News and developments

Open a branch of your business in the UK with the Sole Rep Visa

Starting a branch of your business in the UK could be one of the best moves you make in terms of your exposure in a new but very developed market. This is because the United Kingdom is today the worlds 5th largest economy and has a population of 65 million people.

It is also a country which is very welcoming for businesses and has an immigration mechanism which allows foreign companies from outside of the UK and EU to open a branch of their business there and send a senior employee there to manage it. This specific immigration route comes under applying for the Sole Representative of an Overseas Business Visa and sending a Sole Representative of your business to the UK to run operations.

In our latest article on our website we discuss the ins and outs of the Sole Representative of an Overseas Business Visa, read the full article here.

Gulbenkian Andonian Solicitors has a team of legal experts with very extensive knowledge in helping business clients get a Sole Representative Visas, extending them, and also converting those who are on this visa route to achieve indefinite leave to remain status.

Contact our London based legal team for advice and assistance in making your Sole Representative Visa application, email [email protected] or call +44 (0) 207 269 9590.

Content supplied by Gulbenkian Andonian Solicitors