PRA-Raposo, Sá Miranda & Associados, Sociedade de Advogados SP RL
PRA seeks to encourage and develop a culture of diversity and of social responsibility along with their team. We have no boundaries regarding diversity and it’s our aim to constantly work on equal opportunities at work regardless of cultural, ethnic and social origin, sexual orientation, gender, age, physical characteristics, personal style and religion.
PRA is signatory of Carta para a Diversidade, an initiative of the European Commission and one of the voluntary instruments created with the aim of encouraging employers to implement and develop internal policies and practices to promote diversity.
The PRA has a long-standing partnership with Associação ILGA Portugal – Intervenção Lésbica, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex, the oldest and largest association fighting for equality and against discrimination of LGBTI+ people and their families in Portugal, providing various types of legal advice. We have participated, in February 2021, in a webinar (as speakers): The colours of work: Diversity and inclusion of LGBTI people. We also develop solidarity actions and support social inclusion initiatives and institutions.
Among others, PRA has a longstanding partnership with APPDA, the Portuguese Association for Developmental Disorders and Autism and Espaço T, which focuses on two distinct areas: Individual Change, by framing the individual in artistic-cultural and / or training activities, in order to stimulate expressive capacities and develop investment in oneself; and Social change by promoting social change with a view to accepting difference by society.
In 2021 PRA also developed partnerships with two very relevant institutions: Variações (which is a LGBTI trade and tourism association in Portugal) and Mansarda (a non-profit Private Social Solidarity Institution with a social, cultural and civic character that aims to help professionals who are or have been, for a significant part of their professional life, linked primarily to the world of Portuguese language, art and culture and especially to the performing arts). PRA supports both institutions both at a legal level and in the promotion of their activities.
In 2022, PRA became a signatory to the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) reinforcing our commitment to making a difference for gender equality and the empowerment of women in the workplace, marketplace and community.