Client testimonials

“ROCA Industry is, among other things, about partnership and win-win. The Băncilă, Diaconu și Asociații SPRL team understood our business principles, and, with a perfect professionalism, they led the transaction to completion, respectively a partnership from which both us and the sellers, but especially the company, stand to gain. We thank the Băncilă, Diaconu și Asociații SPRL team for the way they understood our particularities, for the openness and for the pro-business orientation.”
Ionuț Bindea, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Roca Industry
Roca Industry
“We are delighted to be able to make a new investment in an entrepreneurial business with extraordinary potential in the future together with a team of legal professionals, such as the M&A team of Băncilă, Diaconu și Asociații. I was impressed by the involvement and proactivity with which the two lawyers, Ștefan Mantea and Nicoleta Gheorghe, approached this project. I thank everyone for making this transaction happen in the best conditions!”
Dorian Macovei, Managing Director BlackPeak Capital
BlackPeak Capital
“I would like to thank Radu și Asociații SPRL team for the legal assistance provided throughout the entire sale process. I value the contribution Ștefan Mantea had for the successful closing of the transaction.”
Mihai Anghel, Shareholder of GloriaFood
“I am delighted to have worked with the team of Radu și Asociații. Radu Diaconu and Ștefan Mantea had an essential contribution to the transaction and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their support.”
Ovidiu Andrieș, shareholder of Smart Diesel
Smart Diesel