News and developments

TM & Partners has assisted OBOS in connection with a joint venture with Resona, and acquisition from The Other Group, regarding the construction of approximately 190 apartments in Stockholm.

TM & Partners has assisted OBOS in connection with a joint venture with Resona with the aim of jointly construct approximately 190 apartments in Aspudden in Stockholm.

Resona and The Other Group (TOG) have together carried out the preparations of the zoning plan for the area. OBOS and TOG have thereafter entered into an agreement regarding OBOS acquisition of TOG's part of the project. The zoning plan has been adopted but has not yet gained legal force. Sale of the apartments is due to commence in the beginning of 2025 and production will start in 2026.

For more information regarding the transaction, please see the following links:

Klart för nytt storprojekt i Stockholm – OBOS planerar cirka 190 lägenheter i Aspudden | OBOS (

Obos bygger 190 lägenheter i Aspudden, Stockholm - Fastighetsnytt

Obos bygger 190 lägenheter i Aspudden, Stockholm - Fastighetsnytt

TM & Partners’ team consisted of Safa Mahmoudi (Partner), Catharina Danielsson (Senior Associate), Andreas Sahlstedt (Associate), Matilda Andersson (Associate) and Oskar Warberg (Associate).

TM & Partners is a leading Swedish law firm with a focus on transaction advice and commercial law.

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