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How to Check If You Are Part of the Social Media Data Breach?

Data breach have become quiet a common feature of today’s time of hyper online connectivity. This can lead to situation of your data getting stolen or instances of data breach and privacy violations, whether intentional or otherwise. In this article we will take you through the main points that are to be considered to avoid data breach.

First and foremost, it should be understood that social media in today’s age and time constitutes a very potent tool that allows sharing of data at an unsurmountable pace. This brings with it the many advanced challenges as what is shared on social media is on a wide public platform. Social Media posts should therefore be made with careful consideration of the local and federal laws and regulations in the UAE.

The following point should be practiced in order to avoid potential violations:

Privacy violation: Sharing personal information of any person online without their consent will be a breach of the UAE privacy laws.

Confidentiality breach: Whether you have signed a non -disclosure agreement or not, you should not be posting any confidential data in the public domain on social media platforms. Employees should also take extra care while discussing confidential information of their employers on online platforms.

Photographs: Unlike in many other jurisdictions, you can get into trouble for taking photographs of others in the UAE without their consent. Such instances are considered as privacy violation and a complaint can be filed against you under the cyber laws in the UAE for breach of privacy.

Insensitive Comments: Making insensitive comments that offends the sensibility and culture of the UAE can be actionable. This could include criticizing the country, its culture or leadership. In short online comments should not be offensive in any manner, for example using the ‘middle finger’ emoji on public platforms will be considered offensive and hence actionable in the UAE.

Abusive Language: Using abusive sear words on online platforms, especially against any other person will be a breach of the UAE laws and legal action can be taken against the offender in the UAE.

The UAE ensures the adherence of the privacy laws through measures such as online monitoring of data and privacy violations. The Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TRA) is the federal telecommunications regulatory agency of the UAE that is responsible for these measures. This agency prohibits online content that include malicious code and other hacking measures. Illegal content is often removed or blocked and further measures are taken again the offenders.

Content supplied by Awatif Mohammad Shoqi Advocates & Legal Consultancy