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News and developments

Facing unrepaired defects in your villa? Enforcing your rights against the contractor

Introduction: When investing in real estate, particularly in villa projects, purchasers often rely on developers and contractors to deliver homes free from defects.However, issues may arise where defects remain unresolved despite contractual obligations. In such cases, understanding the legal framework under Dubai Law No. 13/2008 on the Interim Real Estate Register in the Emirate of Dubai, and Federal Law No. 5/1985 on the Civil Transactions Law of the UAE, becomes crucial.
12 August 2024

Safeguarding your investment: are you aware of key risks and red flags in dubai's off-plan property market?

Introduction: Investing in off-plan properties in Dubai presents an attractive opportunity for prospective homeowners and investors alike. However, navigating this market requires vigilance and awareness of potential risks to ensure a secure investment. Dubai Law No. 13/2008 on the Interim Real Estate Register establishes essential regulations to protect buyers and uphold standards in the off-plan property sector. Key Considerations for Investors: Under Article 3 of the Dubai Law No. 13/2008, all actions involving off-plan sold real estate units must be registered in the Interim Real Estate Register to validate any sale or property transfer. Non-registration can render any sale or property transfer actions void. Ensure that any off-plan property you consider is registered in the Interim Real Estate Register within the mandated 60-day period. Failure to register could risk the validity of the transaction. According to Article 4, the developers are prohibited from commencing project execution or off-plan sales without obtaining necessary land and approvals from competent authorities. The Department must note the project on the cadastre. Verify that developers have acquired the necessary land and approvals from Dubai's competent authorities before marketing or selling units off-plan. Further Article 5 outlines the application process for registering interim real estate units, requiring specific data and documents as per procedures set by the Dubai Land Department. Conduct thorough due diligence through government authorities like the Dubai Land Department or the Real Estate Regulatory Agency. Confirm the project's registration status, existence of an escrow account, and possession of all required permits. As per Article 7, the developers are restricted from charging fees for selling or reselling completed or off-plan units without approval, with approved administrative expenses exempt. Be careful of developers charging unauthorized fees for off-plan property transactions. Only approved administrative expenses should be levied, as regulated by the Land Department. According to Article 6, off-plan units registered in the Interim Real Estate Register can be legally sold, mortgaged, or subjected to other legal actions. Article 8 mandates that completed projects must be registered in the real estate register upon obtaining a completion certificate, with units registered in the purchaser's name upon fulfilment of contractual obligations. Article 12 stipulates that the area of a sold real estate unit is final upon delivery, with developers unable to demand additional payment for increases in area post-delivery but required to compensate purchasers if the area is smaller. Article 13 empowers the Director General of the Department to report and refer developers or brokers who violate the law to competent investigation authorities. Red Flags to Watch Out For: Unregistered Projects: Avoid investing in off-plan properties that have not been registered within the specified timeframe. Registration safeguards your ownership rights and ensures legal protection. Developer Defaults: Research the developer's reputation and track record. Instances of default on previous projects or financial instability could pose risks to your investment. Legal Non-Compliance: Any deviations from Dubai's regulatory framework, such as unauthorized fees or lack of proper approvals, should raise concerns about the project's legality. Incomplete Documentation: Inadequate or incomplete documentation from the developer regarding permits, approvals, or contractual terms should be thoroughly reviewed and clarified before proceeding. Size Inconsistencies: Be vigilant regarding the final area measurements of the property. Developers should adhere to agreed-upon sizes, with compensation required for any inconsistencies.  Conclusion: Investing in off-plan properties in Dubai offers promising returns, but it's essential to approach the process with caution and thorough research. By understanding and adhering to Dubai's legal framework outlined in Dubai Law No. 13/2008, investors can mitigate risks and secure their home or profitable investment property with confidence. Always seek professional advice and ensure all transactions comply with regulatory requirements to safeguard your interests in this dynamic real estate market.  
12 August 2024
civil law

Understanding civil marriage law in abu dhabi

Introduction: In 2021, Abu Dhabi introduced a landmark legal reform with the issuance of Law No. 14 of 2021, which introduced the concept of civil marriage in the UAE.
06 August 2024

Understanding third-party liability in uae space law.

Introduction: The UAE has taken a significant step forward in regulating space activities with Cabinet Decision No. 20/2023 on the Regulation for Ensuring Compensation of the Damage Caused to Third Parties While Practising Space Activities and Other Activities Related to the Space Sector.
30 July 2024

What are the cryptocurrency regulations in dubai?

Introduction: In recent years, the global economy has witnessed the popularity and adoption of cryptocurrencies, with Dubai emerging as a notable player in this digital financial landscape.
02 July 2024

Understanding the uae's new abortion law: a comprehensive overview

Introduction: The UAE has recently implemented significant legal reforms regarding abortion, reproductive rights, and medical ethics, with the law of Federal Decree-Law No. 4/2016 on Medical Liability and its amendment with Federal Decree-Law No. 18/2023.
21 May 2024

Extradition process between the uae and denmark

Introduction: Extradition is a legal process through which one country surrenders an individual to another country for prosecution or punishment for crimes committed in the requesting country.
10 April 2024

What are the fines and penalties for the hit and run cases in the uae?

“Hit-and-run”, as the name suggests, is used to refer to those cases of motor vehicle accidents where, after causing the accident, the offender abandons the scene without informing the relevant authorities or taking the appropriate measures. A hit-and-run accident is considered to be much graver because generally the person causing the accident is required to pay for the damages that he may have caused, whether to a person or property, whereas in a hit-and-run, the person may just drive away due to fear of getting caught.
24 October 2023

Learn more about fake job posting for emiratisation in the uae and its sanctions

As part of a new Ministerial Resolution, No. 663 of 2022, the UAE government has issued certain rules to regulate job postings in the country. The Resolution strictly warns those who post job offers which are misleading or which do not exist at all. Following Article 2 of the Resolution, establishments are prohibited from the following, when posting jobs for the purpose of Emiratisation:
24 October 2023

Learn more about false reviews in establishment that invites penalties in the uae

Companies, or brands, that offer services to the general public, can often become the subject of negative reviews from their customers, if their service has not been up to the mark. This is absolutely common, and people who are involved in this area of work know how to deal with such reviews from their clients. However, there may be instances where a person has just gone up and above with the review and really damaged the reputation of your business, when most of what he wrote was not even true. How do you deal with such a situation?
24 October 2023

What you need to know about commercial agencies in the uae

Businesses looking for growth opportunities in the UAE often seek the help of commercial agents since these are local persons equipped with the relevant expertise of business operations and networking in the country. Therefore, as part of the continuous effort to increase international business in the UAE, the government has put forward a new law regulating the commercial agencies in the country.  The new Federal Commercial Agency Code has seemingly incorporated extensive reforms when compared to its predecessor.
24 October 2023

Learn more about the fines and penalties for arson cases in the uae

Arson means the act of deliberately setting fire to property and thereby causing widespread damage, including danger to people and animals. Although the offence of arson typically involves buildings, it could include any property, such as motor vehicles, trees and plantation, workshops etc. Arson is considered to be a felony, meaning that it is a serious offence, and therefore the penalties that an arsonist, i.e. a person committing arson, may be subject to are harsh.
23 October 2023

Illegal health practice in the uae: fines and punishments

To practice the medical profession in the UAE, it is imperative to obtain a license by the designated Health Authority. Under Article 4 of Federal Law No. 5 of 2019 On the Regulation of the Practice of the Human Medicine Profession, no one can practice the profession of human medicine, including dentistry, unless they are licensed by the Health Authority.
23 October 2023

In brief: intellectual property rights in the uae

The term “intellectual property” signifies any creation of the human intellect. It comprises of ideas, inventions, designs and discoveries, that can be used to earn recognition and financial gains. The most common examples of intellectual property are copyrights, patents and trademarks, among others.
23 October 2023

What are the penalties for forging drug tests in the uae?

Offences related to drugs in the UAE are governed by Federal Decree-Law No. 30 of 2021, On Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances, and are severely punished. The country has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to the use or possession of drugs, which includes buying and selling of drugs unless done for medical or scientific purposes under supervision and regulations. Regardless, people, especially from foreign countries, tend to bring and use drugs in the UAE, unaware of the consequences. As a result, several people have faced fines and jail time, including deportation from the UAE, as punishments for being involved in drug-related cases.
27 April 2023
Family Law

Who will be granted custody of the children in a case of parental neglect in the uae?

Parents are made to be the natural custodian of a child upon his birth, and in cases where parents are not fit to take custody, it may be given to the close relatives of the child, or a person competent to be a custodian in the eyes of law. But there may be cases when those entrusted to take care of a child are themselves the perpetrators of neglect towards the child. The UAE laws are very strict when it comes to the protection of children, and have laid down penalties if it is found that a child has been subject to neglect by his custodian.
27 April 2023

What you need to know about new civil procedure law in the uae?

As part of the legislative reforms initiated by the UAE government in the year 2023, several important laws have undergone an overhauling. As such, a new Civil Procedure Code has been enforced, namely, Federal Decree-Law No. 42 of 2022, Promulgating the Civil Procedures Law (“CPL”). It does not completely replace the provisions of the old one but has definitely introduced some changes that are noteworthy.
27 April 2023
Family Law

Non-muslim divorce law in uae: what you need to know?

February 1, 2023, marks the enforcement of a new personal law for non-Muslims in the UAE, namely, Federal Decree-Law No. 41 of 2022, on Civil Personal Status (Non-Muslim Personal Status Law). The federal law follows in the footsteps of Abu Dhabi’s Non-Muslim Personal Status Law which has proved to be efficient in dealing with personal matters of non-Muslim citizens and residents of Abu Dhabi. The federal personal status law seeks to cover the non-Muslim population of the entire country.
15 March 2023
Dispute Resolution

Settlement conference in a civil matter

In recent years, alternate forms of dispute resolution, such as arbitration and mediation, have gained significant importance. Due to their advantages, these methods are being encouraged over litigation, especially in civil and commercial disputes. UAE, being a business hub, actively promotes alternate dispute resolution methods because they are time-efficient and provide a win-win solution for the parties to the dispute.
15 March 2023

What to expect on 9% corporate tax in the uae in 2023?

The year of 2023 is going to witness a sweep of legislative reforms in the UAE. A significant number of laws are coming into force with the new year, which will strengthen the socio-economic and political structure of the UAE and keep it at pace with the rest of the world.
15 March 2023

All you need to know about child labor law

In the UAE, all commercial activity, including that of construction, is regulated by the UAE Commercial Transactions Law. However, since these activities are based on contracts, in practice, the Federal Law No. 5 of 1985, known as the UAE Civil Code or the UAE Civil Transactions Law also comes into play.
15 March 2023

All you need to know about tax residency in the uae

On September 2nd, 2022, the UAE government issued the Cabinet Decision No. 85 of 2022, determining tax residency in the country. It lays down rules which determine as to when a person, whether natural or legal, may be considered as a tax resident in the UAE. The rules have been framed in consonance with internationally recognized standards and are set to come in force from March 1, 2023.
21 February 2023

What you need to know on bail enforcement in the uae

Bail is a provisional release of an accused if he is not charged of a major crime. The provisions regarding bail in the UAE are governed by Federal Decree-Law No. 38 of 2022, Concerning the Criminal Procedural Law. It lays down the procedure to be followed regarding the crimes made punishable by Federal Law No. 31 of 2021, On the Issuance of the Crimes and Penalties Law.
21 February 2023

What you need to know about swindling in the uae and it’s punishments?

The literal meaning of swindling is to take money or property from someone fraudulently, especially on a large scale. The term is often used interchangeably with fraud, in the commercial sphere, and the UAE being a hub of commerce, the probability of commission of fraud and fraud-related activities is very high.
15 February 2023
Family Law

An overview of marriage, divorce, and inheritance laws for non-muslims in the uae

The introduction of a new personal status law for the non-Muslims is a landmark decision on part of the UAE government. To be enforced from February 1st, 2023, the Federal Decree-Law No. 41 of 2022 on Civil Personal Status brings with itself numerous changes in terms of marriage, divorce, custody, inheritance etc.
15 February 2023

Inheritance law in the uae: procedures and it’s implementation

When a person dies intestate, it becomes very difficult for those left behind to gain access of his estate since they cannot be dealt with or transferred without court orders. This results in immense financial problems and unreasonable delays. Therefore, it is advised that a person should execute a will in his lifetime so that his family is freed from the distress it would otherwise experience.
15 February 2023

Learn more about theft in the uae

The UAE Penal Code defines theft as taking of property belonging to a person other than the criminal and it shall be subject to the provisions of the UAE Penal Code.
30 January 2023

What are the jail terms and penalties for abortion cases in the uae?

Under the UAE laws, abortion is broadly regulated under two laws. These are the Federal Decree Law 31 of 2021 On the Issuance of Crimes and Penalties Law (UAE Penal Code) and the Federal Decree Law No. 4 of 2016 On Medical Liability (Medical Liability Law).
30 January 2023
Family Law

All you need to know on child protection law in the uae

The child protection law in the United Arab Emirates is the Federal Law No 3 of 2016, also called the Wadeema’s Law. The Wadeema’s Law protects the overall rights of the child, including his fundamental rights of life, security and care, family rights, health rights, social rights, cultural and education rights.
30 January 2023

Choosing the right mediator in contractual disputes

An emerging branch of the legal profession, Alternate Dispute Resolution has witnessed significant progress over the past few years. It is being used in almost all kinds of disputes, and has been developed into codified laws in a number of countries, including the UAE. As a centre of commercial growth, ADR in the UAE is not only a want but a need, so that disputes can be resolved in the easiest of ways possible. A common area where ADR is often used is that of contractual disputes. Since they are mostly of civil nature, ADR is the most convenient method to resolve them.
30 January 2023