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Said Hilall Al Busaidy

Said Hilall Al Busaidy

Work Department

Senior Partner of AMJ

Head of Litigation Department


Head of the dispute resolution department.

Dr Said specialises in litigation, arbitration, international laws and regulatory.  Dr Said enjoys rights of audience before the Supreme Court.


Deputy head of Africa department Oman, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1979-84; judge and vice president criminal court, 1984-85; judge and president of the Criminal 1985-2001; vice president Supreme Court of Oman 2001-02; member of State Council of Oman 2003-07; Vice President of State Council of Oman 2007-15.

Specialist in public law, holding a doctorate from the Sorbonne, Paris, specialising in the law of the sea. Extensive experience of negotiating bilateral and multilateral treaties on behalf of the government of Oman.

Dr Said whilst appointed as Vice President of the Council of State (Majlis al-Dawla), the upper house of the Council of Oman, and was appointed by the cabinet of ministers to chair the committee entrusted with oversight of Oman’s new civil transactions law, a legislative landmark.


French, English, Arabic.


Chairman Higher Institute for Judges

Chairman of College of Sharia and Law


Al Azhar University Egypt (Bachelor of Laws 1979); University of Cairo Egypt (Master of Laws 1981); Sorbonne France (Doctor of Law (General and Maritime) 1984).


Reading, travel, spending time with family.

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