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Jan Galloway

Jan Galloway

Moore Barlow, South East


Jan has over 30 years experience in all aspects of family law. As of May 2023 she practises solely as a mediator having taken a step back from litigation. She has trained as a mediator with Resolution and with FMA. She is a member of the Family Mediation Council.

Her clients continue to be drawn from many different professions and industry sectors, both in the UK and abroad, and are often high net worth individuals with assets in more than one country. She has worked with clients encompassing all aspects of family law, assisting them when sadly the relationship has broken down and supporting them through the process of securing a financial settlement, often involving complex financial structures and making arrangements for the children. That wealth of experience underpins the knowledge and support she now brings the couple in the mediation forum.

Relationship breakdown can be emotional and distressing for all. She provides clients with a sympathetic and understanding approach and ensure that their discussions are respectful, forward looking and child centred. Her role as mediator is to move the family forward towards a resolution acceptable to all. She has also trained as a coach with Barefoot a fully accredited course provider and she is a member of the International Coaching Federation. She specialises in coaching individuals going through a divorce or separation. As such she also has an understanding of what issues one may be facing and the emotions at play which may create a challenge within the mediation forum and she can assist the couple manage that, offering a better prospect of success. She is also studying a degree in Humanistic counselling to enhance and support the skills and experience she can bring to the mediation process.

She is passionate about family law and the positive evolution of the same towards dispute resolution and keeping families away from the courts, save where entirely necessary. She has a large network of professionals both in the UK and other jurisdictions who can help inform the couple to assist them achieve resolution of all the issues they are facing, providing a full package of support at what can be a very difficult and testing time.
