News and developments
UK Visa Fees are increasing as of March 29th 2019
The United Kingdom has one of the highest visa fee rates in the world and it is no secret that applications can cost an ample amount often leaving families in economic hardship due to staggering visa fee costs. Additionally, as a result of a complicated visa application process many also lose their visa fee due to mistakes in their applications.
As a result of new UK parliament legislation, from March 29th 2019, there will be a series of price changes for a number of UK visa applications which we have outlined in our latest article here.
For help and assistance with UK visa applications contact the legal team at Gulbenkian Andonian Solicitors. Established in 1985, Gulbenkian Andonian Solicitors has the reputation of being the best immigration law firm in London and one of the top immigration law firms in the UK.
Call: +44 (0) 207 269 9590 or email: