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Mustafa Tırtır Hukuk Bürosu was founded in 2011 by Avukat Mustafa Tırtır. Mustafa Bey began his career in 2000 and practised criminal law with his professor, Prof. Dr. Köksal Bayraktar for 11 years. Mustafa Bey has been and still is focusing solely on criminal law, now with his elite team in Mustafa Tırtır Law Firm.


Our firm works solely on criminal law. We pride ourselves with our skills and experience in dealing with criminal cases, both as the defender of the accused/suspect or as the representative of the victim. However, our firm deals mostly in specific cases. In particular:

Organisational and White Collar Crime

Organisational crimes are crimes committed within, because of, or against legitimate organisations, such as the state apparatus or private companies. This is not technically organised crime in a criminological perspective because these entities have not been founded in illegitimate ways to commit crime.

White collar crime is a branch under organisational crime. In general, this type of crime is committed by private sector employees or shareholders against the customers, the public, or the company itself. Our firm has experience representing each of these actors.

Our firm, since its inception, has taken on cases where it successfuly defended employees and boards of directors against criminal allegations. There are a few tricks in the book to make sure companies and their people leave criminal investigations unscathed, and we provide them.

We have also been taking on cases in representing companies against employees or third parties who  have committed crimes such as abuse of trust and aggravated fraud. The key point in this position, the position of the complainant, is to understand how the crime was committed. Perhaps the most difficult part , however, is making public prosecutors and judges understand what took place. This is due to the complicated nature of white collar crime. Thanks to our vast experience in the field and our skills to communicate with judicial authorities, we understand cases that come to us well, and use the correct channels and petitions to have the matter solved.


Everyone may face fraud. Perpetrators of fraud always refresh their practice to be one step ahead of the guardians. The fraud can take the form of an elaborate, multiple steps Ponzi scheme. It may also take the form of a simple phishing scam, or an advance fee scheme through e-mails.

Anti-Fraud Advisory

We provide advisory overwatch services to protect our clients from fraud. Perpetrators of fraud usually attempt to eliminate any overwatch opportunities by making their victim hurry. They do so by stating that the benefit they promise in return of money will no longer be available if they are made to wait. This is because they know their attempt may get detected by a guardian, should the victim gets advice.

Criminal Dispute Resolution and Litigation

When an individual, real or legal, gets victimised by fraud, it is now time to engage proper channels of litigation to deliver justice and restore what was lost. We provide our clients with the strong arm of justice by filing the necessary criminal complaint and follow up on the case until all is restored.

Internet, Journalism and Social Media Law - Criminal Limb

Protecting freedom of speech

There are many cases where political figures file criminal complaints for critical social media posts or news articles published by individuals. Criticisers face criminal prosecution over charges of insult. We defend the rights of our clients with an outlook of law as well as facts. The Turkish codes, the European Convention on Human Rights and the Turkish constitution protect freedom of speech. We utilise these shields to protect your freedom.

Removing smearing campaigns

Freedom of speech is at the core of our practice in social media and internet law. However, it is set by the European Court of Human Rights and the Turkish Constitutional Court that freedom of speech has limits.

One of the main issues regarding social media and internet law is posts on social media pages and from news websites. We actively work with our clients to identify insults, smearing campaigns and articles infringing on personal rights. We then immediately get to work on having these pieces removed from the internet by filing the requests with the authorities.

Intellectual Property Law – Criminal Limb

We have significant experience in taking on cases involving intellectual property, trademark and patent. These types of cases tend to be difficult to understand for lawyers, which makes communicating with judges and prosecutors regarding these cases difficult. With our experience under our belt, we understand the technical aspects of these types of cases well, and work tirelessly to make your case.

Tax Crimes

Turkey is a country with heavy and sometimes confusing taxing regulations, which may lead to criminal implications, whether an individual intended criminal activities or not. In this regard, we represent our clients in defending against accusations of tax crimes.

Preventive Criminology

Years of practice in criminal dispute resolution allows us to see what goes wrong and when. We combine our experience in criminal disputes and cutting edge organisational criminological studies to form our preventive criminology practice.

It is always more economical and fruitful to not have issues. This much is obvious. However, effort must be spent to identify the errors, shortcomings and policy implications within an organisational structure, also known as the meso level. We find the holes and failures within a system that can lead to the abuse of the organisation, and advise our clients on how to strengthen their organisational system to be virtually impregnable.

Essentially, this practice is anti-corruption and anti-fraud for companies.

International Capability

"Criminal law is not generally known for its transnational character." This statement is changing every passing year due to the world ever-becoming a global village. We provide legal services to clients on different continents in cases that span multiple jurisdictions.

Thanks to our internationally experienced staff, we can directly communicate with our clients in the languages of Turkish and English. We are also able to follow through with paperwork that originate from different jurisdictions.

Business and Human Rights

We know that our clients hold themselves to the highest standard when it comes to human rights. This leads them to make sure that companies they work with or their subcontractors also comply with human rights to the same level. As experts in criminal law that can identify abuse, we research whether there is abuse and the structure that allows abuse.


Diversity Statement

Our firm seeks diversity in all areas. Diversity is wealth. We therefore present equal opportunity to each and every gender. Currently, our firm houses an equal amount of female and male individuals.

Due respect is given to freedom of consciounce and religion. Our firm is a workplace where every individual, from the student intern to the founding partner, can freely speak their mind. No discrimination is made for any individual for what they believe in and what they think.

Responsibility and Integrity

Criminal law is a field which can have dire consequences against those who find themselves being prosecuted. Any mistake or wrong move, any omission when dealing with the judiciary may lead to incarceration - the removal of individual freedoms. We make moves with this in mind, always calculating and never missing judicial deadlines.

We are also aware of possible corruption in the legal system as a whole. As our value, we keep integrity to the heart. Darkness may lead to pitch blackness, but it only takes a little light to make it go away. With this state of mind, we stick to honesty.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our firm notices that it is responsible to the society it operates in. For this, we give back in every level.

Part of our income is donated to charities representing the underprivileged.

Law firms use paper supplies due to the nature of the work. We do our best to keep files securely and digitally to minimize paper waste.

We also allow students to visit our firm and see how we operate. This way, future generations of lawyers are prepared.

We give back to the society by having responsibility and integrity in our line of work. Criminal law relates to society more than any other area of law. It is the field in which liberties, order and freedoms are most at stake.


We know that each and every bit of information we are given is vital for the privacy of our client. Any leak may adversely affect our client and the ongoing case. We make sure that all data and information from our clients remain secure and confidential.


We realise that sometimes, private law cases can complement criminal ones. Therefore, if it is required, we work with our skilled acquaintances and network to follow the case in a private law perspective.