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Herbert Smith Freehills LLP

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Iria Calviño

Iria Calviño

Work Department

Public Law, environment and ESG


Iria heads the public law, regulatory and environment practices in the Madrid office and also co-heads the ESG practice in EMEA, focusing specially on energy transition. She has in-depth experience in administrative and environmental law, advising a wide array of large corporations, investment banks, sponsors and public institutions on national and cross-border transactions in the regulated sectors (including energy, water, ports, telecoms, among others). She is also an expert on public procurement, project development, public assets and properties, permitting and administrative authorizations, as well as administrative (disciplinary proceedings, administrative appeals, administrative liability) and contentious administrative proceedings.


Spanish, English


She is admitted to the Ilustre Colegio de la Abogacía de Madrid (ICAM – Madrid Bar Association).


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