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Chassany Watrelot & Associés (CWA)

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Bruno Briatta
Bruno Briatta
Parner | Attorney registered with the Lyon Bar Association
Franck Janin
Franck Janin
Partner | Attorney registered with the Lyon Bar Association
Jérôme Watrelot
Jérôme Watrelot
Managing partner | Attorney registered with the Paris Bar Association
Laurence Cohen
Laurence Cohen
Partner | Attorney registered with the Lyon Bar Association
Mohamed Oulkhouir
Mohamed Oulkhouir
Managing Partner | Attorney registered with the Paris Bar Association | Managing Partner of CWA Morocco | Managing partner of CWA's activities in Maghreb
Philippe Chassany
Philippe Chassany
Managing partner | Attorney registered with the Lyon Bar Association
Virgile Zeimet
Virgile Zeimet
Partner | Attorney registered with the Paris Bar Association
Yves Merle
Yves Merle
Partner | Attorney registered with the Lyon Bar Association