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You can Gain Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK with the Tier 1 Investor Visa

The top immigration lawyers UK confirm that The Tier 1 Investor Visa is a way that high net worth individuals who want to make an investment of a minimum of £2 million within the UK can gain a long lasting immigration status in the country. This is because, the UK really does its best to encourage investment and is fairly open to accepting people who apply for Tier 1 Investor Visas if all the relevant criteria are met.

Our team of immigration lawyers London state that on the contrary to many other UK visa categories, the Tier 1 Investor Visa does not require applicants to have a specific level of English language to apply. Moreover, as an applicant you don't have to prove how much money you have for maintenance purposes because you would not apply for this Visa category if you do not have £2 million.

The best immigration lawyers UK confirm that the Tier 1 Investor Visa can lead to indefinite leave to remain after 5 years, However if you invest more money, it can lead to you gaining indefinite leave to remain much faster. Learn more about it from our legal blog that discusses the Tier 1 Investor Visa in more depth and talk about how you can fast track this visa to receive indefinite leave to remain in as little as 3 or even 2 years. Click here to read the full article.

Gulbenkian Andonian Solicitors has decades of experience dealing with ALL UK immigration matters and we specialise in helping high net worth individuals get a Tier 1 Investor Visa. Moreover, we strive to be known as the firm that hires some of the best immigration lawyers london and we will be more than happy to speak with you about any immigration issue of question you may have. Call us +44 (0) 207 269 9590, or email us at [email protected] and we will reply to you within 24 hours.

Content supplied by Gulbenkian Andonian Solicitors