

Hanne & Co is committed to eliminating discrimination and promoting equality and diversity in its own policies, practices and procedures and in those areas in which it has influence. This applies to our professional dealings with staff and partners, clients, other solicitors, barristers and third parties. We are also committed to promoting equality and diversity in those areas in which we have influence and are signed up to the Law Society’s Equality and Inclusion Charter and the use of the supporting best practice protocols. We intend to treat everyone equally and with the same attention, courtesy and respect regardless of their disability, gender, marital status, age, race, racial group, colour, ethnic or national origin, nationality, religion or belief or sexual orientation. We are committed to complying with rule 6 of the Solicitors’ Code of Conduct 2007 and with all current and any future anti-discrimination legislation and associated codes of practice and any relevant amendments to or further codes of practice. 

As an employer, we will treat all employees and job applicants equally and fairly and do not discriminate unjustifiably against them. We recognise the benefits of having a diverse workforce and will take steps to ensure that: 

  • we endeavour to recruit from the widest pool of qualified candidates possible; 
  • employment opportunities are open and accessible to all on the basis of candidates’ individual qualities and personal merits; 
  • where appropriate, positive action measures are taken to attract applications from all sections of society and especially from those groups which are under-represented in the workforce; 
  • selection criteria and processes do not discriminate unjustifiably on the grounds of disability, gender, marital status, race, racial group, colour, ethnic or national origin, nationality, religion or belief, or sexual orientation, other than in those instances where the firm is exercising permitted positive action; 
  • wherever appropriate and necessary, lawful exemptions (genuine occupational requirements) will be used to recruit suitable staff to meet the special needs of particular groups; and 
  • all recruitment agencies acting for the firm are aware of its requirement not to discriminate and to act accordingly. 

Promotion within the firm is made without reference to any of the forbidden grounds and will be based solely on merit.   

Corporate Social Responsibility 

We have long been committed to helping our local and wider community. We are one of the few firms that will still provide some Legal Aid assistance where clients are eligible. As a firm and as individuals within the firm we support a number of good works, such as Rights of Women advice line, the London Legal Support Trust and Free Wills campaign. We have an active charity committee and every year vote on a charity to support/fund raise for. This year we are supporting the local Katherine Low Settlement and if you want to read more about this and our CSR ethos please see our website: 
