
Vijay Ganapathy

Vijay Ganapathy

Leigh Day, London

Work Department

Personal injury


Vijay is a partner specialising in industrial disease (particularly mesothelioma and other asbestos illnesses) and other complex injury cases including matters involving child injury and public accidents.  He has carved out a reputation as a successful litigator and is best known for having acted for the Claimant in Chandler v Cape plc [2012] EWCA 525 CA, a landmark case which set a new precedent in tort and company law for establishing liability against parent companies despite the limited liability principle.  He has negotiated various six figure settlements both in industrial and complex injury claims.    He represents Claimants both here and overseas which includes securing funding for immunotherapy treatment costs for various Australian mesothelioma sufferers. 

 He is accredited as a Senior Litigator of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) as well as holding specialist accreditation for Occupational and Asbestos Disease claims.  He also acts as an APIL assessor for other solicitors seeking similar accreditation.

 Vijay is knowledgeable on the current state of the law and has written and contributed to various legal journals including The Lawyer, The New Law Journal, The Journal of Personal Injury and APIL’s PI Focus magazine.  He has been writing the quarterly personal injury update for the Solicitors Journal for 10 years since August 2007 and now writes these updates for the New Law Journal.  He has also given numerous talks at universities and to specialist hospital teams.  Previously, he took part in a discussion in the House of Lords on reforming the law of limited liability.  In 2014, he was awarded the title Lawyer of the Year in Industrial Disease by Corporate LiveWire magazine.


Trained Hodge Jones & Allen; qualified 2006; partner 2015. Publications of note include: Solicitors Journal PI quarterly update for 10 years from 2007 and New Law Journal presently; Tort: A New Landscape – The New Law Journal August 2021; Keeping it in the family - The New Law Journal, October 2019; The search for clarity in complex claims – The New Law Journal, August 2019; Knowing your limits: The Impact of Limitation Rules – Personal Injury Practice: An Experts’ Guide, 4 November 2014; Stretching the Boundaries of Duty of Care – The Journal of Personal Injury, March 2013; A New Avenue of Corporate Responsibility – APIL PI Focus Magazine, July 2012.


APIL Senior Litigator, APIL Accreditation for Occupational and Asbestos Disease Claims, and member of various APIL special interest groups.


Kings College London & College of Law London; Laws LLB (1997), BVC (1998) and QLTT (2006).


Mix of sports including cycling, tennis and going to the gym. Otherwise, he enjoys spending time with his family.

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