Cornet Vincent Ségurel

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Work Department
Employment & Labour Law
Laurence TARDIVEL began working with PRICE WATERHOUSE in 1991. She joined Cornet Vincent Segurel in 1996 and became a partner in 2001.
Laurence TARDIVEL holds a certificate of specialization in Employment law awarded by the French National Council of Bars and a Master’s degree in business law from the University of Rennes. She devoted her initial practice to advisory services in company law and employment law before developing her practice exclusively in the area of employment law, providing both advisory and litigation services.
Her initial experience rapidly allowed her to participate in complex legal transactions (mergers, sales of businesses, contributions of divisions) and to handle the related employment law problems. She also works together with the mergers and acquisitions and tax law departments of the Firm in conducting due compliance audits to make refinancing or acquisition transactions sound.
She works frequently with the insolvency law department, in particular in the definition of acquisition offers, implementation of termination procedures and giving support to acquirers or mandataires judiciaires [trustees], providing advisory and litigation services.
Support for CEOs of companies in the private sector, associations, mutual insurance companies or semi-public, in individual and collective labour/employee relations, has led Laurence TARDIVEL to become involved in major reorganisation and shrinkage transactions through collective negotiations in particular.
She works together with management organisations, divisions, and local players as a mediator and provides support in psycho-social risk situations.
She provides support for clients in court (trial and intermediate appeal levels) in litigation involving employment law (civil, labour and administrative courts) and the health care/social security system.
Laurence TARDIVEL holds the University Degree of Mediator – IFOMENE 2017.