
For years the firm has been an SME friend of Unicef, a collaborating company in the Pymes Amigas programme for its support of UNICEF's work in defence of children's rights.
Every year, the firm also sponsors the basketball tournament organised by the Leukaemia and Lymphoma Foundation.
For a couple of years now, in addition to our corporate social responsibility and pro bono activities, we have been providing free legal advice to Amref Salud Africa España. Amref received the 2018 Princess of Asturias Award for International Cooperation, has been granted to Amref Health Africa (Global) and Amref Salud Africa (Spain), “for the sustained effort to respond to the needs of millions of people on the African continent, complementing the action of local health systems”.

Content supplied by Muñoz Arribas Abogados S.L.P.