New partners have joined Wortels Lexus Law Firm since January 2019.
Shervin and Reshmee Narrainen take care of all fiscal matters and Matcotrust deals with all corporate structuring in the Domestic and Global sector.
Viyay Dwarka and Rao Luchmaya assist in trademark matters, maritime law and in domestic and international litigation.
Wortels Lexus is associated with law firms worldwide who are separate legal entities practicing advocacy for their own account.
More information on the partners available on www.wortelslexus.com
- English
- Creole
- Hindi
- French
- AEA International Lawyers Network
- HG.org
- IBA (International Bar Association)
- Inter-Pacific Bar Association (IPBA)
Staffing Figures
- more than 70 staff covering all partner's offices and each practicing for their own account