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Laurence CADENAT

Laurence CADENAT

Work Department

Real Property Law




Laurence CADENAT holds a DEA (equivalent to an MPhil) in Private Law from the University of Nantes and a DEA in Business Law from the University of Paris I.

She started her career in 2001 at the Bignon Lebray & Associés law firm in Paris (2001-2004) before moving to Lefèvre Pelletier & Associés, in the commercial lease department (2005-2008). Laurence Cadenat then joined the Nantes office of Cornet Vincent Ségurel, in the Property Law department headed by Jean Doucet.

With specialisation in Property Law, specifically in commercial leases, Laurence Cadenat's practice involves all aspects of commercial leases, in terms of advice and litigation.

She also teaches Property Law as a Professor at the ICH of Nantes.



Content supplied by Cornet Vincent Ségurel