Region Area


Yves Loix

GSJ Advocaten, Belgium

Work Department

Real estate, contract law and public procurement


Yves Loix (born on 18 April 1971) has been a lawyer for 20 years. During that time he has specialised in assisting private and public clients with the implementation and commercialisation of real estate projects, some large, some small, and with private initiatives (for example, urban development projects, land allotment operations, care centres, residential properties, retail outlets, SME business parks, companies, etc.). Inevitably, given the nature of such projects his scope of action extends throughout Flanders and Brussels.

Yves consistently adopts a practical and pragmatic approach, making maximum use of his thorough theoretical knowledge. In this regard, the underlying principles of his approach to management supervision are legal certainty, speed and cost efficiency. To this end, close and strictly confidential cooperation with clients as regards their strategic choices is of course an essential element.

As a specialist in his field, Yves was appointed by the Flemish government as an expert in spatial planning within the SARO (Strategic Advisory Council on Spatial Planning) and the VHRM (Flemish High Enforcement Council for Spatial Planning and the Environment). Locally, he works in his municipality as the chairman of the GECORO (Municipal Spatial Planning Commission).

In addition to shouldering his responsibilities on various advisory boards and his work as a lawyer, he was invited to give lectures by the Urban Development and Spatial Planning department of the University of Antwerp. Furthermore, he has for many years been teaching building developers, real estate experts and real estate agents in the context of training courses organised by Syntra. Lastly, he is a regular guest speaker at seminars and colloquia.

Yves first earned his candidate diploma in chemistry at the LUC in 1991 and subsequently obtained a law degree at the UIA (Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen) and the RAU (Rijksuniversitair Centrum Antwerpen) in 1996. After he graduated from university, he obtained a postgraduate degree in Environmental Law at the Catholic University of Leuven (1997) and followed a training course for environmental coordinators level A at the LUC (1997-1998).


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