News and developments

Covid 19 – A timely reminder of employer obligations in respect of layoff, short time and redundancies

The first part of May saw a number of developments in relation to returning employees to work including the publication of the  Government’s “Roadmap for reopening society and business” on 1st May and the subsequent publication of the “Return to Work Safety Protocol” on 9th May. For further detail on these developments and employer obligations upon returning employees to the workplace have a look at our recent article “Returning to Work – the New Normal”, available at this link.

Regrettably while many employers prepare for the return of their workforce, for others they are faced with the unfortunate reality that due to a downturn in business caused by Covid-19, they will not be in the financial position to return some or all of their workforce. These employers may have to consider implementing or continuing with periods of layoff or short-time and in some cases employers will have to consider more permanent cost reduction measures i.e. redundancies.

Content supplied by Anne O'Connell Solicitors