Ana Bruno & Associados, Sociedade de Advogados, RL > Lisbon, Portugal > Firm Profile

Ana Bruno & Associados, Sociedade de Advogados, RL

Registered with the Portuguese Bar Association under no. 13/2004, the firm was established on the basis of the professional practice of its founding partner, Ana Bruno, focusing on the effective implementation of tailored solutions to meet the needs of each client, and committed to seeking, finding and identifying the needs and interests of its clients and adapting its resources accordingly, fashioning itself as a boutique firm.

Its focus is directed on individual clients, with multiple interests and fields of action, advising them on their investments, on the identification of opportunities and even on their day-to-day management.

The firm strives to establish Long-term partnerships with its clients, presenting solutions aimed at creating value for the client in a long-term perspective.  The firm strives to know and evaluate each situation and act in a way that does not compromise the goals and future projects of our clients, establishing trust by adopting an attitude of collaboration, sharing and mutual gain.

Located in Lisbon but prepared to readily shift its resources to other locations, the firm has succeeded in providing legal services throughout the country to both national and foreign clients and in a wide range of business areas. The firm is also recognized for its rapid response to clients in need of legal support overseas.

This characteristic and the great amount of work that it generates were the reason for the establishment of special desks for jurisdictions with which the firm has major business, namely Angola, Mozambique, United Arab Emirates and, more recently, Macau.

The firm also provides safe access to all jurisdictions in Europe through the association of European law firms Cyrus Ross International E.E.I.G.

Department Name Email Telephone
Real Estate / Corporate Ana Oliveira Bruno +351213713350
Public Law / Competition Filipe Eusébio +351213713350
Corporate Ricardo Falcão +351213713350
Partners : 5
Of-Counsel : 3
Associates : 7
Trainees : 6
Other Juridical : 3
Staff : 6
English (fluent)
Cyrus Ross International

CLIENT: Miguel Velez (Manager)
COMPANY/FIRM: Unlock Thoughts – (Hospitality Sector)
TESTIMONIAL: Since the creation of the company, Ana Bruno & Associados’ lawyers have been involved in all legal processes. From the administrative daily needs until complex process of M&A, all the team has been responsible for each legal step and done an AA level work. With a deep trust on Ana Bruno and Filipe Eusébio partners and their team, the management of UBH always involve and ask their opinion and support.

COMPANY/FIRM: Urban Safari – (Hospitality Sector)
TESTIMONIAL: In the last 5 years, Urban Safari, Lda have been involved in several asset acquisitions. At the same time, these assets were refurbished and converted into recognized hotels in their destinations. Legal and administrative process are always complex and required a deep and professional legal work. Ana Bruno’s office lawyers took care of all of them with a great success. On top of this, the partners of the office are professionals with a deep understating of the world, the business and the company needs. Trust and loyalty are a key issue for our company and for that reason we are still working deeply with Ana Bruno Office.

CLIENT: Francisco Mello Breyner
TESTIMONIAL: The law firm Ana Bruno e Associados has been dealing with all issues of companies and people related to me since 2007, always with exemplary professionalism, always present in the most difficult times with efficient advice and processes and always succeeding in all dealings with Public Administration entities.

Such a relationship has always made me refer this law firm to people who seek for legal advice, and who always thank me and express their satisfaction for the referral, as the areas covered are practically all necessary.

Thanks again!

CLIENT: Private Investor
TESTIMONIAL: Professional and efficient, with a hands-on partner involvement, Ana Bruno & Associados offered a combination of first-class local knowledge at the highest international standards. A dedicated, highly experienced team, able to respond quickly and drawing upon strengths in various disciplines, providing focused advice and representation. On a more personal note, I very much enjoyed working with you, from setting up our Venture Capital Fund to conveying my personal property purchase. Your dedication and interest in the deal, and in me as a client, were very much appreciated.

CLIENT: Tereza Menezes
COMPANY/FIRM: Informa Dunn&Bradstreet
TESTIMONIAL: Ana Bruno & Associados have been handling Informa D&B Accounts Receivable collections’s for several years. We are firmly convinced that all cases we assign them are always handled with full commitment and professionalism.

Also, the lawyers operating our account display an undeniable broad knowledge of law, are detail-oriented, approachable and easy to speak to, providing us with prompt and effective responses to any questions, doubts and legal issues that may arise. The results are very positive, with a good rate of debt recovery year after year.

TESTIMONIAL: Over the past 20 years, Paulo von Hafe – from Ana Bruno and Associates – has been our lawyer with utter dedication to a series of highly demanding and quasi-surreal law suits. Throughout, he has proved able to study and find the best exit doors and legislative opportunities when confronted with challenges posed by opponents intent on evading their responsibilities or (sometimes openly) cheating clients or neighbours out of their assets, and boycott contracts… or simply not acting according to the Law. In sum, challenges that, if not properly opposed, would be highly detrimental to our interests – and totally unacceptable to us. Paulo has always risen to the occasion like Jason, seeking and following Ariadne’s thread, entering Portugal’s labyrinthine Laws and Codes and chasing the Minotaur! In the matter of Courts and Judges, always hard and unpredictable work, Paulo and his team have always offered a solid and sometimes brand new approach to every Case presented.

Ana Bruno & Associados has long been looking outward, understanding our role in a global economy, where are skills and culture are useful to a myriad of different clients. It is therefore understandable than more than 80% of our clients come from outside Portugal.

Our Firm was one of the first to venture into Angola after the civil war ended, and we have kept a lasting presence in Luanda, until today. And from there, we accompanied our clients into investments in Mozambique, where we are assisted by two local lawyers.

We have also developed a continued presence in Dubai, that has been going on for almost a decade. A Portuguese lawyer is permanently residing in the UAE, able and ready to assist both local and foreign clients.

The Firm has also played an active role in the establishment of the Portugal-India Business Hub (, of the Portuguese Business Council in the UAE ( and participates actively in the Portugal-China Chamber of Commerce and Industry (


Social responsibility and respect for diversity is a management philosophy and a permanent attitude. As a socially responsible firm, we keep our stakeholder’s interests in mind: the team, our clients, partners, suppliers, the Government, Society and the Environment.
 We seek to make choices and adopt sustainable practices within the scope of our activity and participate in the life of the neighbouring communities. We engage in initiatives and projects in which we can make a difference and impact people’s lives.

Responding to the current crisis developing in Eastern Europe, the firm has volunteered to assist pro bono the refugees seeking asylum in Portugal, joining a common effort led by the Portuguese Bar.

Because we believe that young people are the future, we have developed several initiatives to integrate them into the business world and build up their skills.

Summer Internships: We have been providing summer internships that allow young law students and foreign college students to get to know the reality and the daily life of the world of Law in various areas of activity, providing them with relevant information and experience for their professional future.

Professional Internships: We integrate young trainees in various areas, offering them the opportunity to become involved and acquire knowledge and experience from real cases and situations, or by participating in the work of an experienced team. We are proud to have integrated several young lawyers who started their professional life as interns and developed their career with us.

“Teaching for a fairer society” is an initiative of Ana Bruno & Associados that aims to raise young people’s awareness of how the justice system works and its various stakeholders in Portugal, as well as their understanding of law enforcement and the rule of law. Read more

The project focuses on citizenship, but more so on the concepts and processes of democracy, justice and citizens’ rights and responsibilities. This initiative is an opportunity to work with young people and to explore their role as citizens, to deepen their understanding of how society works and to play an active role in addressing civil and social issues.

Ana Bruno & Associados has also long been a supporter and sponsor of Terra dos Sonhos ( and Anjinhos de Natal (

Paulo von Hafe, Partner, Ana Bruno & Associado

Ana Bruno & Associados Partner Paulo von Hafe shares his views on the Portuguese legal services outlook

How as Ana Bruno & Associados fared through the troubled times of 2020/2021 ?

After the first times of uncertainty, we were pleased to find our team ready to go on working, despite the difficulties of confinement. I am proud to say that we helped several foreign clients who found themselves trapped in the confusion of those first weeks, go back home to their loved ones. When the dust started to settle, however, we understood that the dynamics of working together physically were not to be discarded, and moved the team back to the office as soon as it was safe and we could ensure a safe work environment. The excellent conditions of our offices were central and we were able to take advantage of our outdoors areas to welcome our clients in the sunny months of spring, summer and early autumn. Indeed, some of our clients seemed to be finding pretexts to come and meet us here at the office…

Surely, there were as retraction in the first semester of 2020, but our great foreign client base then provided a new focus of attention. Covid and the excellent response that Portugal collectively showed increased the interest of many to relocate and invest in our country, and we have been honour to support them.

Which practices do you see growing in the next 12 months? What are the drivers behind that ?

Ana Bruno & Associados is firmly grounded in the triangle it created covering tropical Portuguese speaking Angola and Mozambique, Dubai (linking to India and China) and the Cyrus Ross Network in Europe, of which the Firm has been a long-time member and of which I am honored to be a Board Member.

We believe that finally Portugal has caught the eye of the World and that we are still only in the beginning of what’s to come. More and more, those who first came after EU resident cards are finding the myriad investment opportunities that Portugal has to offer, by our geographical location, our natural riches, and our educated and proactive workers.

And, as incentives drawn from the aid by the European Union start to materialize and investment models for residence purposes shift, so we try to be in the forefront of new more structured solutions, that may provide our clients or prospective clients with different opportunities to invest and have appealing returns on their investments.

What’s the main change you’ve made in the firm that will benefit clients?

Evidence of our vitality through the last two years is our continued and sustained growth. Our team has expanded with two new junior lawyers and we have increased and intend to reinforce still our trainee pool, in view of future organic growth. We have been rethinking the workload distribution, releasing the more experienced lawyers to face-to-face contact with our Clients. Our personal relation with the Client, our effort to know and understand their wishes and needs, has always been the centerpiece of our identity as a law firm. Investment on the consolidation of our digital tools has been my main concern and I intend to continue pursuing it, to rationalize our processes, reduce fees for our clients and allow us to focus on high value chores.

Is technology changing the way you interact with your clients, and the services you can provide them?

We never forget that technology is a tool. It is a tool to release us from irrational work processes, repetitive low value added tasks, human error, and to elevate us to what humans do best: relate, communicate, care.

But as a tool that it is, it is highly valued. We continually incorporate tested technology and remain attentive at the constant threats that information technology poses to our data storage. Lawyer firms must keep much higher privacy and data security standards, which forces us to always be one step ahead of the growing risks.

You have mentioned the firm’s international presence: how does that presence weigh on the strategy of the office?

In Europe, Ana Bruno & Associados has been a very active party of Cyrus Ross ( The network acts under the form of an European Economic Interest Group, and is composed of small to medium sized law firms in Spain, France, the UK, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Denmark , Austria, Chequia, Poland, Romenia, Hungary, Bulgaria and Finland. We meet often and try to maintain close proximity and to integrate as much as possible, without jeopardizing each firm’s identity.

Outside Europe, the firm is present in Dubai, our most active outpost, with a permanent Portuguese colleague who has been living in the Emirates for the most part of the last decade, who ensures multiple services locally, as well as acting as point-man for the foreign investors coming from the Middle East and India, looking to invest in Portugal.

In Angola and Mozambique, our many years working in permanence there have left us well acquainted with the territory, its peoples and opportunities. We maintain a minimal local staff, and currently provide a much more flexible service, both to locals looking for Portugal’s opportunities, and for foreigners looking for opportunities there.

We also keep tight relations with law firms in Brazil, Macao, Turkey and the US, in view of providing the best solutions for our clients.

Ricardo Falcão, Partner – Head of Corporate and Financial Law Department

Ricardo Falcão, Partner of the Firm, shares his views on what Ana Bruno & Associados brings to the table when dealing with Clients


1) What do you see as the main points that differentiate Ana Bruno & Associados from your competitors?

Ana Bruno & Associados’ Client base is mainly made up of foreigners looking to extend their business to Portugal or, ultimately, change their personal or professional life to Portugal. In this context, what we believe differentiates Ana Bruno & Associados from other law firms is that we understand that our work is not limited to providing legal services to Clients. Ana Bruno & Associados’ policy is to be proactive in finding solutions for its Clients, helping them to find the right partners in Portugal to achieve their goals, allowing them to create a network that ensures that their businesses thrive and prosper. Likewise, through our partnerships abroad, Ana Bruno & Associados also helps its Clients to expand their business worldwide, namely to Portuguese-speaking countries (particularly Angola and Mozambique) and the United Arab Emirates.


2) Which practices do you see growing in the next 12 months? What are the drivers behind that?

In the coming 12 months, Ana Bruno & Associados anticipates significant expansion in several key practice areas, namely Immigration, Financial, Corporate, and Tax Law.

The Immigration department is expected to keep on its growing trajectory, particularly driven by the increasing need for skilled labor, and cross-border mobility, particularly digital nomads. Thus, we anticipate a rise in inquiries regarding immigration services for individuals navigating visa procedures and citizenship applications, as well as for businesses seeking relocation strategies, particularly from regions affected by the war in Ukraine. Additionally, we foresee heightened interest in Collective Investment Undertakings and their Management Entities for the creation of viable investment products to attract capital into Portugal.

We anticipate a notable synergy between our Immigration Law practice and Financial Law. The growing interest in immigration programs, such as Golden Visa applications, is expected to catalyze investment activities, particularly in the technology sector. As investors explore opportunities in new markets and seek diversification, the incorporation of Collective Investment Undertakings, particularly Venture Capital Funds is poised to rise, presenting unique legal challenges and opportunities for our firm to provide tailored solutions, ensuring compliance, and managing risk.

Moreover, our Corporate Law practice is poised for expansion as businesses relocate to Portugal seeking investment and growth opportunities promoted by programs such as Start-up Vouchers and Start Up Visa. The need for adaptation to evolving regulatory landscape and drive to pursue strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions, and restructuring demand our comprehensive legal counsel to facilitate their business objectives.

All these operations come with tax implications, which drive significant growth for our Tax Department. The continuous developments in tax legislation and the increasing complexity of international tax regimes make our individual and institutional Clients seek specialized tax advice to optimize their tax structures, enhance tax efficiency, and reduce risks.

Ana Bruno & Associados remains committed to staying at the forefront of these developments, providing customized legal solutions and strategic guidance to our Clients as they navigate through an increasingly complex legal landscape.


3) What’s the main change you’ve made in the firm that will benefit clients?

Ana Bruno & Associados is sensitive to the needs of Clients, particularly their need for reassurance that their matters are being dealt with in a timely and professional manner. Thus, to address this, our Firm has implemented personalized follow-up procedures for each Client, with monthly information on the status of their files, especially in cases involving courts or submissions to public authorities, such as immigration and nationality matters.


4) Is technology changing the way you interact with your clients, and the services you can provide them?

Technological advances create the need for Law Firms to reply to Clients at an increasingly quicker pace, without compromising the quality of services. Ana Bruno & Associados is aware of this demand and has focused on strengthening its internal IT programs with the aim of optimizing the search and collection of information and documents in order to reduce the time spent on ancillary tasks, allowing Lawyers to focus on legal work, reducing response times and making interaction with Clients more fluid and faster. Furthermore, Ana Bruno & Associados is studying the best way to integrate artificial intelligence into its daily activity without compromising the (irreplaceable) role of the Lawyers.


5) Can you give us a practical example of how you have helped a client to add value to their business?

A paradigmatic example of how Ana Bruno & Associados positions itself as a Law Firm is the case of a Client who engaged with us for an immigration matter with the view of obtaining Portuguese citizenship. In the context of assisting this Client with his personal matter, our Firm got to learn about his background and past professional experience and, as we are knowledgeable about the Portuguese market, we helped him create a working network that allowed him to establish his own business group in Portugal structured vertically, enabling him to attract foreign investment to be then deployed in acquiring/building/refurbishing hotels, which are managed and built by hotel operating companies and construction companies within his group, keeping the full operation “in-house”, streamlining procedures, decreasing costs and increasing efficiency.


6) Are clients looking for stability and strategic direction from their law firms – where do you see the firm in three years’ time?

Ana Bruno & Associados has grown significantly in recent years, having increased its team by almost 50% in the last 3 years, reflecting the growth in its Clients base, which makes us particularly proud and happy given that this trajectory started still during the global pandemic. Considering our differentiating approach, in which Ana Bruno & Associados positions itself as a “partner” for its Clients, we believe that we will continue to grow, hand in hand with our Clients, current and future, giving them the strategic guidance that they need to establish themselves and prosper in Portugal.


Expiration date of the identification documents and documents related to permanence of foreign citizens on national territory

With the emergence of the Sars-Cov-2 pandemic that globally affected all countries, it was necessary and urgent to promote measures and norms that could respond to the constraints and difficulties that immediately began to arise in most sectors of activity in the country, as well as in all public and private services. Unable to secure their services with the usual diligence.

The UAE will now have an extra half day of rest in addition to Saturday and Sunday

On January 1st, 2022, with the aim of improving work-life balance and increasing the country's economic competitiveness performance, an amendment to the Labor Law of the United Arab Emirates came into force to grant one more afternoon off, Friday afternoon, the day of the weekly great prayer in Muslim countries.



In the context of the pandemic of the disease COVID-19, determines the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 5-A/2022, that measures are changed for those who are subject to compulsory confinement on the 30th of January 2022. Exceptionally and exclusively for the exercise of their right to vote, these citizens may attend the elections for the National Assembly. It should be noted that compliance with all other applicable health and public health rules will continue to be required.

Agreement on the reciprocal protection and promotion of investments between the Government of the Republic of Angola and the Government of the United Arab Emirates

On April 29th, 2021, the Presidential Decree No. 107/21 was published in the Official Journal of the Republic of Angola, which aims to strengthen the relations of this State with the Government of the United Arab Emirates.