
Catarina Anastácio

SRS Legal, Portugal

Work Department

Competition & EU


SRS’ Consultant with over 25 years of experience, Catarina is a specialist in Competition Law and the European Union. She worked as a legal adviser to the Bank of Portugal, the Portuguese Securities and Exchange Commission and the Portuguese Competition Authority, as well as an advisor and assistant to the Portuguese Secretary of State for Treasury and Finance, Member of the Coordinating Committee of the Editorial Board of the Portuguese Competition & Regulation Journal, and Chairman of the Editorial Board of the same publication.


Postgraduate Diploma in Securities Law, University of Lisbon School of Law Master in Law (Legal Sciences), University of Lisbon School of Law University Extension Course in Securities Market Law, University of Lisbon School of Law Advanced Training Course in Banking and Financial Law of the European Union, Institut Universitaire International du Luxembourg e Association Européenne pour le Droit Bancaire et Financier (Brussels) Postgraduate Diploma in European Studies (one curricular unit to conclude), University of Coimbra School of Law Degree in Law, University of Coimbra School of Law "Erasmus" at the Faculty of Law, University of Bologna