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Andreas Oser

Andreas Oser


Managing Partner


Andreas Oser has been working in the IP field since 1991; he became a German and European patent attorney in 1995 and has been managing partner at Prüfer & Partner since 2002.

Prior to working in intellectual property, he studied chemistry at the University of Freiburg in Breisgau, and then conducted his PhD and postdoc studies at the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry in Munich. He also holds an LLM degree in international IP laws from the University of Hagen.

Dr Oser’s primary areas of expertise are chemistry, pharmaceuticals, life sciences and biotechnology – in particular, biological materials, DNA-related inventions and vaccines; therapeutic and diagnostic methods; medical products and devices, and targeted drug delivery; polymers and fibre materials; semiconductors, LEDs, OLEDs and other optical materials and optoelectronic devices; and batteries and their components.

His activities include patent prosecution (drafting, examination); a high number of opposition and appeal proceedings at the European Patent Office; patent litigation (patent infringement proceedings before German courts; nullity proceedings up to the highest instance, the Federal Supreme Court; also covering coordinated and complex EU-wide litigation activities); infringement and validity opinions; freedom-to-operate analyses; and due diligence.

Dr Oser is heavily involved in numerous litigation cases, among others related to medical devices and important drug products.


German, English, French


Patentanwaltskammer epi - European Patent Institute Mitglied des Biotech Committee des epi AIPPI - Internationale Vereinigung für den Schutz des geistigen Eigentums FICPI - Internationale Föderation von Patentanwälten LES - Licensing Executives Society GDCh - Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
