
Morten Fauerholdt Pedersen

Morten Fauerholdt Pedersen

Work Department

Dispute resolution and procedural law - Marketing law - Franchising - Construction law



The specific demands and requests of Morten Fauerholdt Pedersen’s clients are always used as a starting point for his advice which is provided based on the fundamental idea that ”one size fits all” solutions are seldom useful in the legal area. Morten’s advice has a commercial basis and the objective is always to provide the client with advice that can be used operationally in the client’s business.

Morten is engaged in construction law and dispute resolution. In addition, he provides advice within franchise law, and he has experience in drafting and negotiating comprehensive franchise agreements.


Danish - English


Member of Round Table 13 Vejle

Member of Dansk Forening for Markedsføringsret (a Danish marketing law association)


2012 Master of Laws from the University of Aarhus 2016 Admitted to the Bar

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