
“From day one, we have always attached great importance to having a balanced workforce. The Kılınç Law family is proud to state that unlike many other firms operating in our industry, since 2016 we have had more women employees than men and at every level of the business women are well represented – with half our partners, 75% of our senior associates and almost 90% of our associates being women. Moreover; Kılınç Law and Consulting is proud to be a diverse team, reflecting a range of race, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, gender identity, citizenship status and other statuses. The firm is highly international, and there are currently associates in the firm from Azerbaijan, Sweden and Australia.

Creating Role Models for Young Lawyers

The Firm provides a wealth of role models for aspiring young female lawyers; the majority of senior positions are occupied by female lawyers, a situation that is rare in both specialist and large law firms. As a firm that practices corporate law, Kılınç Law & Consulting understands good business practices, so the Firm agrees that diversity in recruiting, hiring, and promoting makes good business sense for us as well as for clients. Kılınç Law & Consulting recently promoted a female Senior Associate, Duygu Doğan, to the Partnership in September 2019, making her the firm’s second female partner together with Seray Özsoy. This helps to further encourage the predominantly female team that success is rewarded at Kılınç Law & Consulting regardless of gender.

Embracing Gender Differences

We believe that the equal distribution of women and men in the work environment is a balance that can take a society further - and, it’s also very important for the office environment for many reasons. Each associate who has the same seniority earns the same salary, regardless of gender. The Firm pays great attention to the absence of such discrimination. In addition, the company provides many conveniences to increase the role of working mothers in business life. It allows mothers working with flexible working hours to spend time in both family and business life. The firm also provides various forms of support to families of the workers expecting children, including a robust maternity cover scheme.

Making the Firm Accessible for Every Individual

On the other hand, the Firm’s new office, which is located in Istanbul, has been made appropriate for disabled people. The firm has attached great importance to make the office accessible for everyone; the architecture of the Firm has been completed in accordance with the requirements of disabled people who would work in the future.

Actively promoting diversity in business life causes many positive indicators to be reflected in a company’s bottom line. Kılınç is working actively to increase the volume of women in business in Turkey, and we are also a member of the organization to increase diversity in entrepreneurship in Turkey. The fact that we actively promote and reflect diversity in business life is also appreciated by our clients, especially those with a large business volume and employment capacity.”

Content supplied by KILINÇ LAW & CONSULTING