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Our Diversity, Fairness & Inclusion Forum consists of a group of individuals who are passionate about celebrating diversity and learning more about others.

We have been privileged to work with some fantastic external speakers, alongside inspirational individuals from within the firm, who have run sessions and written articles to share their stories.

Examples of sessions we’ve been fortunate to facilitate include:
Firmwide DFI in person training to open up conversations across the firm.

  • ‘Realities of Living in a Trans Body’
    A conversation led by performance artist Fleur Bloemsma.
  • Imposter syndrome training led by Executive Coach and Trainer Anita-Gohill-Thorp.
  • A celebration of Black History Month, led by Chair of the Peterborough Black History Month, Bernadetta Omondi.
  • In addition, we’ve had some great sessions led by employees, including Pride@5 and Neurodiversity.

    Our statistics show some positive steps in the right direction but also highlights the need to refocus our efforts to achieve greater diversity in our leadership roles - it won’t happen overnight, but it is a goal we are committed to addressing.

We’re attracting and creating opportunities for a wider range of generations, with an increase of 11% in 16–24- year-olds joining the firm.

With over 72% of our firm made up of female employees, we’re focussed on ensuring we create the same career progression opportunities for all.

14% of respondents to a recent survey belong to a Black, Asian, Mixed/Multiple or Other ethnic group.

At Greenwoods, we are committed to championing diversity, fairness and inclusion in all aspects of our business.

Doing so is central to our success because we can better understand and meet our clients’ needs if our organisation reflects the companies and individuals we serve.

Our Diversity, Fairness and Inclusion Forum works closely with our peers and colleagues to create events to enable us to celebrate and learn.

Find out more on our website.