
Stephen Jones

Stephen Jones

Leigh Day, North West

Work Department

Clinical Negligence


Stephen has specialised in clinical negligence work since qualification, with particular expertise in cerebral palsy, spinal and amputation cases.  Over many years has consistently secured million pound plus awards: since joining Leigh Day in 2015 these include awards of £13m (spinal claim, 2021), £10.677m (cerebral palsy, 2021), £2.25 (spinal claim, 2019) and £1m (minor birth injury, 2017); recently (2021) secured interim payment of £1.75m on account of damages in an ongoing cerebral palsy claim, and damages of £850,000 for an avoidable forefoot amputation (2022). Previously acted for Denise Hendry, wife of former Scotland footballer Colin Hendry, obtaining then highest award ever made in a cosmetic surgery case. Stephen has a specific interest in Inquiry and inquest work: represented over 100 patients at Ashworth Hospital in Fallon Inquiry; he acted as Solicitor to Royal Liverpool Children’s Inquiry (“Alder Hey Inquiry”) and Redfern Inquiry into tissue sampling (“Sellafield Inquiry”); and regularly represents families personally at inquests.


Joined Pannone (now Slater and Gordon), 1984; qualified 1986 and became national Head of Clinical Negligence.

Joined Leigh Day in 2015 as Partner, heads up Manchester Clinical Negligence team.


Law Society Clinical Negligence Panel, AvMA Solicitors Referral Panel.


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