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Anna Steur
Anna Steur specialises in corporate law focusing on private M&A transactions, joint ventures, and corporate restructuring as well as commercial contracting.
Anne van Heck
Anne van Heck specialises in corporate law focusing on private M&A transactions, joint ventures, and corporate restructuring as well as commercial contracting.
Barbara Bertelink
Barbara specialises in corporate law focusing on private M&A transactions, joint ventures, and corporate restructuring as well as commercial contracting.
Bas Belder
Bas Belder specialises in corporate law focusing on private M&A transactions.
Constantijn Jonker
Constantijn Jonker specialises in corporate law, focusing on private M&A transactions, joint ventures, corporate restructuring as well as commercial contracting, and corporate as well as commercial litigation.
Gaston Freijser
Gaston Freijser specialises in corporate law focusing on private M&A transactions, joint ventures, and corporate restructuring.
Gijs de Groot
Gijs specialises in corporate law, focusing on private M&A transactions, joint ventures, corporate restructuring as well as commercial contracting.
Harm van Schaijk
Harm specialises in corporate law focusing on private M&A transactions, joint ventures, and corporate restructuring as well as commercial contracting.
Joël van Wijk
Joël van Wijk specialises in corporate law focusing on private M&A transactions, joint ventures, and corporate restructuring as well as commercial contracting.
Laura Overes
Laura Overes is one of the partners of our firm. She specialises in corporate and commercial law transactions (M&A, joint ventures, corporate restructurings, finance and commercial (co-operation) agreements), with a focus on private equity and venture capital, and in related arbitration and litigation.
Lieke Thijssen
Lieke specialises in corporate law focusing on private M&A transactions, joint ventures, and corporate restructuring as well as commercial contracting.
Linde den Boon
Linde den Boon specialises in public and private M&A transactions, corporate governance, joint ventures and corporate restructurings.
Lotte Niesen
Lotte specialises in corporate law focusing on private M&A transactions, joint ventures, and corporate restructuring as well as commercial contracting.
Manouk van Riele
Manouk specialises in corporate law focusing on private M&A transactions, joint ventures, and corporate restructuring as well as commercial contracting.
Maurice Dudink
Maurice Dudink specialises in corporate M&A, private M&A transactions, joint ventures, corporate restructuring, capital markets, securities laws,  private equity and venture capital.
Maxime Jongh
Maxime specialises in corporate law focusing on private M&A transactions, joint ventures, and corporate restructuring as well as commercial contracting.
Pauline Hannema
Pauline specialises in corporate law focusing on private M&A transactions, joint ventures, and corporate restructuring as well as commercial contracting.
Pieter van Beveren
Pieter specialises in corporate law focusing on private M&A transactions, joint ventures, and corporate restructuring as well as commercial contracting.
Quirine Broekema
Quirine specialises in corporate law focusing on private M&A transactions, joint ventures, commercial contracting and buy-outs.
Robert Vodegel
Robert Vodegel specialises in private equity transactions and strategic acquisitions.
Rutger Potter
Rutger Potter specialises in Corporate-, Commercial Litigation and Arbitration (inquiry proceedings before the Enterprise Chamber of the Amsterdam Court of Appeal, proceedings concerning shareholders’ agreements, M&A transactions, and directors’ and officers’ liability, NAI and ICC Arbitrations) as well as in advising directors, shareholders and other stakeholders in situations of a deadlock, financial distress of a company. 
Sandra Meijneke
Sandra Meijneke specialises in corporate law focusing on M&A transactions, private equity, joint ventures, and corporate restructuring.
Simone Broekaart
Simone Broekaart specialises in corporate law focusing on private M&A transactions, joint ventures, and corporate restructuring as well as commercial contracting.
Sjoerd Pals
Sjoerd Pals specialises in corporate law focusing on private M&A transactions.
Sophie Smeets
Sophie specialises in corporate law focusing on private M&A transactions, joint ventures, and corporate restructuring as well as commercial contracting.
Stijn Vlassak
Stijn Vlassak specialises in corporate law, focusing on private M&A transactions, joint ventures, corporate restructuring as well as commercial contracting, and corporate as well as commercial litigation.
Vicky Sassen
Vicky specialises in corporate law focusing on private M&A transactions, joint ventures, and corporate restructuring as well as commercial contracting.
Wietske Voorhoeve
Wietske specialises in corporate law focusing on private M&A transactions, joint ventures, and corporate restructuring as well as commercial contracting.
Wytse Huidekoper
Wytse Huidekoper is a partner within the firm. He specialises in corporate law focusing on mergers and acquisitions and joint ventures. He assists clients in management buyouts, leveraged buyouts, private equity and venture capital transactions. He also has extensive experience with finance transactions and secured lending.