Ana Bruno & Associados, Sociedade de Advogados, RL
anabruno.ptInternational capabilities
Ana Bruno & Associados has long been looking outward, understanding our role in a global economy, where are skills and culture are useful to a myriad of different clients. It is therefore understandable than more than 80% of our clients come from outside Portugal.
Our Firm was one of the first to venture into Angola after the civil war ended, and we have kept a lasting presence in Luanda, until today. And from there, we accompanied our clients into investments in Mozambique, where we are assisted by two local lawyers.
We have also developed a continued presence in Dubai, that has been going on for almost a decade. A Portuguese lawyer is permanently residing in the UAE, able and ready to assist both local and foreign clients.
The Firm has also played an active role in the establishment of the Portugal-India Business Hub (https://www.linkedin.com/company/pibhub/about/), of the Portuguese Business Council in the UAE (https://www.portuguesebusinesscouncil.com/index.php/pt/) and participates actively in the Portugal-China Chamber of Commerce and Industry (https://ccilc.pt/)