also participates in legal proceedings regarding trade and corporate law.
Dr Oliver Maaz is an experienced China expert who has been providing comprehensive legal advice to foreign companies in China for more than 15 years. He regularly advises clients on real estate and construction, corporate and M&A, commercial, litigation and foreign direct investment. An author of numerous publications Dr Oliver Maaz is also a frequent speaker at events relating to legal matters in China.
Paul Schreiner deals primarily with restructuring projects and collective disputes between employers and works councils. He additionally advises on matters relating to company pension schemes and provides transaction advice. Another focus of his work is group restructurings taking into account co-determination law.
Paul Gooren advises corporate and other clients on all matters pertaining to individual and collective employment law, inter alia, the drafting of employment contracts, dismissals, industrial action, co-determination, compliance, works constitution law, and collective bargaining agreements. In addition to providing legal advice, he also acts as a litigator before labour and civil courts. Furthermore, he has authored various specialist publications.
Dr. Philip Dohse provides legal assistance in national and international acquisitions and corporate sales, complex due diligences as well as MBOs/MBIs. His main areas of expertise include corporate law (limited liability companies, stock companies, group law and partnerships, e.g. limited partnerships). As Dr. Philip Dohse advices most of his clients since years he also specializes in trade and distribution law and complex legal proceedings.
Philipp Dietz is active in the area of Corporate/M&A and advised on numerous mostly international M&A/Venture Capital transactions and joint ventures in the past. In the venture capital sector, Mr. Dietz advises investors as well as founders. He has particular expertise in the field of energy. Philipp Dietz has a clear focus on China and India.
Philipp Glock structures and negotiates venture capital and private equity investments, in whatever form, for national and international financial investors (venture capital and private equity funds, family offices and business angels). In addition, he advises start-up companies and founders from foundation to exit, in particular, on how to set up the business, on how to optimise the business model, on investment and financing rounds, and on the participation of employees. Philipp Glock’s services further include providing advice to national and international companies, real estate funds and entrepreneurial families in connection with classic (M&A) transactions, intra-group restructurings, corporate governance issues, legal disputes and all current corporate law matters.
Dr Honisch provides advice to German and international companies and entrepreneurs in all the stages of business development: whether with regard to the establishment, restructuring, acquisition and sale of shareholdings, as part of a joint venture or when coping with economic crisis situations. His clients regard him highly in this regard as an entrepreneurial “pilot” who literally keeps them on course. They benefit from the expertise he has gained over many years of working with excellent corporate lawyers, insolvency administrators and notaries. In particular, he specialises in so-called distressed procedures. In this regard, his clients benefit from his experience in dealing with insolvency administrations.  He also advises on the restructuring of companies, accompanies them with their insolvency and when defending against liability claims from insolvency administrators. Dr Honisch is a member of Luther’s Italian Desk and with this expert group advises Italian clients on investments in Germany. In addition, he is Luther’s contact person for compliance issues relating to the transparency register. As a lecturer at the University of Duisberg-Essen (Germany) he provides economics students with the legal framework for setting up and developing companies.
Ramona Hubracht is experienced in advising clients on all matters pertaining to the taxation of national and international companies, in particular, value added tax issues.
Raphaël Schindler is a Senior Associate and a member of the Dispute Resolution practice at Luther’s Luxembourg office. He focuses on advising local and international clients on civil, commercial and administrative litigation cases. He has also gained experience in advising on corporate and contract law matters and in assisting employers and employees with employment disputes.
Rebecca Romig advises on national and international commercial and distribution law and distribution antitrust law. She drafts and negotiates sales agency, authorised dealer and franchise agreements and all commercial agreements along the supply chain, such as purchasing and supply, service and manufacturing agreements. Rebecca Romig further advises on the law governing general terms and conditions. She also helps clients design and restructure distribution systems and web shops.
In addition to providing recapitalisation and insolvency law advice (both to debtors and to creditors), Reinhard Willemsen advises on all matters pertaining to commercial and distribution law, especially in connection with the implementation of sales structures, the negotiation of supply contracts and distribution agreements, and dispute resolution in and out of court, with a particular focus on warranty and liability issues.
Dr Richard Happ advises and represents both companies and states in complex litigation and arbitration proceedings. He specializes in arbitration proceedings where a government is involved, in particular, investment arbitration proceedings, and in arbitration proceedings in the energy sector. Richard Happ already acted as an advisor in disputes arising from gas storage and supply contracts, the sale of gas networks, claims for compensation under energy law, the construction of power plants, investments in wind power plants and solar plants, long-term supply and purchase right contracts, and disputes in connection with nuclear power plants. The relevant arbitration proceedings were conducted in accordance with the applicable international rules (DIS, ICC, ICSID, SCC, UNCITRAL) in Frankfurt (Germany), Paris (France), Stockholm (Sweden), Geneva (Switzerland) und Washington, D.C. (USA). He is also regularly appointed as an arbitrator in disputes arising out of joint ventures and M&A transactions (post M&A disputes). In his specialist area, Dr Richard Happ has for years been recommended and honoured in clients’ guides to the best lawyers, such as the JUVE Guide, Chambers, The GAR 100, The Legal 500, Expert Guides and Who's Who Legal. He has written more than two dozen articles and books on the topic of arbitration proceedings.
Prof. Dr Robert von Steinau-Steinrück is an employment lawyer. He advises companies on all matters pertaining to individual and collective employment law. His main focuses are works constitution law, staff representation law and collective bargaining law; restructuring, staff cuts, layoffs; business transfers and employment law in transactions; co-determination and compliance as well as industrial action issues; representation and consulting of executives.
Robert Goerend is a Partner and a member of the Corporate/M&A and Dispute Resolution Practices at Luther's Luxembourg office. He provides legal advice with respect to corporate financing, private equity and real estate transactions, mergers & acquisitions and corporate insolvencies. Robert advises numerous start-ups and provides full scale advice which ranges from the initial structuring over the first rounds of financing to the implementation of exit strategies. His expertise covers e-commerce, IP/IT law and data protection related questions. Robert has expertise in business and commercial litigation with a focus on shareholders’ litigation.
Dr Rolf Kobabe specialises in supervisory law, asset management and funds. In this area, he advises on all relevant regulatory issues, in particular, in relation to the German Banking Act (KWG), the German Payment Services Supervision Act (ZAG), the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG), the German Capital Investment Code (KAGB), the German Insurance Supervision Act (VAG), the German Insurance Contract Act (VVG) and the German Trade Ordinance (GewO). In addition, he assists his clients with all the necessary authorisation and ownership control procedures before the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), with specific organisational and conduct-related obligations, and with drafting the agreements and preparing the documentation for setting up public and special funds of all asset classes. His expertise in supervisory law also includes the increasingly more important questions of law relating to the German Money Laundering Act (GwG). Another focus of Rolf Kobabe’s advisory services is dealing with all aspects of banking contract, banking supervisory and capital markets law. In this area, he has lately represented his clients in connection with the revocation and settlement of loan agreements. Rolf Kobabe advises international and national credit institutions (banks), financial service providers, asset managers, investment management companies, depositaries, issuing houses and insurance companies, as well as capital seeking and capital market-oriented SMEs, up to and including fintechs and start-ups. In addition, he also represents clients in defending against or enforcing claims in connection with failed capital investments. Dr Kobabe also advises on the implementation of the EBA Guidelines.
Rolf Corsten specialises in advising on how to structure or restructure shares and interests held by the public sector under corporate law, as well as on municipal tax and budget law, in particular, the change to the New Municipal Financial Management (Neues Kommunales Finanzmanagement, “NKF”). He has many years of professional experience, including as a head of legal department and as the managing director of a municipal real estate company.
Dr Rut Herten-Koch advises the public sector and its companies as well as private owners, investors, project developers and bidders in contract award procedures. She has a wealth of experience in advising on and structuring complex procedures, be it in construction planning or public procurement law. She also represents her clients before the bodies responsible for the subsequent review of contract award procedures and the administrative courts.
Ruth-Maria Thomsen specialises in providing comprehensive advice to domestic and foreign clients in real estate transactions, both buy-side and sell-side. Her expertise includes asset deals as well as share deals. Ruth-Maria Thomsen’s advisory services range from the due diligence review and the structuring of the transaction to the drafting and negotiation of the contract up to and including the closing of the transaction. Having worked for many years in the area of Corporate/M&A, she has special experience at the interface between real estate law and corporate law and in the financing of transactions. Furthermore, she advises on commercial leases and contract management for existing properties.
Sabrina Desens advises both the public sector and industrial enterprises on all matters pertaining to public law, in particular, environmental and fiscal law. She especially focuses on the area of wastewater and advises the operators of industrial and municipal sewage and wastewater treatment plants and also industrial enterprises on all location-related questions of law, including fiscal issues. Her in-depth knowledge of the industry and excellent network of contacts regularly allow her to find good and sustainable solutions for her clients. Her legal advisory services further include assisting with approval procedures under building and immission control law for industrial plants and power stations. In addition, she supports international chemicals producers when it comes to setting up locations in Germany, including advising them on related public-law issues (licensing, subsidies, etc.) and helping them deal with public authorities. Sabrina Desens is experienced in litigating before administrative courts. She is an author and lecturer on topics related to water and fiscal law, amongst other things, and is a member of the environmental legislation committee of Deutscher Anwaltsverein e. V. (DAV), as well as of the urban development committee of Zentraler Immobilien Ausschuss e. V. (ZIA). In The Legal 500, she is now listed as “Name of the next generation” in environmental and planning law.
Sandra Sfinis advises companies on all matters pertaining to individual employment and works constitution law. This includes, inter alia, drafting service and employment contracts, negotiating works agreements and representing her clients on arbitration committees. Sandra Sfinis additionally advises on the restructuring of companies and on business transfers, which includes providing strategic advice and negotiating reconciliation-of-interests agreements and social plans and assisting with the implementation of staff measures. Another focus of her advisory services is on employment litigation.
Sebastian Fedder advises private and public companies throughout PPP/privatizations and corporate restructuring. Based in Hamburg, he also provides advice during negotiations for the reconciliation of interests or social benefit plans.
Dr Sebastian Janka advises national and international clients on European and German antitrust law. His advisory services cover inter alia M&A/transactions (merger control by the European Commission and the German Federal Cartel Office and coordination of multijurisdictional filings), antitrust investigations and fine proceedings conducted by the European Commission and the German Federal Cartel Office, damages proceedings, and other judicial and extra-judicial disputes (before German courts, the European General Court, and the European Court of Justice), and compliance advice. Another focus of his work is digital business models. Sebastian Janka has been appointed member of the Legal (Antitrust) Working Group of “Plattform Industrie 4.0”, a digitisation project initiated and directed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), leading industry associations, and top-ranking representatives of the business and scientific communities and trade unions.
Sebastian Wuschka assists domestic and foreign clients in relation to complex litigation and arbitration proceedings, with a strong focus on public international law matters (including public international law advisory work). In the area of international investment law, he assists both corporate investors and state-owned enterprises with their investment disputes and is particularly experienced in intra-EU investment matters. Sebastian Wuschka’s expertise further covers questions of public international law more broadly (e.g. international human rights and humanitarian law). In addition to his public international law work, his practice covers commercial arbitration under all major institutional rules, in particular of the ICC and the DIS, as well as the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards and set-aside proceedings.
Selim Souissi is a Partner and a member of the Corporate Law/M&A practice at Luther's Luxembourg office. He focuses on mergers and acquisitions, financings and refinancing, buyouts, and structuring and implementing management packages. He has also gained experience in advising individual clients and HNWI on patrimonial issues. Selim Souissi advises multinational groups of companies, private equity firms, alternative asset management companies, family offices, medium-sized businesses, and individuals. Advising the Altice Group on several acquisitions, restructurings, financings and refinancings over the last ten years, Advising a US- global alternative asset manager on numerous acquisitions, financings and refinancings in France, Italy, Spain, and South-America, Advising single family offices and HNWI on their investments in several countries, Advising medium-sized businesses on restructurings (mergers and spin-offs), reorganisations, and corporate actions.
Dr Yuan Shen specialises in corporate law, employment law and IPOs. She mainly advises German and European clients on the incorporation of companies, joint ventures and employment law issues in China. Another focus of her work is advising Chinese companies on their investments in Europe.
Silvia C. Bauer specialises in assistance pertaining to data privacy. She conducts data privacy audits and advises national and international companies on the organisation of their data protection and the safeguarding of data protection compliance. Her field of activity comprises support regarding the implementation of the requirements of the European General Data Protection Regulation, the examination of the admissibility of data handling, outsourcing or implementation of cloud based IT-systems, the legitimacy of data transfer in international company groups, the drafting and negotiation of contracts and works agreement with regard to data privacy, the drafting of leaflets on data privacy or data privacy guidelines. Furthermore, Silvia C. Bauer acts as external Data Security Officer for various national and international companies and company groups, is Data Security Officer at Luther and is a guest lecturer at numerous events related to data protection and IT law. She regularly publishes articles regarding data protection issues in various journals.
Dr Stefan Altenschmidt’s specialist areas are environmental, planning and regulatory law. He advises companies and trade associations, in particular, on environmental law, climate protection and emissions trading law as well as planning law. He represents his clients at national administrative and constitutional courts and at the European Court of Justice. Dr Stefan Altenschmidt regularly holds seminars and publishes articles relating to environmental and energy law, including as co-author of the commentaries on the German Renewable Energy Act, the Water Resources Act and the Federal Immission Control Act from the Berlin Commentaries series and the Emissions Trading Practice Manual and as co-editor of the Green Building Practice Manual.
Stefan Mager's consulting is solution-oriented, entrepreneurial and future-oriented. He advises large-volume construction contracts, complex IT projects as well as on the EU-wide and national award of contracts for the procurement of goods and services. Together with his team, he advises on the structuring of tendering procedures and provides full-service support (from the announcement, to the award of the contract and the documentation) from one source. In particular, he specialises in advising public utility companies and public safety authorities and organisations. He helps bidders in review proceedings enforce procedures to ensure they are error-free from a legal perspective. With regard to EU state aid law, Stefan Mager has many years' experience dealing with issues relating to “services of general economic interest” (SGEI) and the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER). In this context, he regularly heads up Luther's team of advisors in large urban development projects.
Dr Stefan Kobes advises on all matters pertaining to building planning and environmental law, in particular in the context of planning approval procedures, the preparation of development plans, the enforcement of permits under building and immission control law, the removal of contaminated sites and disposal of waste, emissions trading issues and the energy transition, as well as the obligation to maintain the required distances under major-accidents law. His clients include companies from energy-intensive industries, such as the ceramics, paper, and wood materials industries. In addition, he acts as an advisor to builders, project developers, property owners, industrial associations and the public sector, in particular, corporations and institutions, federal enterprises and public utilities. Stefan Kobes is a member of the Environmental Committee of the Berlin Chamber of Commerce and Industry, of Gesellschaft für Umweltrecht (a German environmental law society), and of Ingenieurtechnischer Verband für Altlastenmanagement und Flächenrecycling (ITVA) (a German association that is concerned with contaminated sites and the recycling of land). From 2003, he was for 15 years a member of the Secretariat of the “Working Group on Emissions Trading to Combat Greenhouse Gases” of the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, which worked on the introduction of emissions trading in Germany.
As a lawyer and a notary, Stefan Galla respectively advises and provides legal services to medium-sized businesses, large groups and financial investors in all matters pertaining to corporate law. The focus of his advice is on national and international restructurings, including all associated corporate law issues, and on corporate acquisitions and international joint ventures.
Dr Stefanie Hellmich specialises in IT and data protection law and the protection of industrial property rights. She advises companies on questions of law related to digitalisation and helps them draft and negotiate contractual and business terms and conditions. In the area of FinTech, this includes, in particular, providing advice on outsourcing projects, cooperation agreements and platforms. In the area of data protection law, Stefanie Hellmich provides comprehensive assistance with implementing the EU General Data Protection Regulation and with data protection compliance issues, including international data transfers.
Steffen Häberer focusses on advising the public sector and public-sector companies on matters pertaining to public procurement law. In this context, he primarily advises on how to organize Europe-wide calls for tenders and assists with the examination of complex public procurement law issues. In addition, he represents his clients in post-award review proceedings. Steffen Häberer has a wealth of experience in assisting with the award of service contracts and concessions, in particular in the area of network-bound supply, such as telecommunications/broadband and energy.
Dr Steffen Gaber provides national and international contract, commercial and distribution law advice, his industry focus being the automotive supply industry and the textile industry. As the coordinator of Luther’s Mobility & Logistics sector and as a team member of the practice group Complex Disputes, he advises in particular on the judicial assertion and defence of claims arising from the aforementioned types of contracts (especially warranty, liability and damage issues). His work focuses on supplier disputes from the automotive industry, in which he represents his clients both in and out of court if necessary in the event of a legal dispute. In addition, Dr Gaber also provides comprehensive advice on all matters relating to distribution law (sales agents, authorised dealers, resellers, franchises). Also within this spectrum, he represents both wholesalers and manufacturers equally in extrajudicial and judicial disputes concerning distribution contracts (commission, termination, compensation claims, damages, etc.). Furthermore, Dr Gaber regularly provides advice on the introduction of (new) products in the German and European markets. In addition to drafting national and/or international distribution systems, his advisory services also focus on contracts with consumers (drafting of B2C terms and conditions).
Stephan Gittermann advises national and international businesses and their executive bodies on all issues pertaining to stock corporation and capital markets law. He advises on public takeovers, capital increases, squeeze-outs, general shareholder meetings and bond issues. Stephan Gittermann also advises on corporate acquisitions and joint ventures. He has co-authored a renowned guide for supervisory board members and a legal commentary on supervisory boards.
Stephan Bausch advises and assists companies prior to and during court and arbitration proceedings and when resolving disputes out of court. Especially in the context of impending mass proceedings, Stephan Bausch works with his clients to determine the appropriate defence strategies. Furthermore, he focuses on cross-border disputes with an emphasis on private international and international civil procedural law. Stephan Bausch helps companies secure their claims by obtaining a preliminary injunction, as well as enforcing the claims.
The focus area of Stephan Finck’s advisory activities is the structuring, planning and implementation of complex real estate projects and the associated comprehensive advisory services, in particular in the areas of architectural, private building and public procurement law. Due to his project experience, he always bears in mind the relevant public building law issues and important aspects regarding the structuring of project companies, as well as subsidies, financing, state aid and operations. Due to his in-depth knowledge of the market on both the client and the contractor side, his particular strength lies in his ability to draft and negotiate practicable contracts that take all parties’ interests into account.
Dr Stephan Rippert advises on international and national transactions and joint ventures. This involves acting as an advisor throughout the transaction process. In addition, he advises companies from the media/IT, energy and life science industries on commercial and regulatory issues. He also holds a supervisory board mandate in an international group as well as in an international association, and has a very active international advisory practice, mainly in the TMT, Energy and Life Science sectors.
Dr Stephan Götze primarily advises and represents private companies and contracting authorities in matters pertaining to private building and architectural law, public procurement law and contract law in the defence and security and information technology sectors. He has special expertise in developing strategic concepts for projects, in providing advice and assistance with the negotiation and implementation of contracts in the course of projects and in handling legal disputes. He is a proven expert when it comes to acting as an advisor during the implementation of complex building, infrastructure and plant construction projects. A focus area of his services is providing advice in connection with (procurement) projects of the public sector, in particular in the infrastructure, defence and security, information technology and health care industries. In this context, he advises his clients at the interface to public procurement law on all aspects of contract and procedural law. This also includes strategically structuring and drafting contractual documents and conducting contract negotiations, as well as representing his clients after the completion of the contract award procedures in the defence and enforcement of additional claims (claim management), including enforcing claims in court (post-tender litigation).
Dr Stephen Lampert’s legal practice focuses on public procurement, constitutional and economic administrative as well as public media law.
Susanne Burkert-Vavilova's practice focuses on individual labor law, corporate restructuring and corporate co-determination.
Dr Thomas Halberkamp specialises in national and cross-border transaction processes, including subsequent post-acquisition integration. Assistance provided throughout buy-out transactions (MBO, MBI, LBO) is an increasingly significant part of the services which he provides.
Thomas Weidlich advises on national and international acquisitions and divestments, joint ventures and the restructuring of companies. This includes advising on the entire transaction process, from the structuring of the transaction and complex due diligence procedures to contract negotiations and financing advice. Furthermore, Thomas Weidlich has extensive experience advising on all types of capital measures and as lead partner has advised several successful IPOs of German and foreign companies. A particular focus of Thomas’ practice are European investments in Asia. When providing this advice, he works closely with our offices and “best friend” law firms in China, India, Singapore and other jurisdictions in order to ensure our clients are supported efficiently with their projects in the Far East regardless of time or location. Thomas Weidlich is also the primary contact for Asian companies who are interested in investing and conducting business in Germany and Europe.
Thomas Köhler specialises in national and international corporate law, M&A and the public sector. His advisory services focus on devising legal and tax structures for corporate acquisitions and sales, as well as on restructurings. Thomas Köhler also has many years of experience in advising the public sector, especially in connection with restructurings, privatisations and PPP projects.
Dr Thomas Kuhnle provides corporate transaction advice, at both national and international level. His advice ranges from the legal structure of a transaction and the due diligence review to contract negotiations and post-acquisition integration. He further advises on recapitalisations and crisis transactions. His clients include strategic investors from various fields, private equity institutions, start-ups and venture capital investors as well as family offices and banks. Thomas Kuhnle further assists with privatisations and advises managing directors and management, supervisory and advisory board members on complicated projects and on all matters pertaining to corporate law. In these areas he also advises on disputes and litigation, in particular on post-M&A and transaction issues.
Dr Thomas Gohrke specialises in real estate and public business law and coordinates the Real Estate & Infrastructure sector at Luther. In the field of real estate law, he advises on complex transactions and building projects. In the field of public business law, he mainly advises on issues pertaining to European, constitutional and administrative law. His clients include institutional investors and contracting authorities, as well as private businesses that operate in regulated industries (e.g. universities, hospitals and gambling businesses) or in the construction industry. Dr Thomas Gohrke is also the author of numerous textbooks and various professional publications.
Dr Thorsten Becker is Counsel in Luther’s Frankfurt office. He advises domestic and international clients on the corporate law aspects of national and international transactions, in particular, the purchase and sale of undertakings. Furthermore, he provides advice on corporate and contract law issues, as well as on restructurings and corporate actions.
Tim Rauschning specialises in complex disputes, in particular international arbitrations (including the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards). His focus lies on disputes relating to commercial and corporate law, to the energy and infrastructure sectors as well as on investment disputes (investor-state disputes settlement, ISDS), including ICSID arbitrations under the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT). He also advises investors regarding the protection of the foreign investments against political risks and is experienced with complex damage issues concerning business valuations. In the energy and infrastructure sector, he advises and represents clients in particular in all disputes along the value chain of energy companies (especially, energy generation and distribution). He has experience with conventional and renewable energy sources as well as mining projects. As a member of Luther’s Central- und South America Team, his regional focus is on Latin America.
As a lawyer and certified specialist in administrative law, Prof Dr Tobias Leidinger advises industrial enterprises and clients on public business law issues regarding energy, industrial plant, environmental, nuclear power, planning and waste management law. His clients include companies from the energy and network industry, the nuclear power industry, the manufacturing industry and the waste management industry. Based on his wealth of experience in connection with the implementation of large infrastructure projects, he also acts as a legal project and process manager.
Tobias Osseforth and his team provide contracting authorities and companies across Germany with solution-oriented, innovative and digital public procurement law advice in the following key areas: IT procurement: Drawing on comprehensive knowledge and many years of experience in structuring, procuring and implementing complex IT projects, Tobias Osseforth and his team provide effective support across all stages of IT procurement, offering comprehensive advisory services in a variety of matters ranging from the procurement of customised software solutions and cloud services to IT outsourcing projects. Award of planning and construction contracts: Tobias Osseforth and his team provide reliable advice when it comes to procuring architectural and engineering services, as well as general contractor and total contractor services. This helps speed up construction work and simultaneously achieve effective cost control. Catering sector: With a particular focus on the food & beverages sector, Tobias Osseforth and his team help optimise the process of procuring catering services. Health care sector: Based on their special expertise in the health care sector, in particular in the hospital sector, Tobias Osseforth and his team assist in the procurement of medical products and services to ensure a smooth and legally compliant procurement process. Police forces and authorities and administrations with safety- and security-related tasks: Using their experience in the police and safety and security sector, Tobias Osseforth and his team advise public authorities in procurement procedures regarding relevant products and services and ensure an efficient and legally compliant procurement process. Outsourced procurement office: Where necessary, Tobias Osseforth and his team carry out entire (EU-wide or national) procurement procedures on behalf of rural districts, towns, municipalities and other contracting authorities. This helps ease the burden on existing procurement offices and optimise procurement procedures. With this broad and in-depth expertise, Tobias Osseforth and his team are reliable partners for our clients at all stages of the procurement procedure.
Udo Wißwede berät im Schwerpunkt Unternehmen in allen Fragen des individuellen und kollektiven Arbeitsrechts. Regelmäßig berät er seine Mandanten bei der arbeitsrechtlichen Umsetzung von Akquisitionen und Reorganisationen. Zu seinen Tätigkeitsschwerpunkten gehört die Beratung seiner Mandanten in Fragen der betrieblichen Mitbestimmung, insbesondere bei Interessenausgleichs- und Sozialplanverhandlungen. Im Rahmen der Unternehmensmitbestimmung berät Udo Wißwede Gesellschafter bei der Gestaltung der Mitbestimmung in ihren Unternehmen. Regelmäßig wird Udo Wißwede bei der Lösung komplexerer Trennungsprozesse von Führungskräften hinzugezogen. Ein weiterer Tätigkeitsschwerpunkt liegt in der gerichtlichen Vertretung bei Fragen der betrieblichen Altersversorgung. Er vertritt seine Mandanten gerichtlich und außergerichtlich vor allen deutschen Gerichten, einschließlich des Bundesarbeitsgerichts.
Advice with regard to the building, rebuilding, purchasing and selling of merchant ships and the drafting of the financing contracts associated therewith; advising shipping companies on the drafting of installation contracts for offshore wind farms. Advising shipping companies and ship management companies on all issues relating to their business activities.
Ulf-Dieter Pape mainly advises public authorities and private companies on all aspects of public procurement law. He has extensive experience in accompanying procedures for procurement by tender and in structuring privatisation proceedings on both the side of the contractor and the bidder. Additionally, he is active in review proceedings for both public contractors and bidders.
Ulrich Philippi mainly advises national and cross-border M&A transactions as well as restructurings and carve-outs. In addition, Ulrich Philippi advises on compliance issues, group law issues, post M&A and corporate disputes and the implementation of strategic projects in the context of corporate law. His clients include family businesses, international corporations, private and strategic investors, family offices and public authorities. In addition, he serves as key contact person for a number of larger German Mittelstand-companies regarding all legal issues.
The focus of Ulrich Siegemund’s advisory services is on national and international tax counselling in the field of corporate tax, international tax law (inbound and outbound), tax due diligence reviews, tax structuring of M&A transactions, post-acquisition restructuring, reorganisation and real estate transactions.
Verena Dimarch provides legal advice in the areas of white-collar crime and compliance. Her services include defending individuals in criminal-law matters and safeguarding corporate interests in criminal proceedings. Where necessary, she also provides advice in connection with civil-law claims of companies. Verena Dimarch additionally assists clients in the area of prevention.
Dr. Volker Schneider provides comprehensive counsel in collective and individual labor law. He specializes in restructuring and corporate transactions, corporate constitution law, employee dismissal protection, bankruptcy labor law and labor law for members of management. Besides providing consultation, he also conducts legal proceedings.
Volker von Alvensleben advises on matters pertaining to individual and collective employment law, with a special emphasis on works constitution and collective bargaining law, the employment law aspects of transactions and the provision of employment law advice in the context of transformations, mergers and outsourcing.
Volker Steimle specializes in all matters concerning national and international distribution and sourcing of goods, product liability and product safety. He has special focus on all matters concerning supply or distribution contracts, including all sorts of purchasing contracts and ancillary agreements, such as quality assurance agreements, logistics contracts etc. His clients range from medium-sized to large companies from different industries, including automotive products, industrial or consumer products. A large part of his work is cross-border transactions or disputes. Together with his team his work comprises both contract drafting and negotiation as well as dispute resolution in state courts as well as national or international arbitration proceedings. Volker Steimle is a member of the German Institution of Arbitration (DIS).
Wolfgang Liebau advises international groups and mid-sized companies in corporate and commercial matters as well as in M&A operations and joint ventures. A particular focus lies on the comprehensive advisory of clients in the German-Italian cross border business (German companies in Italy and Italian companies in Germany) and more generally in all kinds of cross border transactions.
Dr. Wulff-Axel Schmidt provides legal advice in all issues regarding competition, trademark, copyright, and IT law. He is especially dedicated to the implementation of strategies for sourcing and protection law (for example in acquisitions, mergers, and sales) as well as the structuring license contracts, cooperative agreements, and IT project agreements. Based in Frankfurt, he focuses on new media and data privacy protection. He frequently holds lectures and seminars in competition, trademark, and IT law.
Yann Spiegelhalter is a Counsel and a member of the Corporate/M&A practice at Luther's Luxembourg office. Yann advises local and international clients on commercial and corporate matters. He focuses on mergers and acquisitions, private equity transactions, leveraged buyouts, and financings and refinancings.
Dr. Zacharias-Alexis Schneider advises Private Clients and Family Offices on business successions with a special emphasis on the tax aspects, transaction advice, tax structuring and not-for-profit designs. In addition, he is a regular author and lecturer on topics at the interface between tax and corporate law. Since 2015, he has been a permanent contributor to Schwarz/Pahlke, “AO/FGO-Kommentar���, a legal commentary on the German Tax Code and Tax Court Code published by Haufe, and, since 2017, a permanent contributor to the tax law magazine “Umsatzsteuer- und Verkehrsteuer-Recht” (UVR), published by Stollfuß Medien GmbH & Co. KG.