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Abdelkader Hamida

Abdelkader Hamida


| Attorney registered with the Paris Bar Association


Abdelkader Hamida joined Chassany Watrelot & Associés in 2021 as a partner after 15 years of practice at Vaughan.

He specializes in collective employment relations management, corporate restructuring, and the setting or the modification of the employees’ complementary welfare protection measures.

In addition to advising on collective employment relations, Abdelkader Hamida also offers legal solutions covering the management of collective and individual litigation in labour law, work-related accidents and diseases, and URSSAF litigation.

Aware of the importance of transmitting knowledge, Abdelkader Hamida regularly develops and conducts intra-company training modules on current social issues and recurring topics of labour law such as the employer criminal liability or the redundancy procedures.




International Bar Association (IBA) AvoSial


Post graduate degree in Welfare Protection (DESS Protection sociale) Université Paris X Nanterre (2003)

Post graduate degree in Employment Law

(DEA Droit social) Université Paris X Nanterre (2001)

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