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DVAN Advocaten | DVAN Advocaten is a multi-service law firm based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, with a strong focus on the corporate market both national and international.

Corporate M&A | The experienced  attorneys-at-law of our Corporate/M&A team advise entrepreneurs, companies that require (venture) capital, VC/PE companies and strategic buyers and/or sellers. Our deal size range between: EUR 5 – 50 million.

Restructuring and Insolvency | Our restructuring and insolvency team consists of four bankrutpcy trustees (curatoren) with extensive experience in restructurings and insolvencies and finding the optimal financial structure.

Employment and Pension | Our employment law department advises on individual and collective employment-law and pension law matters. Examples include advice on reorganisations, appointment or dismissal of managing directors or amendments to pension schemes, outsourcing and/or insourcing.

Commercial and Corporate Litigation | Our experience litgation attorneys-at-law assist with various business disputes and advise on the most appropriate course of action both in commercial and corporate disputes. Whether that is in court or out of court.

International | Our law firm is founding member of ICLA, the International Commercial Law Alliance, a strategic group of business law firms from around the world. Furthermore, our firm is a member of the Antitrust Alliance, a lawfirm network composed of leading antitrust teams in Europe, providing top-notch competition law advice throughout the continent.