News and developments

Press Releases

Expiration date of the identification documents and documents related to permanence of foreign citizens on national territory

With the emergence of the Sars-Cov-2 pandemic that globally affected all countries, it was necessary and urgent to promote measures and norms that could respond to the constraints and difficulties that immediately began to arise in most sectors of activity in the country, as well as in all public and private services. Unable to secure their services with the usual diligence.
25 January 2022
Press Releases


PORTUGAL - THE RIGHT TO SUFFRAGE VS THE RIGHT TO HEALTH PROTECTION In the context of the pandemic of the disease COVID-19, determines the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 5-A/2022, that measures are changed for those who are subject to compulsory confinement on the 30th of January 2022. Exceptionally and exclusively for the exercise of their right to vote, these citizens may attend the elections for the National Assembly. It should be noted that compliance with all other applicable health and public health rules will continue to be required.
25 January 2022
TMT (Technology, Media & Telecoms)

PORTUGAL - Decree Law 27/2021

A system of incentives for higher education institutions to cooperate with the Public Administration and enterprises and to support the diversification of the training and learning offer.Higher education institutions have the right and duty to participate in connecting activities with society, disseminating and developing more and better methods of transfer and socio-economic valorisation of scientific knowledge, diversification and specialization of the education offer.
23 April 2021
Ana Bruno & Associados, Sociedade de Advogados, RL