

Diversity in Chambers

In a Shakespearean English-speaking legal arena where gown and wigs are dominated historically, by white, blue eyed and Oxbridge accented male, it can be rather intimidating to break the barriers and stand out and shine even when one has the right armour to compete in the same battlefield against the then deemed “superior”. But the law is changing this, and the new generation of legal professionals are in full provision to ensure that on we move forward. Diversity is borne.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion are arguably relatively new in the legal profession, but it is an utmost necessity that should have been genetically imprinted within the legal profession as the law represents equality and fairness. It is this adage that 3 Bolt Court Chambers believe in hence the diversity in their chamber is befittingly observed. Since its birth in 2015, 3 Bolt Court Chambers has been committed to surmount the old practice where it can be seen as Jardynce v Jardynce imaginary and to support this statement, a statistic has been put together. The 2018/2019 LLC Pupillage Interview Statistic shows a staggering 71% Female and 29% Male in attendance for the Interviews. Other factors such as age, disability, religion, sexual orientation and ethnicity which showed more numbers which has other ethnic background has also dominated the numbers against white male.

At 3 Bolt Court Chambers we’re passionate about creating an inclusive workplace that promotes and values diversity. Companies that are diverse in age, gender identity, race, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, ethnicity, and perspective are proven to create a stronger and creative work environment that delivers better results, More importantly, creating an environment where everyone, from any background, can do their best work is the right thing to do.

We have a global, multicultural following. In our recent pupillage application process this was demonstrated amongst ethnicity, sex, age and religion.

Content supplied by 3 Bolt Court Chambers