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Jose Daniel Porras Nicholls

Jose Daniel Porras Nicholls

Suma Legal, Colombia

Work Department

Private Law, Public Law, Contractual Law. Leads the entrepreneurship area in Suma Legal


Senior Lawyer


Her professional practice is focused on working with social organizations in the areas of corporate, administrative and contractual law, with experience in project formulation and accompaniment in entrepreneurship, business development and in science, technology and innovation entities.

His practice is framed within the framework of comprehensive legal support to organizations such as Fundación Proantioquia, Corporación Ruta N, Corporación Biosuroeste, Museo de Arte Moderno de Medellín, Orquesta Filarmónica de Medellín, Parque Explora, Atlético Nacional, EAFIT, Comfama, Cámara de Comercio de Medellín, Créame; institutions that have led Medellín's transformation process in the last few decades.

Projects: - Proyecto Taparales: first pilot project to involve the private sector in the reincorporation of former combatants of the guerrilla group  FARC in Colombia. - Biosuroeste: first public-private agro-park based on science, technology and innovation created as a platform for territorial development. - Centro para la Cuarta Revolución Industrial de Colombia: accompanying the formalization of the first center for the fourth revolution in Latin America in conjunction with the World Economic Forum, the national government and the territorial government.


Español e inglés


Lawyer from EAFIT University, specialist in Public Law from EAFIT University and MBA from EAE Business School in Barcelona.


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