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Romania has entered a state of alert as of May 18, 2020, in order to contain the spread of and fight against the effects of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, known as SARS-CoV-2. The state of alert has been maintained until present.

This document contains high level summaries of some of the main provisions of certain legal enactments and measures taken by Romania in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, which may be of interest for the business environment.

Although Maravela, Popescu & Asociații („MPR|Partners”) may, at its discretion, update this document from time to time, this document should not be seen as an exhaustive presentation of all measures taken by Romania during the current turmoil or of the legal implications thereof. For any further details on any of the below or any other aspects, professional advice should be sought.

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    Summar of Romanian Measures in response to COVID-19

    Content supplied by MPR Partners