Bohalteanu si Asociatii
bsmp.roClient testimonials
“Valuable assistance and input was offered for the preparation of complex and thorough documentation, while completing specific analysis and opinions in a prompt and accurate manner. We are always confident that the mandates entrusted to them are dealt with at the highest professional standards.”S+B Gruppe AGCOMPANY/FIRM: Bohalteanu Si AsociatiiTESTIMONIAL: We have a longstanding relationship with BSMP, who offered excellent advice on all our corporate and project finance-related matters. The banking team, led by Daniela Milculescu, provided timely and customized legal advice in an impeccable demonstration of professionalism.Bohalteanu Si AsociatiiTESTIMONIAL: We have a longstanding relationship with BSMP, who offered excellent advice on all our corporate and project finance-related matters. The banking team, led by Daniela Milculescu, provided timely and customized legal advice in an impeccable demonstration of professionalism.
“Aforti Exchange Romania Aforti Group Bohalteanu Si Asociatii Bohalteanu si Asociatii has supported us from the very beginning of our operations in Romania. We are part of the Aforti Holding SA capital group from Poland. Our cooperation with Bohalteanu si Asociatii includes legal recognition of business opportunities, opening a company, establishing cooperation with main business contractors in Romania, legal support with a view to licensing as payment institution and ongoing legal service for a joint-stock company. I highly appreciate the professionalism and pro-client attitude of their lawyers. Our requests are always treated with a very high priority and the implementation is also very fast. The quality of services provided is at a very high level.”
“Enel Bohalteanu Si Asociatii We have been working with Bohalteanu si Asociatii for more than 4 years and we strongly believe they are an excellent choice as representation in Romania for our industry-specific matters. The team has always promptly and pragmatically provided the legal input adapted to the particularities encountered within the framework of the electricity industry. We highly appreciate our collaboration with Ionut Bohalteanu, as Head of the energy department, who is one of the leading energy lawyers in Romania.”