
Alberto Muñoz Villarreal KC

Alberto Muñoz Villarreal KC

Work Department





Mention in recognition of merit and outstanding dedication, from the Madrid Bar Association in 2022 on the occasion of its 425th anniversary.

Mr. Muñoz is a Senior Lawyer with more than fifteen years of experience in Muñoz Arribas Abogados S.L.P., where he is a Partner. He has focused his practice on D&O, Cyber risk and Civil Liability.

He´s in charge of the postgraduated study of insurance law and civil liability at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Professor of cyber-insurance at ICADE

Lecturer on the Expert Course in Cyber Risk and Cyber Insurance Management at Inese Bussines School.

He is professor at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

He has an extensive experience in all procedural and jurisdictional fields and acts for both national and international companies and their insured, as well as advising on the reviewing of policy wording and drafting of policies.

Director of the book "Law of the technological risks", Coordinator of the book "Artificial Inteligence and Cyber Risks: insurance and risks", author of the book "Civil Liability of Statutory Auditor".


English and French


Member of the technological risk committee of the Spanish Association of Risk and Insurance Management.

Advisor to the civil liability and insurance section of the Madrid Bar Association.


PhD Law, Graduate at Law, Graduted at History, Master´s Insolvency


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