News and developments

Private Client

Right of Reply: What are your rights?

In this Article This article features an explanation of what is the ‘Right of Reply”, the instances one can use this right against an accused party, as well as specifications to keep in mind if such a case arises.
01 June 2022
Banking, finance and capital markets

What is Money Laundering?

In This Article You will find a well-defined explanation of money laundering, as well as the methods criminals use to successfully hide their illicit funds. For further information on this subject and for professional legal assistance or advice, contact us at [email protected] | 356 2016 1010.
01 June 2022
Litigation/dispute resolution


Menelaos Kyprianou, partner, discusses a recent judgment issued by the Supreme Court of Cyprus in the context of a certiorari (prerogative order) application, in which he was involved, where the Supreme Court of Cyprus examines the following issues:  How service of court documents relating to a pending Cyprus case can be effected on a person residing in Russia on the basis of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance on Criminal Matters (‘the Convention’). The way in which international conventions should be interpreted. 
04 June 2020
Litigation & Dispute Resolution

European convention of human rights and the right of health in Cyprus

Τhe tragic situation of the country's public hospitals is often witnessed by the citizens of Cyprus. In relation to other European Union States, Cyprus has the lowest position on public health spending money. As a result, public hospitals suffer from staff shortages and a lack of adequate equipment and medicines. The level of patient care is significantly degraded and inadequate, while many patients wait for months on waiting lists until they are provided with the necessary treatment. Another major issue is the fact that Cyprus does not have an emergency unit dedicated to children.
10 January 2020
Litigation & Dispute Resolution


Today, a ‘No Deal Brexit on 31 January 2020 remains a real possibility. Put simply, a ‘No Deal Brexit’ means that the UK leaves the EU without having reached an agreement on the terms of its departure and the future relationship. This article looks at the effect of No Deal Brexit on the enforcement of UK judgments in the EU and vice versa.
10 January 2020
Litigation/dispute resolution

Cyprus Citizenship – can it be revoked?

The Cyprus Investment Program had come under attack in recent weeks, after it was reported that persons with close links to their home country’s authoritarian regime had been granted Cypriot citizenship. Over the weekend it was further revealed that a businessman wanted by the authorities of his home country and elsewhere, had been granted Cypriot citizenship in 2015.
09 January 2020
Corporate and Commercial


Today, a ‘No Deal Brexit on 31 January 2020 remains a real possibility. Put simply, a ‘No Deal Brexit’ means that the UK leaves the EU without having reached an agreement on the terms of its departure and the future relationship. This article looks at the effect of No Deal Brexit on the enforcement of UK judgments in the EU and vice versa.
09 January 2020

Swiss Franc-Linked Loans

The well-known policy of selling Swiss Franc-linked loans in the past decade, and in particular during the period 2006 - 2009, has lead bank borrowers, into a deeply troubled situation. The negative impact of their exposure to mortgages denominated on foreign currencies, and in particular the Swiss Franc, has created for the European state institutions and governments some major concerns as to how they could deal with strong consumer reactions throughout the European continent.
15 November 2019
Corporate and Commercial

The effect of technological disruption on the legal profession

Technological disruption to the legal profession profoundly reforms the manner in which law firms operate in the legal industry. Client expectations are on the rise and lawyers must stay up to date with the latest technological developments if they want to survive in the competitive legal industry. The application of technological innovation, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and blockchain, in the legal profession promises to allow law firms to handle high volumes of administrative tasks, such as document reviewing more efficiently and deliver faster services to clients.
15 November 2019
Litigation & Dispute Resolution

Does the recent amendment limit the amount of moral damages granted by the Courts?

Under the Maltese Civil Code, damages may be awarded for either tortious liability or contractual liability. In respect to the former, an action for damages will aim to place the individual in the same position before the damage occurred, and in respect to the latter, the action may be brought to either enforce the contract, or to liquidate damages for failure to perform such contract.
15 November 2019

Acquiring Cypriot citizenship due to origin by UK citizens

In the event of a no deal Brexit, UK passport holders will lose their right of free movement within the EU. All valid UK passports will still be useable for international travel to and from the EU after Brexit, even though precise details are yet to be finalised (including on the terms of any travel visa that might be required).
15 November 2019
Intellectual Property

Protecting your business from counterfeit goods in Cyprus

As has been previously noted in the “Trade in Counterfeit and Pirated Goods: Mapping the Economic Impact” report of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development & European Union Intellectual Property Office, counterfeiting hits almost ½ trillion euros a year. This can be traced from fashion and medicine to the fruits market and entails damage to the business reputation, lost sales and litigation costs among others.
16 December 2019

New horizons in shipping: Mastering change

Gina Panayiotou, Global Head of Shipping & Energy at Michael Kyprianou & Co LLC, discusses “NEW HORIZONS IN SHIPPING: MASTERING CHANGE” in the September 2019 issue of Gold magazine. The issue features a focus on the upcoming Maritime Cyprus conference, to be held during the 6th-8th of October in Limassol. Maritime Cyprus, a bi-annual event, is the largest international maritime event that takes place in Cyprus, attracting over 1500 delegates from around the globe.
16 December 2019

LISW 2019 Women in Shipping Summit: “What women bring to the table

Gina Panayiotou, Global Head of Shipping & Energy at our firm, being a Board Member of WISTA Cyprus and an active supporter of female and youth empowerment, will be a speaker at the inaugural “Women in Shipping Summit” to be held in the context of London International Shipping Week, on the 10th & 11th of September, 2019.
16 December 2019
Intellectual Property

Michael Kyprianou & Co. LLC ranked 4th law firm in Cyprus, by TOP 80 Gold list

It gives us great pride, that MICHAEL KYPRIANOU & CO. LLC, has once again been ranked among the top 5 law firms in Cyprus, according to GOLD’s leading law firms list. GOLD magazine compiled its first listing of the island’s leading law firms in 2011, titled at the time ‘Top 50’ presenting the firms in alphabetical order and, since then, it has regularly been updated and expanded. In fact, the latest list published on Sunday, 18th August 2019, features more than 80 law firms, ranked according to the number of lawyers employed.
16 December 2019
Press Releases

Leading Property and Investment Immigration Lawyer of the Year – Cyprus

No matter how successful a business or individual may be, it goes without saying that away from its own assemblage of talent and expertise, there will always be a network of trusted lawyers and consultants behind the scenes helping to inform, guide and shape the way in which it operates.
11 November 2019

Mad II -EU regulation (MAR) and directive (CS MAD) as protection of investors and its application to

Protection of financial market investors and prevention of unlawful disclosure of inside information and financial market manipulation is provided and guaranteed by the EU Market Abuse Regulation (Regulation 596/2014) (MAR) and the Directive on criminal sanctions for insider dealing and market manipulation (Directive 2014/57/EU) (CSMAD), which collectively replace the previous Market Abuse Directive (MAD) and together is known as MAD II.
28 October 2019
Real Estate & Property

New Beneficial Ownership Register for foreign entities which own UK property

The UK government intends to introduce a new register of People with Significant Control over Overseas Companies, “the PSCOC Register”, in order to improve transparency of beneficial ownership for foreign entities which own UK properties. The Bill will be introduced to Parliament in 2019 and is intended to become operational by 2021.
28 October 2019
Real Estate & Property

Pre-1995 Leases in Malta

Recently, the Maltese courts may have possibly brought about the beginning of the end of a legal and social question concerning landowners who were, and still are, subjected to pre-1995 rent laws. The judgement given in Anthony Debono et v. Avukat Generali et., may prove to be a milestone in Maltese rent laws.
28 October 2019
Projects, Energy & Natural Resources

Why Cyprus for Maritime?

Recognizing the political, economic and social importance of shipping, as from 1963, Cyprus managed to develop the country into a fully-fledged shipping centre combining both a sovereign flag and a resident shipping industry, which is renowned for its high-quality services and standards of safety.
28 October 2019
Tax & Private Client

Changes to UK capital gains tax

Since April 2019, the new rules regarding capital gains tax have been implemented in UK. The intention of the implementation of new rules is to remove the advantage of non- UK residents who did not pay tax over the gains from the disposal of all their property in UK.
28 October 2019

Shipping at the spotlight of terrorism

Is terrorism the new norm for shipping? THE STORY On the 13/06/2019, two oil tankers were victim to what has been described as “sabotage” attacks in the Gulf of Oman, leaving one ablaze and both adrift. Following, a similar incident involving four tankers, which took place one month ago, on the 12th of May, 2019.
28 October 2019
Intellectual Property

Adidas three stripe Trademark Revocation

In a judgment of the General Court of the European Union of the 19th June 2019, Adidas saw their hopes of extending their three stripes trademark dashed, as the court ruled that there was no distinctiveness in the three stripes trademark. Furthermore, the court held that the Adidas had failed to prove that the mark had acquired distinctive character through use throughout the member states of the EU.
28 October 2019

David against Goliath – Libra vs Central Banks: Who will win?

Working in the crypto and DLT space is like being on an emotional rollercoaster with feelings which range from curiosity, excitement, euphoria, revelation, shock, disappointment, hope, wonder and determination – did I miss any?
28 October 2019
Corporate & Commercial

UK Telecoms company fined £100K over unsolicited marketing messages

The Information Commissioner’s Office (‘ICO’) which is the UK’s data protection supervisory authority, recently issued a fine of £100,000 to EE Limited, a telecoms company operating in the UK. The fine was issued in response to EE Limited having sent two and a half million unsolicited direct marketing messages to its customers, back in early 2018. The direct marketing messages were sent without EE Limited having first obtained the required consent to send them to its clients.
28 October 2019
Tax & Private Client

UAE Tax domicile certificate

Issued by the Ministry of Finance in the United Arab Emirates (‘UAE’), the Tax Domicile Certificate (also referred to as the Tax Residency Certificate) enables eligible government entities, companies and individuals to take advantage of double taxation avoidance agreements on income signed by the UAE.
28 October 2019
Corporate & Commercial

International Business in Malta in the light of recent EU Tax Matters

Over the past twenty odd years, Malta has become an international hub for foreign direct investment (FDI). A solid services sector combined with seasoned professionals across a multitude of industries have helped the FDI business model flourish, placing Malta on the map within the European Single Market as a business base of choice for many.
28 October 2019
Corporate & Commercial

Post Brexit future for UK businesses

The proposed UK-EU agreement has been rejected for a third time by the Members of Parliament in UK. Consequently, uncertainty persists due to no deal and therefore the following concerns arise: whether a deal will happen at all, what the terms of that deal might be and whether there will be a second referendum.
28 October 2019
Litigation & Dispute Resolution

The introduction of services of sworn translators in Cyprus

Translations are frequently required for various documentations for official use before public authorities, institutions and courts internally or abroad. It is a matter of public law of each country to determine when an “official” translation is required and what comprises the elements of such translations in order to be regarded as legally valid and accepted documents.
28 October 2019

Bank guaranteed contracts

This article will address the unfortunate position whereby a significant portion of citizens of the Republic of Cyprus have signed supplementary guarantee agreements, being in most cases relatives, friends, colleagues and/or in other relationships with the borrower, and have been called on to guarantee the repayment of and compliance with the loan agreement terms of the principal debtor party, as a means of securing the loan amount and avoiding the freezing of the borrower’s assets.
28 October 2019
Tax & Private Client

The ePrivacy regulation: When and why you should care

What is the ePrivacy Regulation? The ePrivacy Regulation[1] (‘ePR’) is an unfinished EU law first published in January 2017 that is meant to become an extension of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (‘GDPR’).[2]
28 October 2019
Litigation & Dispute Resolution

Stricter supervision in relation to the Scheme for Naturalisation of Investors in Cyprus by Exceptio

Recently there were a lot of publications within the European Union expressing concerns about the allegedly very high number of Cypriot passports being given to foreign investors the last few years. The Council of Ministers has decided on 9th January 2018 with the decision with number 84.069, to impose a stricter supervision of all the parties involved in the Scheme for the naturalisation of non-Cypriot investors in Cyprus by exception.
28 October 2019
Corporate & Commercial

Unfair contract terms

The Unfair Contract Terms Law 93(1)/1996 (the “Law”) as amended, implements the EU Directive 93/13/EEC of 5 April 1993 regime into national law. The objective of the aforementioned legislation is the protection of consumers in the European Union from unfair terms and conditions which might be included in a standard contract for goods and services they purchase. It introduces the notion of ‘good faith’ to avoid any significant imbalance in mutual rights and obligations.
28 October 2019
Tax & Private Client

19% VAT on Plots

In order to harmonize the Acquis Communautaire on the Taxation of untapped and undeveloped plots of land, the Cyprus Government enacted, on 03/11/2017, relevant legislation for the imposition of 19% Value Added Tax (VAT) on these properties, with a date of enforcement being 02/01/2018. The relevant legislation refers to plots/pieces of land offered and/or provided for construction for economic purposes.
28 October 2019
Real Estate & Property

Unjust Banking Practices in Swiss Franc Loan Agreements

The Cypriot banking system is currently being confronted with the issue of providing foreign loans and in particular Swiss francs to both locals and foreigners to cover their housing requirements. Of principle concern in Cypriot and European Courts are the banking practices used in attracting clients to these financial institutions. It seems that misinformation through the use of various means of bank notifications and practices point towards the use of the distortion and the concealment of essential information to borrowers. The Cypriot banking system (that is sanctioned by European banking) in the provision of Swiss Francs did not in most cases provide a complete and proper briefing of the risks involved in these types of loan contracts that also incorporated exchange and interest rate fluctuations.
28 October 2019
Real Estate & Property

Changes in the Cyprus-Passport-Investment-Scheme

On 13th of September 2016, the Cyprus Council of Ministers has approved the amendments to the Scheme for Naturalisation of Investors in Cyprus by Exception. The said scheme is based on subsection (2) of section 111A of the Civil Registry Laws of 2002-2015.
28 October 2019